
Ren Light and The Olympians

Ren Light, a 14-year-old student at Yancy Academy, is warning readers that being a Half-Blood is no picnic, especially in his case, as he is the offspring of a Titan Slayer and a primordial Aeon.

KDisthename · Outros
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5 Chs

Before all else...

Greetings, dear readers,

Welcome to this creative endeavor born out of my deep admiration for PJO. It's crucial to recognize that the foundation of this narrative, including characters, story elements, and various references, belongs to their rightful owners and creators.

Within these pages, any recognizable content from the original is the intellectual property of its original creators. Additionally, there might be elements inspired by or borrowed from other media, which also belong to their respective creators.

I want to highlight that the ideas and concepts presented here are not solely my own. They act as a homage to the captivating world and characters found within the series. My purpose in crafting this fanfic is purely for personal enjoyment and to offer a different perspective within this universe.

This work serves as a creative outlet for my thoughts and ideas, sparked by similar fanfictions. It is not intended for any commercial purposes. I hope readers can enjoy this fanfic as a form of entertainment and as a celebration of the source material.

Thank you for investing your time in reading :).
