
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 16 Training

The Beast Forest was a huge forest where monster beasts and demonic beasts were present in abundance. Many natural treasures formed there but it was a dangerous place for anybody below the Spirit Nourishment realm. It was divided into four zones. The peripheral zone, where most of the beasts were monster beasts. The outer zone, where one could find low-grade and some mid-grade demonic beasts. The inner zone, where mid-grade and high-grade beasts resided. The core zone was a mysterious place. There were rumors that the core zone was inhabited by spirit beasts but no one could confirm them because nobody ever returned after going there.

The Beast Forest was an important source of income for sect disciples. So the Immortal Sects had built a city, Aurora City, near the Beast Forest which they jointly managed. Every hundred years they would hold a competition amongst themselves for the position of City Lord. The current City Lord belonged to the Immortal Battle God Sect. Lionel and Azrael reached Aurora City via a transmission array. They made their way to the City Lord's Mansion where the City Lord greeted them with a warm welcome. At night, Azrael and Lionel decided to share a room because Lionel wanted to brief Azrael about his training.

Lionel looked at Azrael and said "I know that you are confused about what we are doing here. For the next 6 months, you will have to survive in the peripheral zone. Alone. You need to go through life-and-death battles. Iron needs to be forged in the hottest of fires before it can be made into a good weapon. Your potential is limitless but you need pressure to turn that into strength. I've already trained you in the Immortal Battle God Arts. Now you need to find your own path. I won't come and save you unless you're half dead, even if you lose a few limbs. I will wait here for 6 months and then come and get you. Remember do not go into the outer zone. It is still too dangerous for you and defeats the purpose of this training." The next morning Lionel left Azrael in the peripheral zone and returned to Aurora City.

Azrael PoV

When Grandpa was giving me these life lessons I was reminded of his Grandpa Arnold and Grandpa Jason. I wondered if I would ever meet them again. The first thing that I have to do is to find a water source and make a shelter. I found a low-grade monster beast and stalked it. Eventually, it lead me to a creek. There was a cave nearby and I decided to use it as a base for the next six months. I left the cave after marking it with my Archon energy. I found a green tiger twice the size of a normal tiger. It was a Forest Tiger, a mid-grade monster beast with the ability to control vines. They also move very fast and catch one off guard if they're not careful. It growled after seeing me and pounced on me but before it could reach me I punched its forehead and its head burst open. I looked at my fist in shock because I did not expect myself to be this strong. I understood why Grandpa insisted on this training. I decided to fight in the daytime and comb through my experiences at night.

Then I heard multiple growls. It was a pack of Wind Wolves that had been attracted by the scent of the blood. I counted around 15 wolves aside from the alpha. The alpha was a high-grade monster beast while the rest of the pack members were mid-grade monster beasts. I knew that this was going to be a tough battle and I had to finish it fast. Five wolves lunged at me, wanting to overwhelm me with numbers. I punched one on the head, and just like before its head burst. I remembered the lessons Grandpa gave me and my movements started becoming faster. I became a killing machine, killing everything in my path. After I killed the alpha, I looked at the carnage around me and vomited. The broken body parts of the wolves surrounded me, and a thick stench of blood hung in the air. Only the alpha's body was left intact as I had killed it by stabbing its eye with a bone. I collected the alpha's body in my space ring and returned to the cave. Inside the cave, I made a dagger with a piece of bone and started skinning the alpha carefully. After taking apart its skin and fur, I started a fire and roasted its meat. I had to be careful as the scent could attract more beasts to me. After eating my meal, I sat down and meditated. I used about 0.5% of my computing power to analyze today's battle and I realized that I needed a weapon. I fashioned a crude spear with the bones of the alpha. then I washed its fur and left it to dry overnight. I would make a cloak with it tomorrow.

Azrael PoV End

Azrael fell into a routine. He would fight monsters and train his spearmanship during the day and analyze those battles with his extraordinary computing power during the night. He eventually started fighting only high-grade monster beasts. He upgraded his spear and outfit numerous times and his space ring was now filled with monster body parts. Just like this 6 months passed.

One day Azrael was getting ready to go out of his cave when he sensed someone outside the cave. He readied 4 throwing bone daggers in his hand. When that person entered, he threw the daggers. It was Lionel, he had come to get his grandson back and check his progress. If he was satisfied with it, they would proceed to the next phase. What he didn't expect was that he would be welcomed with daggers to his eyes, neck, and heart. He just let the daggers hit him and they shattered on contact. He saw his cute little grandson holding a bone spear, wearing beast hides, and releasing killing intent.

He said, "Brat it seems that living in the forest has made you bolder, attacking your Grandpa like that." Azrael hung the spear on his back and withdrew his killing intent. He then made a sheepish expression and said, "Why did you sneak up on me like that? I thought you were an intruder." Lionel smirked and said, "You did well. The daggers would distract the enemy and you can land the killing blow. Come now, it's time to return and start the next phase of your training."

They returned to Aurora City. Azrael took a long and relaxing bath before going to sleep. These six months had taken their toll on him. He woke up refreshed and after a hearty breakfast, he and Lionel returned to the Sect. After returning Azrael spent the day with his parents and his big sis Lily. He had missed them dearly. The next day Lionel took him to the Foundation Building sparring arena. The Sect had a different arena for every cultivation realm until the Spirit Nourishment realm. The battles of the realms above the Spirit Nourishment realm are very destructive and need special venues. He told Azrael, "You have fought beasts for the past six months, but humans and beasts are very different. For the next six months, you will battle opponents above your cultivation realm."

The disciples in the Foundation Building realm were naturally against fighting someone weaker than them so Lionel set up rewards to motivate them. The faster one defeated Azrael, the more sect points they could get. Sect points were a currency that could be used to buy anything within the Sect. Azrael once again fell into the same routine. He fought during the day and analyzed his battles at night. Another 6 months passed and rumors of a battle-addict kid that only fought opponents who had a higher cultivation than him had spread throughout the Sect. He even had fan clubs that worshiped him. His most famous nickname was 'Tiny Titan' due to his tiny size and great strength. During these 6 months, Azrael's battle prowess had advanced to the limit. He could control his strength to the point that he could slap someone and they wouldn't even feel it. Lionel was very satisfied with his progress and told him that he could now cultivate and broke the seal he had secretly put on Azrael to stop him from cultivating.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

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Shout out to @Daoist096885 and @WholeFoods for supporting this novel.

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