
Remnant is Gifted a Box

This has been rewritten! Team RWBY receives a mysterious package for someone, without knowing the dangers they opened it. It’s nothing dangerous, unless you count your grades dropping, and binge watching a supernatural true story a bad thing! Cover doesn’t belong to me. This is more comical than anything serious, but during future chapters it might change.

ALonelyAuthor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter nine (Ah, shit, here we go again)

A/N: I'm out of my mumbo-jumbo for this fan-fic, but moving on! This time, since I said Kyle would go to DxD but there's been a change of plans!

Anyways I sadly regrettably made a Twitter, follow me @i_opinions or IHaveHorribleOpininos I'll do some shitposting there or give out horrible opinions like the little menace to society I am.

"Men's Value is equivalent to their job; for an example a man's job would be sewage worker, he'll be treated as a sewage worker in the public eyes; while a CEO will be given V.I.P only because of the fact that he's a CEO of a company, this is regardless of the fact that without sewage workers we would be drowning in our our piss and shit." - quote by a shitposter.


A new day, a new dawn, team Rwby slept relatively well despite the DVD that they watched, however they continued to sleep despite the fact that it's 7 AM, why? Simple, it's the weekend! Every person that has gone to school can agree the two day's if you don't include Friday are the best day's when it's not summer.

There was almost zero to no noises from team Rwby, that is if you exclude Yang, whom is currently horizontal on the bed with her pillow on the floor, her head nearly off the edge of the bed, her feet dangling off on the other side and her blanket not even an millimeter on her body.

Blake was the first to get up, she got out of the bed and looked towards her teammate and winced at the position that her teammate is in, she didn't wince at the position that Yang is currently in but rather the fact of the aftermath. Blake didn't know nor want to know how she slept through such an uncomfortable position but she didn't let it affect her.

Blake's thoughts went back to the erratic character that was Kyle that they were introduced to, it seemed like he had zero reason, zero motivation, zero goals, as if he was there to just be an annoyance. However she did like what he brought to the table; a good laugh, it seems like Kyle was a good person at heart but what does she know?

Blake sighed as she stepped into the shower, Blake would be lying if she said that he hated Kyle but rather she found him to be a little annoying. He made her laugh a good couple of times if anything such as yesterday was to go by, but still; she would rather not have him yell every seven seconds.

Blake got out of the shower and did her hair all while thinking or rather guessing on what the next adventures of Kyle would be, would they be light hearted as before or would they become serious. Blake would much rather have the serious one, so that she could actually benefit from it rather than it being just a laugh.

Placing a bow on she got back into her bed and got her book and began reading. Eventually her other teammates got up with Weiss obviously not being a morning person, Ruby being the hyperactive child that she is quickly got her stuff and ready for the day, and finally Yang who woke up and made a audible crack that Blake was sure that JNPR heard next door from Yangs' back.

"So, team!" Ruby began "ready to continue?" Ruby said with a smile.

"Continue with what?" Weiss being the snappy being that she is sounded angry at the fact that Ruby spoke.

"To continue watching that DVD we got yesterday!" Ruby spoke, Blake looke at the time and only saw that it was 9:35.

"Maybe we should wait for JNPR, after all they watched it with us yesterday" Blake said this as Ruby widened her eyes as she forgotten her other friends.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door Ruby who was on top of the couch to give her speech about watching Kyle's adventures fell down in surprise letting out a little 'Eep' sound.

Weiss walked on over and opened the door and saw team JNPR. She scowled a little at the sight of Jaune who was the first person in front of her.

"Hey girls! We're here to finish the show and we brought snacks" Jaune said this has he held up a couple of bags of chips with a few brownies in them.

"Drinks too!" Nora decided to announce herself as she started to drink out of an open soda can that had a crazy straw coming out of its hole. Weiss moved out of the way to let JNPR in only lighting up her scowl as Phyrra said a simple 'hello' as she walked in.

"Watch the show? What about studying, or training? Please don't tell me that you all are going to watch the show rather than train to become huntsmen?!" Weiss being the party pooper that she is spoke.

"Ah, Ice Queen, don't be such a party pooper, it's just one more day, it shouldn't hurt." Yang spoke as she took some snacks from Jaune to help him lighen his load.

"Weiss is right about one thing" Phyrra said "we should be training or studying." Weiss nodded her head as she felt satisfied that the Champion was agreeing with her.

"Aww C'mon! I wanted to watch Kyle beat up some more monsters!" Nora whined as Ren took the sodas away from Nora in order to avoid any incidents.

"Yeah! Kyle's like a hero! He kills monsters and stops the bad guy's!" Ruby said this while jumping up and down on the couch like a child.

'Life isn't always about heroes and villains, Ruby' Blake wanted to say this but rather opted to get out of her bed and left her book up there.

"Still, Weiss and Phyrra are correct, we shouldn't spend extra time on a show when rather we could spend that extra time getting stronger" Ren said this as he and Yang placed drinks and snacks on the table that sat between the TV and couch.

"Not you too Renny!" Nora said this in horror as she stepped back at Ren's words.

"How about we alternate?" Blake decided to speak up gaining the attention of all. "We can have a day where we watch the show and another day to study and train." Ruby seemed like she was in front of a fairytale hero, her eyes only shown thankfulness.

"I guess taht isn't so bad" Weiss stated surprising everyone "it doesn't hurt having a day off, BUTT tomorrow we will train and study! No excuses! I'm looking at you Yang." Weiss said this while everyone was still shocked.

"What?" Weiss said this in confusion, she looked at her fellow teammates and her friends, even though she would never admit it in her life, she saw these seven people in front of her as her friends.

Yang spoke first "No-Nothing, it's just that… well, you've never agreed to anyone of us before." Yang said this because they've only been teammates for a total of five days if you don't count this one.

Weiss sighed in annoyance as Phyrra walked over to the floor near the door as there was a note there closing the door she held the note in her hands.

"Umm, guy's did you know that there was a note on your floor?" Phyrra said this gaining everyone's attention.

"No, in fact what does it say?" Weiss said this as she crossed her arms hoping that the note will help her forget Yang's words from earlier.

Phyrra opened the note and began reading the note "Hey, I don't know if this got to you but this note should be given to a team in Beacon named Rwby, if so that is great! I've noticed that you have one of my discs, that's okay, in fact that great. Here's the dealio, it's my show so I want you to review it, so when your done you can send it to this address."

Weiss was relieved as the owner of the disc wasn't angry at them have his property, how ever the offer to review the show took her off guard. However she would t say no, after all if became a great distraction from her own problems

Phyrra then unfolded the note and continued "Anyways, I noticed that the disc you have doesn't have the episodes in order, that's fine, I'm not worried about that; and in case you're worried about it the other disc does have it's episode's in order. Moving on make sure that while you have it don't damage it, it has a few episodes that isn't on the other discs and we're a… pain to create." Pyrrha flinched as the real note said ass not pain.

"That's a relief that the owner of the disc isn't angry with us." Weiss said this while scratching the top of her head.

"How awesome is that?! We get to review a show! Oooo~" Ruby seemed to run in her place as she smiled.

"A definite 10/10" Yang said this as she nodded. Weiss rolled her eyes as RWBY and JNPR got into their places before and began to get the show back on track.

[The episode started with the sun in the sky with a bit of clouds blocking the way then the camera panned down to show Kyle who looked different from before, his hair went down to the middle of his neck. He wore a black trench coat that had a buckle at the waist section that wasn't buckled and instead flowed freely. The rest what Kyle wore was rather mundane a white T-shirt with jeans that was held up with a leather buckle and Timbs.]

Yang raised her eyebrow and spoke "I know a certain fashion expert that could give Kyle here a much needed wardrobe change" after Yang spoke a knock was heard at the door, most looked at Yang as if asking 'Did you summon someone?'

Ren, who didn't look at Yang, got up and opened the door. Ren was met with two females, one was a human and the other was a Faunus, a rabbit Faunus.

"Coco! Velvet!" Yang said this as her head hung over the couch's back. Coco walked in along with Velvet who looked nervous.

Ruby looked at Yang as if she actually summon the Fashion tyrant that is Coco. Yang didn't even notice nor feel her sister's look as she was looking at Coco and Velvet. Coco glanced over RWBY's dorm room and ignored all of it's questionable placements.

"Hey, Yang, I'd thought I'd drop by and annoy you for a bit. I even brought along Velvet!" Coco said this as she wrapped her arm around Velvet's neck. Velvet the only two Faunus's in the room was very nervous after all these are the friends of Coco.

Coco then noticed Kyle on screen she nearly had a stroke at the sight of such poor fashion sense.

"What in Oum's name is that?!" Coco said this as she took off her sunglasses and pointed on Kyle on screen. After laughing about it they explained it too her and Velvet. Coco and Velvet decided to stay and see what this mysterious show had to offer.

[The Camera the panned a little out showing another man who was insanely tall and buff, his height was easily ten feet, he had white hair that went down his back as he was covered in an entire suit of kevlar armor. The Camera panned and showed his face, his face wasn't ugly nor handsome just average, that is if you ignore the pace paint that went from his left side of his face to the right side ending at the left side of his forehead right at his hairline; the mark went through this nose perfectly fitting between his eyebrows.]

[Akamemozumodoki Fujikasane "Kasane"]

"That's a very long name," Pyrrha said as her eyes widened at Kasane's name.

"His first name is a tongue twister" Jaune said this as he adopted a worried face.

"It's Mistrialian!" Pyrrha said this louder than she wanted.

"Really?! What does it say?!" Ruby and Nora both said this in excitement as both Ren and Blake were a little bit worried, after all doesn't that mean he's in there world right now?!

"It means 'Red-eyed… Stacking' well Akamemozumodoki means Red eyed while Kasane means Stacking Fuji… I don't know what it means." Pyrrha said this as Yang and Coco snorted at the name.

["So Kasane are you ready?" Kyle said this in a dark tone as if what their about to do was nothing good.]

[Kasane sighed as he placed a Kevlar helmet that covered his entire face "Honestly I can never be ready to rob a bank." Kasane said this as he picked up a Mini-gun and Kyle placed two duffle bags that held his ammo that link to one another.]

Everyone was surprised! After all isn't Kyle a good guy? The hero?

[Kyle sighed as he placed another duffel bag on Kasane. "Mistrals' government is corrupt to its core, this bank only houses money belonging to one of the most powerful crime families in Mistral, if we rob the bank and burn the rest they'll be heavily crippled." Kyle said this as he added two more duffel bags of ammo to Kasane]

Everyone was shell shocked for a second time, the bad guys are actually the good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guy's? What's going on?

"He isn't wrong, after all Mistral is known for its corrupt government in the past but most of not all of the crime bosses have been in jail since five years ago." Pyyrha said this as he shifted in her seat.

Weiss brought out her scroll and was shocked "Oh My Oum!!" Weiss said this in pure shock "I think we're watching the Burning Bank heist!!" Everyone was shocked by this.

The Burning Bank Heist was one of the most movie-like thing to happen ever. There were two armed assailants and they got away with 55.28 million and burned over a billion Lien cards! People to this day still don't know how they got away, many theorized that one of them had a illusion or cloaking semblance but that was ruled out since they didn't come up on the police thermal sights.

To this day it was one of the most surprising things that has been done, the most surprising thing was that it was only two people AND they got away! Hell! Several studios made movies based off the event from true stories to not so true stories.

[Kyle sighed as he walked away and brought out a mask that had a American flag over it with what seemed to be a troll-like face on it. Kyle putting on Dallas' mask Kyle brought out a Mossberg that had a golden camo. "Tell me Kasane… are you ready for a Payday?" Kyle said this as Kasane nodded. The camera then cuts to inside the bank with several people waiting in line as people came and go.]

"Ah so quiet and peaceful, probably so quiet that Blake over here could read in it" Yang said this sarcastically then turned to look at Blake rolled her eyes.

"Not even close, first of all there is too many people-" Blake was cut off by Yang.

"Woah calm down, I was joking!"

Blake sighed "still…"

[Then after a few seconds the doors opened up to show Kyle and Kasane, Kyle fired two shots in the air then switched his shotgun out for a simple AK-47 then switched the safety for the gun off.

'Carrying the gun with the safety off… what the hell was I thinking?!' Kyle bashed himself in the head for doing such a rookie mistake

"Alright ladies and gents! If you follow my instructions you will, 100%, no lie, get out alive; that is if you follow my directions!" Kyle said this as he got atop one of the desks that the bank has.]

"Is he lying?" Nora asked.

"To be honest he sounds like one of those DustTuber people to practically beg people to like the video." Coco said this as she smirked.

"Huh… so that's why it sounded familiar" Ruby said this while nodding and narrowing his eyes.

['How are you so slow?!' Kyle said this via mental communication as he went towards the banks vault.

'Because I weigh as much as a M1A2 Abrams, also you can't be talking at all, do you even know what friction is?' Kasane said this as he kept guard and shot near any civilian or huntsman who tried to move.

'That's because I am speed, and that sounds like a personal problem.' Kyle said this as the camera cuts to him stuffing Lien cards in two separate duffel bags before getting a jerry can that he most likely pulled out of his ass and began to spread it everywhere in the vault.]

The audience laughed at the conversation that Kyle and Kasane had, it almost sounded like they weren't robbing a bank and instead sounding like Kasane lost a race at the playground.

"At least Kasane didn't kill anyone" Velvet said this nervously as she watched Kasane fire a warning shot at civilians.

"That's dangerous either way," Ren said. "The bullet could ricochet and kill anyone by accident." Ren said this as he noticed the danger that Kasane unknowingly did.

"Wait a second, is he using rubber bullets?" Weiss said this as she looked closer where Kasane shot at.

Ren and Blake looked closer, while the rest shrugged it off; after all of it was a rubber bullet how would it make a bullet- Aura… they forgot about Aura.

"It is! Kasane's shooting rubber bullets" Blake said this in surprise, she did not expect this at all!

"Well… at least they're not in danger" Velvet said.

"Actually-" Ren was about to speak but was cut off.

"Life threatening danger" Velvet said this as Ren let it go.

['Oh my fucking god, it doesn't take this long to get money and burn the rest!' Kasane said this impatiently as he constantly had to check his six in order to make sure no one came behind him in order to be a hero.

'Shut the fuck up! You can't rush perfection' Kyle said this as the camera cuts once again and shows Kyle placing multiple explosives down.

'Perfection? The hell are you?-' Kasane was cut off by the huge explosion and the fact that Kyle came out of the back with flames that seemed to chase him.]

"Ha! They really sound like they aren't robbing a bank!" Yang said this as she snorted. Blake felt like she got her tuna ripped right out of her hands, they were doing so well with the anticipation but killed it.

[Kyle dropped a bag full of Lien and looked around "Well? What are you doing?! It's burning! Get out before we actually shoot! Kyle said this as the civilians started to exit the building.]

"Aww, that's nice" Pyrrha said this with a small smile.

"Even as pretending to be the bad guy he's still good!" Ruby raised a fist in the air, Kyle despite being a bad guy killed no one so far, so that's a plus.

[The camera cuts to the outside which shows multiple police, huntsmen, and bullheads surrounding the building. The police were trying to stop the panicking civilians from… well… panicking. After the civilians were out of the way both police and huntsmen began closing in.

The camera cuts back to Kasane and Kyle. "Okay, so what now?" Kasane asked.

Kyle flicked his safety off to full auto "now? Now we give them the best of us."]

"The best of them? What is this? A dating site?" Coco joked.

Yang laughed "Ah, yes, here after the first date - which is the robbery - I'll be giving you the best of me" Ruby laughed at her sister's remark.

[Police and huntsmen were close to the inside, some of them were shaking until they started to hear music.

(Gas Gas Gas)

"COMING UUUUUUUUUP!!!!!" Kyle's voice was heard from the inside of the bank and then suddenly the doors and most of the entrance was blown out as a truck with six wheels came out, the truck was entirely black with one set of tires being on the front and the rest on the back.

When the truck landed the police and huntsmen got a good look at the monster of a man that is Kasane with his height and muscle. Everyone was too shocked to say anything or do anything.]

"Yo!! That's a kick-ass truck!!" Yang said this as she started to hear the music. "That music sounds pretty dope as well!

[The truck landed directly in the middle of the road and was forced to take a very hard right that wasn't blocked due to the police cars being behind them. Kasane on the back too the opportunity to fire at them killing most of the police before they left his vision.

As Kasane fired blood, guts, and limbs flew, it was like he was playing Paint The Town Red: Bank Robbing Edition. People died and regrettably innocent civilians also got in the crossfire and died.]

Both team Rwby and Jnpr gagged at the sight of the mountains of dead bodies, well except Ren who had a very disgusted face.

Coco sighed "whether you like it or not you're training to become huntsmen, you need to get used to sights like these. Dispite Velvet's innocent nature she nodded, she's seen these sights before, it was hard; but she eventually got over it and developed an iron-like stomach to sights like this. Eventually they got over it and continued the show.

[Kyle smiled as he drifted the truck around and intersection (Do you like… my car?) Kasane continued to shoot at the pursuing bullheads, Kasane shot at them with no mercy, aiming at the engine or the glass protecting the pilot.

"I HAVE MORE BULLETS THAN GOD AND I'M MADE OUT OF TUNGSTEN BITCH!!!!!!" Kasane yelled this over the bullet shots at the police and huntsmen taunting them]

Some laughed at Kasane's taunting "I have more bullets than god'" Yang repeated what Kasane said then proceeded to giggle along with Ruby and Nora.

"What's Tungsten?" Velvet asked which she received shrugs and when Weiss looked it up she got no results.

[The Bullheads were taking heavy hit's one was smoking black smoke while the other two had very noticeable damage but wasn't smoking.

(Guess you're ready cause I'm waiting for you, it's going to be so exciting!)

Police cars came after the six wheeled truck to stop them, Kasane stopped shooting at the Bullheads and started to shot at the incoming police, he decided to be a little more smart and decided to aim at the tires which was a success causing most of the police cars who were in front to crash into each other before banking to the side and crashing into a nearby building.]

"Damn, this music is hitting hard!" Yang said this as she started to move body to the music.

"Ah! No! Stop!" Ruby who was beside her sister constantly got a face and mouthful of hair which she tried desperately but failed to stop her sister.

Weiss ignored the two sisters "Kasane's aim is pretty impressive for that weapon."

Coco snorted "yup, completely unrealistic, for that weapon you gotta spray and pray. Less praying and more laughing for me." Coco muttered the last bit.

[(Got this feeling really deep in my soul, let's get out I wanna go, come along get it on!)

The camera moved over to Kyle who was jamming out and singing along "Got this feeling really deep in my soul!!" Kyle said this as he made a very sharp right that made a few police cars go flying past and crash into each other.]

A few students wienced at the sight of the police crashing and making a ball of metal and screams of pain.

"The worse bumpers car experience yet" Jaune said this as he shook his head when he said this Yang was drinking and she nearly choked on her drink.

[(Gonna take my car, gonna see me, gonna drive along 'till I get you!)

Due to Kasane's weight when Kyle too that turn he nearly tipped the truck over. 'Dude stop taking such sharp turns! I nearly fell out!' Kasane told this to Kyle who didn't answer as he was actually trying l figure out how to lose the cops.

Everything was fine until Kasane shot down a Bullhead that landed into a crane that came crashing down and when it did it took an entire side of a skyscraper probably killing hundreds of people.]

"Oh my Oum…" Pyrrha covered her mouth in shock as she thought about the people who were innocently doing their jobs.

Blake cringed at the sight of half of the building getting cut off, she could only image Adam doing that if he's given the chance.

[('Cause I'm crazy-hot and ready, but you'll like it! I wanna race for you, shall I go now?)

'Ah shit, he we go again' Kyle said this with the most blank face imaginable as a peice of the building landed around the truck which Kyle had to skillful dodge.

Kasane meanwhile was rocking back and forth unable to shoot at the bullheads or police which stopped their chase as an entire skyscraper apparently got a fade.

"I'm driving next time!!!" Kasane yelled this over every audible thing that could be heard.]

Yang laughed "He sounds like Weiss!"

Weiss took offense to this "excuse me?!"

"Relax Ice-Queen, it's a joke" Coco lowered her sunglasses to look Weiss in the eyes.

Spoil alert: Coco didn't manage to relax Weiss but only increase her anger.

[(GAS GAS GAS!! I'm gonna step on the gas, tonight I'll fly and be your lover! Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'll be so quick in as a flash and I'll be your hero!!)

Kyle managed to dodge most of them but a police spike strip that magically got there took out his tires, Kyle trying to recover began to spin multiple times as he the tires made and ear piercing screeching sound but was flipped on it it's left side due to Kasane's weight.]

"Now that was cool!" Yang said.

"You wanna bet I can do it?" Nora asked.

"Do what?" Jaune spoke.

"Spin that many times and not fall down!" Nora said this as she smiled.

"They spun around for eighteen times before they flipped" Ren informed Nora who smiled at the challenge.

"Later, after this episode" Pyrrha said this surprising Weiss as she expected Pyrrha to not involved herself in these types of things but thought wrong.

'Everyone else seems to be friends… I just… keep pushing them away' Weiss thought this as she thought about everyone's having fun around her… but she's having fun… right?

[The music began to die out as Kasane wobbled his way out of the truck's back and ripped his kevlar armor off showing his muscles on his arms that was easily the size of an average thirteen's body. Kasane then took off the ammo bags and equipped his katana that was in one of the bags.]

"Jeez! His muscles are so huge!" Jaune said this as he was shocked.

"Hey Renny do you think that I could sit on his arms?" Nora asked but didn't receive an answer.

Yang looked like she was daydreaming, she would kill for a man who had a body like that. But was brought out of her mind as she received a hit on the head by Blake.

Weiss didn't like Kasane's body, she found it repulsive instead, it was too much muscle for her taste. Ruby however was trying to figure out how strong Kasane is by his muscles.

[Kyle then kicked the truck's door off and crawled out as he heard a Bullhead land right in front of him, he sighed as he pulled out his shotgun. "Can't catch a break can we?" Kyle said this as he landed on the ground.

What came out of the Bullhead or rather who shocked both Kyle and Kasane, it was Atlas' spec ops, or Ace opts.

"Ahhhhhhh, SHIT!!!" Kyle said this as he saw winter come out with her weapon out.]

Weiss was shocked! After all her sister's on screen! Not only that buys she looks younger, maybe younger by five years or so but definitely younger.

["Halt! You two are surrounded! Give up and come peacefully!" Winter said this as she landed on the ground and her heels made a clicking sound that both Kyle and Kasane heard.

"Why the hell is Ace opts here? Shouldn't you be in atlas?!" Kyle said this as he cracked his neck and lit the truck behind him on fire as him and Kasane walked forward.

Winter was on guard at the size of Kasane and her other teammates got out with Marrow on her left with Vine, on her right were Clover who was eyeing up Kasane along with Elm and the last on on the left was Harriet.

"That is none of your concern" Harriet said this as she activated her weapon that was a skeleton suit.

Elm got out her weapon that is a hammer and rocket launcher hybrid.

Marrow got out his weapon with a smirk which was a sniper that doubled as a boomerang.

Clover then got out a… fishing rod.]

"They all have cool weapons… except for him" Ruby said this as she gave a glare a Clover for just having a fishing rod.

"Jeez that's some strong hatred you got there sis" Yang said this with a slight smile.

["None of your concern', if you want to be a bitch then fine! It's none of your concern if we rob a bank!" Kyle said this as he flipped Winter off.

"I mean damn! You should be helping out the civilians that are trapped underneath all that ruble! Not coming after us! Is catching some bank robbers that stole some Lien worth a few hundred innocent life's?!" Kyle said this while pointing at the skyscraper that had a fade.

Winter flinched at the words that Kyle spoke, no matter what she could say couldn't refute the hard truth that Kyle laid down.

"They can handle themselves" Clover said this as he readied themselves as did the rest of the Ace Ops.]

"What Kyle said was morally correct, but I think he's just trying to make them lower their guard." Pyrrha said this as she had a small smile.

["Anyway's, you ready to lose?" Kyle said this as he cracked his knuckles.

"It's two vs seven, what makes you think you'd win?" Marrow being cocky chuckled at Kyle's words.

"We robbed a bank with two people… why can't we fight against two people and win as well?" Kyle said this as he smirked at Marrow.

(I Will give you my all!)

Kyle ran forward and Clover tried to use his fishing rod to get Kyle towards him but Kyle grabbed it and almost within a second it was burned from existence, as if it didn't exist. Barring Clover's shocked expression Kyle didn't stop and ran towards Winter.

Kasane and Elem crashed into each other but Kasane being wanting to show off picked up a huge chunk of debris, it was easily bigger and heavier than the truck that they were riding in.

Then he threw it.

Elem nearly got her head taken off as the debris crashed into the landed way behind Ace ops. The battle would continue only if Kyle and Kasane suddenly disappeared.]

"What?! What happened?! Where did they go?!" Nora said this like someone ruined her orgasam.

Ruby however was so happy because Clover's fishing rod was burnt to nothing, gone, reduced to atoms. She had a evil smile on her face as she thought of Clover crying about his stupid fucking little fishing rod.


[Kyle looked around only to see a very familiar face taht had a glare in her eyes, she screamed evil, yet because of Kyle he's stalling her on her conquest to conquer the world.

"A-Ah Salem you see-" Kyle was cut off.

"Shut it" Salami- sorry Salem said this as she scowled.

"Okay…" Kyle said this or else Salem might sue him for alimony, he might have a hundred chance to dodge everything, everything except alimony; that has a hundred percent hit chance.

"You!" Salem pointed at Kasane "get back to your world, I have… business with Kyle." Kasane gave his fellow gamers respect and said only one word.

"F" with that he disappeared.

"You… you're coming with me… your son and daughter can wait a little bit longer." Salem said this while pulling Kyle's hair.]

"Oof.. sucks to be him" Yang said this as the episode ended.

"Still… that woman… Salem… something feels off about her." Ruby said this as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"She's thirsty" Coco said this "she's horny… it must really suck to be him."

Ruby shook her head while saying gross. Yang meanwhile laughed at Kyle being whipped.

A/N: it's not great but nor is it bad… anyways enjoy your day.

Words count: 5,611