
Chapter Eight

A/N: Enjoy the chapter! (remember this is Deadspace) Sorry this took so long, I'm currently going through some shit.


<The screen came on with the title card then Kyle speaking. "All I'm saying is that when an alien species from space starts killing people and transforming dead bodies into more alien zombies. Then you should run… or grab a gun… I'm just saying.">

<The video opens up with Kyle running and screaming with necromorphs behind him>

Team RWBY and JNP started screaming out of fear and confusion while Ren just stared with mild surprise. When they did see the necromorphs chasing Kyle most either spilled their drinks or their popcorn flew out of their laps and went everywhere.

Ruby scrambled to grab the remote while screaming and managed to press pause.

"YANG! I got soda all over my dress!" Weiss said this while glaring at Yang.

"Big whoop, Ice Queen, my popcorn's everywhere AND I spilled my soda!" Yang said this while she got up and tried to clean herself.

"Where's the paper towels?" Jaune yelled this halfway across the room.

"...Somewhere!" Ruby yelled this back as she tried to save the last of her soda that's everywhere on the coffee table, which she is failing to do so.

"How do you not know where your paper towels are?!" Jaune yelled in both anger and confusion, mixed with a little bit of curiosity.

Ruby had no rebuttal, but instead asked a question "Wait, where's Blake?"

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi RWY and JNPR trying to find Blake but failing for two hours.*

"Okay… have we recovered lost popcorn and soda?" Rudy asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Yup/Yes/I hope so" was the mixed replies she received.

"Okay, and Yang, please hold onto Blake in case she runs away again" Ruby said this to her sister who is holding Blake in a death grip, while Blake remains slightly traumatized by the mere sight of the necromorphs.

<Kyle runs into an elevator "Where is the button!? Where is the motherfucking button!?!?" Kyle screams this out as he struggles to find the holographic controls to the elevator. The camera turns around to show the necromorphs getting closer.>

The audience reflexively recoiled at the sight of the necromorphs with Blake hissing. Yang stared at her partner while thinking 'did she just hiss?... She's like… the stereotype for feline fanus'.

<Kyle eventually finds the holographic controls and pressed the button while screaming ever so lounder every second, the doors of the elevator eventually closes with two necromorphs right outside the door>

<Kyle with shaky legs falls to the floor, "Yeah, alright. yeah , alright!. Yeah, OKAY!!" Kyle said this as he stood up and banging came from above him, looking up kyle saw vents on the ceiling of the elevator>

<"NONONONONONONONONONO!!! DON'T YOU FUCKING DAR-" Kyle didn't finish speaking as a necromorph fell right on top of him. The camera didn't point down but Kyle continued to scream as blood began to fly all over the elevator as another necromorph fell down on top of him. The screen cuts off with 'technical difficulties' written over a black background.>

Yang winced "that's gotta suck" Yang then noticed how quiet everyone is and raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.

<The screen opens up with a tentacle grabbing Kyle's leg "ALIEN SPACE TENTACLE HENTAI PENIS THING HAS MY LEG AND IS GOING TO RAPE ME-" the screen went into darkness as 'Technical Difficulties' was on the screen once again>

Nora laughed at the scene while the others felt disgusted. Except for Ruby… mainly because she didn't understand what he said, but she does understand that it's disgusting and that if she sees it she's going to burn it.

<The screen opens up with Kyle getting grabbed by a necromorph and kyle screaming "OH MY GOD IT'S GOING TO BITE MY DICK OFF!" Kyle then burned the necromorph alive and Kyle just stands there for a few seconds before speaking "oh… nevermind">

<"RUN LIKE A BITCH!!!!" Kyle screamed this as a Brute chased after him, the brute knocked over medical supplies such as medkits, needles, and gloves that sat at a trolley that the brute thrown to the side.>

Most of the audience began to scream out of pure fear while Blake could feel her soul be taken to the afterlife after seeing the Brute.

"No way they can get that big!!" Weiss said this out of non-existent hope that she just conjured up out of thin air.

"But we've just seen-" Yang got cut off.

"No, I absolutely don't believe it!" Weiss still doesn't let go of her imaginary hope.

Yang then noticed her partner had gotten quite silent, Yang flipped around from the disillusioned heiress and looked at her partner who had passed out. 'Welp… she's gone' Yang thought this as she shook her partner awake which actually worked.

<Meanwhile in the future>

The Audience was relieved, mainly because they won't have to see the necromorphs anymore.

<"You chicken shit coward" Kyle said this as he shot a mans' head off.>

<"Oh? I'm a coward? Last time I checked during the whatever the fuck Hive Mind Necromorph thing that he had to fight; I WAS THE ONE WHO FOUGHT IT, AND YOU TOOK THE LAST HIT WHICH COUNTED AS YOUR KILL! YOU KILL STEALING RAT BASTARD!!>

Most of the audience tried to stifle their laughs but Yang laughed loudly while her sister glared at her. Ruby still remembers all of those times that her sister stole the kill by taking the last hit and claiming credit.

'Punishment will arrive soon dear sister, very soon,' Ruby thought this as she cackled in her head.

<"I DIDN'T RUN THROUGH A NUCLEAR WASTELAND TO HEAR YOU FUCKING COMPLAIN BITCH!" Kyle yelled this at someone who wasn't shown on screen.>

A/N: Okay i'm cutting this short, and you might be asking why? Well number one I already did this. Number two is that I can't find anything funny to place here.

Next is an anime! DxD where Kyle gets to shit on some people who deserve it… or he might be like the USA during WW2 and not give a shit… I'll roll a dice

Next chapter