
Ren Light and The Olympians

Ren Light, a 14-year-old student at Yancy Academy, is warning readers that being a Half-Blood is no picnic, especially in his case, as he is the offspring of a Titan Slayer and a primordial Aeon.

KDisthename · Others
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Prologue: The Aeon & The Titan Slayer

Deep within the vast expanse of the Hyperverse, a region rarely scouted by the esteemed members of the Council of Kaden, a momentous conflict erupted. This clash of titanic forces would ultimately determine the fate of countless multiverses, and it was in the midst of this tumultuous struggle that two entirely unique beings found themselves drawn to each other in a way that defied all logic and reason.

The first of the two was a former war hero, a boy that had been the subject of a failed experiment, and had endured untold suffering as a result. Despite its many wounds and scars, however, he remained steadfastly committed to moving beyond the traumatic past and embracing a brighter future.

The second is an Aeon, a primordial entity possessed of immense power and wisdom, yet possessing a human-like nature and personality. Unlike the boy, the Aeon detested war and violence, instead preferring to promote peace, harmony, and understanding.


The battle against the encroaching darkness proved brutally challenging. Heroes fell, and Heralds emerged in every direction as the imminent threat escalated. Amidst this turmoil, the boy, or better known as Darren Brightwing, emerged as one of the seasoned veterans in this conflict. Five years after distancing himself from the world and yearning for a normal life in his universe, he found himself reluctantly pulled back into the chaos of war, grappling with the struggle to suppress his old life's instincts.

Meanwhile, the Aeon or known as Serenitara, a primordial being embodying peace, diplomacy, mediation, and harmony, led the charge to repel the impending enemy. Despite being the Aeon of Peace, she considered herself hypocritical as she took on a role as one of the commanders in the "Off-World Alliance." Her siblings opposed her actions, but as rebellious as a human teen could be, she surpassed their defiance and disregarded their suggestions. She left her home universe along with those who volunteered to aid in the ongoing struggle.

Darren and Serenitara's love story was a tumultuous one, filled with obstacles that seemed to keep them apart. Despite their undeniable affection for one another, it was Darren's past fears and traumas that always found ways to haunt him, making him doubt his ability to be in a committed relationship. On the other hand, Serenitara's position as one of the alliance commanders and her responsibilities as an Aeon also posed a challenge to their love. They feared that if their feelings were revealed, it could put their positions and the alliance at risk.

In the aftermath of the devastating war which had left ravaged their side of the Hyperverse, Kaden - the founder of the Council of Kaden - appeared before two newlyweds to express his apologies for the devastation and destruction that had befallen their worlds. He acknowledged that if only his council members had done their jobs and scouted the region to ensure that everything was normal and calm as it should be, the war would have never happened and the source of the conflict would have been cut off early, stopping it in its tracks.

Despite the destruction and loss that the war had brought, Kaden and the newlyweds found solace in the fact that it had brought them together. Kaden praised the two for their bravery and the job well done in saving numerous multiverses from the brink of destruction.

Kaden also explained that the reason why his council members were not present to deal with the matter alongside them was that they were stretched thin, dealing with significant matters on far-off sides of the Hyperverse. He acknowledged that this was not an ideal situation, but it was the reality they were facing at the moment.

In the end, Kaden made a heartfelt request to the newlyweds. He asked if they would be willing to move to that universe permanently. The two thought about it for a long while, weighing the pros and cons. In the end, they agreed, knowing that it would be a new beginning for them, and a chance to start afresh in a universe that had been given a second chance.


The world that the two moved into was a strange and peculiar one, unlike any they had ever known. Despite being highly modern and industrialized, it was a place where gods and other pantheons existed, hidden from the eyes of normal people. What made it even more bizarre was that none of the local deities in this world had yet figured out the massive, ominous, and primordial presence that Serenitara always carried, which was the reason for her being an Aeon.

They settled down in New York, it became clear that they would finally be able to live their lives to the fullest, along with their child, Ren. Darren became addicted to writing novels and eventually became a famous anonymous writer who used his experiences as a model for his works. On the other hand, Serenitara, now known as Seraphine, became a devoted mother, spoiling Ren with love, affection, and being clingy towards her son. She also discovered her talent as a graphic designer, honing her skills and becoming incredibly good at it.

And so, the story of Ren began, a child born into a world where gods and other mythical creatures existed, living a life filled with wonder and adventure.

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