
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 18 Cosmari Stellarium Celestia

They would grow into worlds. The pieces of my soul that had fused with them had evolved into the embryonic form of their Planar Will. After breaking through to the Paragon Foundation Building realm, I have received a huge boost in my energy reserves. As I was examining myself, a change took place. My Bloodline Source suddenly started throbbing and I felt as if my skin was burning. I scanned my skin and found that tattoos had started emerging on it. As the tattoos emerged, I could feel them resonating with the embryonic worlds in my cells. The tattoos looked as if someone had used a universe as the ink and etched them on my skin. My face didn't have any tattoos except for wing-like patterns around my eyes and the archaic symbol in the middle of my forehead.

When the tattoos finished emerging, my Bloodline Source stopped throbbing and sent an information pack to my consciousness. When I went through it, I was very shocked. It turns out that my bloodline had been only half awakened till now. That is why I went through so many changes after my birth. Even the vision that appeared when I was born was incomplete. The name of my species is Cosmari Stellarium Celestia, and as my mother had said, I am the first of my kind. Technically, any sentient universe is part of the Cosmari. I'm just the first Cosmari Stellarium Celestia, a new branch of humanoid Cosmari. This made me wonder if there were other universes, or beings that existed outside the Omniverse.

Azrael PoV End

Azrael returned to his residence on Essence Peak. He tested his deductions power and could use 1% easily. He went to Lionel and asked, "Grandpa, could you use that seal on me again?" Lionel looked at him and understood what Azrael wanted to do. He said, "For how long are you planning to suppress your cultivation?" Azrael replied, "I'll make a breakthrough once every year. In the meantime, I'll learn about Rune Mastery from Mom." Lionel agreed with him and put the seal on him once again.

Time flew and soon 1 year passed. Azrael spent this last year fully focusing on Rune Mastery. Ariana was an 8-Star Mortal Rune Master and more than capable of teaching him. Azrael found the study of runes very simple because runes were the language of the Cosmari. With his deduction power, he didn't have any difficulties inventing new arrays. He had become a 2-Star Mortal Rune Master in just a year. He unlocked a new ability, Rune Vision. It allowed him to view everything around him as runes. This ability allowed him to perform Alchemy and Blacksmithing via runes. it was now time for him to break through to the second stage of the Paragon Foundation Building realm. Lionel had given him a talisman that could be used to remove and reapply the seal. He focused on his foundation and started compressing it. Soon it stopped compressing and collapsed. Then Azrael carefully recondensed it. The new foundation was more detailed than the previous one. His tattoos started glowing and he could feel the growth of the worlds in his cells.

He then reapplied the seal and thought about what he would focus on this year. He decided to focus on Intents. One of the requirements of ascending was to completely comprehend an Intent. Unlike other people, he had to comprehend the intents of the Six Origin Elements before he could ascend. It was the price of his power. He decided to focus on the Intent of Creation because it would help with his Rune Mastery.

Another year passed. In this year Azrael completely comprehended the Intent of Creation and became a 3-Star Mortal Rune Master. At the same time, a mysterious Alchemist/Blacksmith shook up the Aurora Star with pills and metals that were 100% pure. Nobody knew if this was a person or an organization. The only thing that was known about them was that they only sold 3-Star Mortal metals and pills and that their every product had the symbol of an eye with an archaic symbol on them. People started calling them 'Archaic Eye'. Azrael unsealed himself and broke through to the third stage of the Paragon Foundation Building realm. While breaking through he added his comprehension of the Intent of Creation in his foundation. After the breakthrough, his foundation became more detailed and a small white flame started burning behind it. It was the representation of his Intent of Creation, The Flame of Creation.

1.5 years later. Azrael was now 8 years old. In the last 1.5 years, he completely comprehended the Intent of Destruction. He broke through to the fourth stage and a black bolt of lightning appeared in the opposite direction of the white flame behind his foundation. It was the Lightning of Destruction and it represented his Intent of Destruction. Every time he broke through his foundation would become more detailed and his tattoos would glow, speeding up the growth of the worlds in his cells. If he had completely comprehended an Intent and used it while recondensing his foundation, its symbol would appear behind his foundation.

A year later, he had comprehended the Intent of Space and broke through to the fifth stage. A silver star appeared and formed a triangle with the previous representations. He had also become a 4-Star Mortal Rune Master. His grandfather told him that it was time for Lily's combat training and he would accompany her to the Beast Forest. He agreed and decided to focus on Spear Intent there.

Lily had broken through to the Foundation Building realm in all three paths before the training started. Lionel had procured a bloodline for her but no matter how much he asked, she wouldn't tell him which. He had given her a drop of his blood essence before she used that bloodline. He told her to mix it with that bloodline and then use it to build her essence foundation. Instead of just 6 months, they spent a year in the Forest. They found the peripheral zone too easy so they moved on to the outer zone. Their relationship got quite close during that time.

Azrael also comprehended Spear Intent and after returning he broke through to the sixth stage and a transparent spear appeared in the center of the triangle. 3 years passed and Azrael was now 13 years old. He was going to break through to the ninth stage. He looked at his foundation, a cosmic humanoid with a circle formed by a white flame, a bolt of black lightning, a silver star, a grey clock, and a purple eye behind it. In the center of the circle was a transparent spear. He broke through to the ninth stage and used the Intent of Karma to condense his foundation. After the breakthrough, the foundation became so detailed that it looked just like Azrael. All the galaxies and nebulae rearranged themselves until they looked just like the tattoos on his body. In the circle of symbols behind it, a red string appeared opposite to the purple eye. When this happened, all symbols started glowing and revolving around the transparent spear. They then disintegrated into particles that were absorbed by the spear. After absorbing the particles, the spear gained color. It looked like it was made of the same substance as his foundation. After that, it moved itself and appeared in the hands of the foundation.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

I will post an auxiliary chapter about the Cosmari Stellarium Celestia once this novel collects 60 Power Stones.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 and @WholeFoods for supporting this novel.

Drown me with Power Stones

Follow me on Instagram @magnus_0508

See you next time