
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 17 Foundation Building

Azrael felt as if he had been unshackled. He didn't even know about the seal. What he did not know is that if Lionel hadn't used the seal on him, he would have been forced to make a breakthrough in just one or two months because his body was always absorbing energy due to the embryos in his cells. Even if he had broken through then, his foundation wouldn't be shaky but it definitely wouldn't be as firm as it is now. He made his way to Mt.Ascension to break through to the Foundation Building realm.

Azrael's PoV

According to the information that I had, in the Mana Foundation Building realm, one has to choose an element and then visualize and build a semi-solid foundation inside their lower dantian with their mana. During the 9 stages of the Mana Foundation Building, the structure would collapse and recondense 9 times, turning all the mana into the chosen element. It would also reach a state where it is almost solid and after one last cycle of collapsing and recondensing it in the shape of a sphere, one would break through to the Mana Core realm.

In the Essence Foundation Building realm, one can gain a bloodline even if they don't have one at birth. If the bloodline is strong and pure enough they can also change their race. It is almost the same procedure as before. The main difference is that instead of an element, one chooses a bloodline and forms the foundation inside their middle dantian. If one already has a bloodline, they can use their own but if they don't, they need 81 drops of blood essence of the bloodline they want to gain.

The Mystic Foundation Building realm is a bit different. One needs to choose a Mystic Path and use their understanding of it to build the foundation. Anything related to the soul can be a Mystic Path. Second professions such as Alchemy, Forging, and Rune Mastery. Emotions such as the Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues, etc. It can even be a weapon such as Sword, Spear, Saber, etc. The rest of the process is the same.

Lastly, the Paragon Foundation Building realm. One has to choose all of the above; an element, a bloodline, and a Mystic Path. Then they must choose a foundation that resonates with all of them and brings them together inside their Paragon Heart. During the 9 stages, they will merge with each other and evolve.

In all the Foundation Building realms the shape of the foundation heavily influences the Spirit that awakens in the Spirit Awakening realm. The clearer the visualization, the better the initial structure formed. One has to be very careful while choosing the initial structure and its compatibility with the element/bloodline/soul path. For example, if one chose the fire element and the foundation they have chosen is in the shape of a snowflake or any water/ice-related body such as glaciers, rivers, etc., there are only two results. One, due to the conflict between the two they explode in the Core realm. Second, the conflicting elements find common ground and fuse into a new element but the chances of this happening are second to none.

I already have a very strong bloodline so I don't have to worry about that. For the Mystic Path, I want to choose Rune Master. When I broke through the Mystic Gathering realm, those runes really fascinated me. I felt as if they were the language used by the world to communicate with all of us. For the element, I have an idea but I'm not sure if it would work. Before creating my Archon Heart, I had the Eyes of Chaotic Order, which were the result of synergy between the Eye of Chaos and the Eye of Order. But after evolving into my current form, my eyes had also changed. They were no longer just synergizing, but also perfectly fused with each other. I call them the Cosmic Eyes and I want to use the energy that was formed after the fusion of Chaos and Order or as I call it Cosmic Energy, as my element. Since I am practicing the Limitless Cosmos Formation technique, my foundation should be in the shape of a cosmos. I already have the perfect visualization for it, from my bloodline memories. I unlocked them till the birth of the Chaosverse and its evolution into the Omniverse. I focused on unlocking those two parts specifically and the rest were still sealed.

I reviewed my information once again thoroughly to make sure that I didn't miss anything and then, I initiated my breakthrough. I recalled the memories as I started visualizing. I visualized my Bloodline Source as a ball of condensed matter. Then I start feeding it Cosmic Energy with all I had. It absorbed and absorbed until it couldn't anymore but I didn't stop. Then, BOOM! It exploded and started forming galaxies, nebulae, etc. but their speed was very slow because they were acting on instinct. I used my understanding of Rune Mastery to communicate with them and to slightly guide them according to my memories. As soon as I did that, the process suddenly accelerated and soon habitable planets started to form.

I was confused because this was supposed to happen after I had comprehended at least something about space and time. I used my deduction power and realized that it was because I used my Bloodline Source as the ball of condensed matter. My bloodline is a fusion and evolution of Chaos and Iussum themselves, the beings who birthed space and time. I also realized that I would have an infinitely easier time comprehending the Intent, Concept, Law, Authority, and maybe even Source of the Six Origin Elements as compared to others.

When the habitable planets were completely formed in the visualization, I could feel the resonance between Cosmic Energy, the Archon Bloodline, Rune Mastery, and the foundation in the shape of a cosmos and it started building itself in my Archon Heart. While it was building itself, lightning clouds started gathering above me in the sky and it was time for my test.

A lightning bolt struck my Archon Heart through my chest. The strike blasted a hole in it exposing my foundation. It seemed like this was going to be the case in every Paragon Test. Then, lightning bolts started striking it. Instead of being destroyed, it started absorbing the lightning bolts. A total of 729 lightning bolts struck me and I was injured heavily. After the clouds dispersed, my Longevity talent kicked in and I started healing quickly. I focused on my foundation only to see that it had changed its shape from a swirling cosmos to a cosmos in the shape of a male human. When my Archon Heart healed completely and started beating again, my blood started washing the foundation and slightly changed in color. When this new blood started flowing inside me, the embryos in my cells started growing. I could now tell what they would grow into. They would grow into...


Author's Note: Important Info

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel. I have decided to change the name of this novel from 'Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Chaos Archon' to 'Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon' because I feel that it fits better with the story of this novel. I have made the corresponding changes.

To see the image of Azrael's foundation imagine a male version of the image in the link below.


The elements of Space, Time, Creation, Destruction, Fate, and Karma will now be together referred as the Six Origin Elements.

Intent, Concept, Law, Authority, and Source are stages of comprehension. One for each Realms, Intent is for the Mortal Realms, Concept for the Immortal Realms and so on.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 and @WholeFoods for supporting this novel.

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See you next time