
[7] First Time

We made it to her house which was actually just four blocks from mine, the place looked like every other house on the southside but a little more upkept than others. Walking inside her brothers were counting money while an older version of them sat there cleaning a gun, they looked over when we walked in before going back to what they were doing.

Savannah didn't say anything to them either, while I just nodded before letting her lead me to her room, what was inside was not what I was expecting though. The room was pink, like princess style pink with lace everywhere, I was blinded walking inside and didn't know what to say for a moment.

She jabbed me in the stomach, "Don't say anything, I like it so what and you should be honored you are the first person outside my family to be allowed in my room."

I put my hands up smiling a little, "Yeah well I guess I was right about the whole princess thing then wasn't I?"

She hits me again before getting out of her hoodie, I noticed she took her shoes off before walking across the room so I followed her lead. The place was spotless so she must have a real thing for things being clean, she looked over at me and smiled a little, "Wait here I am going to go take a shower real quick."

I was left alone in the room so I started playing a game on my phone since there was nothing else to do, it wasn't until thirty minutes later that she was walking back into the room. This time though she was only wearing a towel with her hair still a little wet, she swayed as she walked over to me her hips swinging side to side as she got closer.

Forgetting my phone I threw it to the side and stood up walking over to her, she smirked seeing that I couldn't control myself when she looked like that. She was exactly like Gal Gadot in every since of the way it was a little uncanny the only thing missing was the accent and eye color.

R-18 Up Ahead^^^^^^^^^^^^

Pushing that out my mind since I knew that they were two different people I swooped down and captured her lips, she fought back just as much helping me remove my clothes. When I was nude she looked me over and purred a little, she saw my member last night and knew its size but it wasn't hard then so she was even more impressed now.

I wasn't saying I had the biggest but it was more than enough to satisfy someone, I was at 8 and a half inches, seeing that she still had a towel on I quickly but slowly took it off her. Her body was then in front of me her bronze skin beautiful under the light, there was little beads of water dripping from her hair onto her that made he look delicious.

Moving in I licked a drop that was sliding down her collar bone, she shivered in my arms and moved in closer to me while purring some, that was incredibly sexy. Picking her up she wrapped her legs around me and I walked over to her bed, the only thing in my mind at the moment was tasting ever inch of her body as soon as I could.

She squeaked a little when I threw her on the bed, grinning down at her I went for her lips again devouring them hungrily like a man who has been starved for days. She fought back with me and scratched down my back with her nails lightly, pulling away slightly I started moving down her neck sucking slightly.

I don't know what came over me but seeing her smooth skin I wanted to leave a mark on her just so others could see it, she didn't try and stop me but angled her head to do the same. It was fair play after all so there was no need to stop her, plus she could only reach my chest so I didn't stop her from doing it.

After licking and sucking on her from her neck to her belly button I pulled back, we were both panting and flushed from all that we were doing. Sitting on my knees I smiled down at her and without saying anything went on to the main course, moving between her legs I saw her cute pink lips.

To start I lightly bit her clit then moved down on to the main course.

R-18 Ends here^^^^^^Don't really like doing these^^^^^^^

After an hour we were both laying in her messy bed there wasn't a place in the room we haven't touched or messed around on, it was looking way worse then when we first got here. Panting I looked over at Savannah who smirked at me, "No after sex cuddling time for you to go, though I am questioning you being a virgin at the moment."

I laughed since it was getting a little to intimate in here, "Want me to help you clean before I go?"

"Nope though you might be smart enough for me to think you might have photographic memory, I still prefer to clean my room myself. You can go now." She said pushing me out the bed, there really were no emotions in this at all.

Laughing I rolled out and started to pick up all me clothes getting dress, I was just going to shower at home it was late enough that Debby should have bought the other water heater by now. Savannah watched me dress but she didn't move from her spot she was like a satisfied kitten laying in bed relaxing.

"Text me later then." I said picking up my skateboard sending her a smile before walking out of the door, she just hummed and picked up her phone. Checking my phone I saw that there was a message from Fi telling me that they were celebrating for the announcement that Kev and V were getting married.

Getting to the house they were partying and the new water heater was sitting in he kitchen being set up, "Congratulations you two." I said to V giving her a side arm hug, Kev didn't look to happy about it though.

"Haha thank you now go shower I can smell that girl all over you!" V says happily patting my ass, everyone else laughs along with her.

Debby was playing with her knew baby doll but still partying with everyone else, walking towards her I gave her a kiss on the forehead I guess I needed to be nicer to her since she was my sister. Grabbing clothes from my room I went to take a quick shower, thankfully everything was set up nicely and we actually had hot water.

For the rest of the night we partied, I heard from Savannah who didn't ask anything other than if I got home okay which I replied to. Tomorrow though I had to go and get that will summited, it slipped my mind but they should have filed theirs sometime this winter seeing that it was a year before.

It only slipped my mind because if I followed the seasons of the show then it happens in the winter of next year so that means that I only have a couple of months to actually get this turned in. After having my nightly smoke with my brothers I went to sleep dreaming of eating out Savannah again, she was really delicious.

The next morning Fiona was already gone with V somewhere, I had Liam today so he was waiting in his crib in the den waiting for me playing with his toys. Picking him up I made a quick breakfast dry cereal for him and regular for me, after we ate I took out his stroller and we took off for the day.

When we got to my PO box I took out the Will and we went over to the courthouse so that we could get it summited, walking inside I walked over to a clerk so that it could get filed. Luckily one hadn't been filed yet so I came around the right time, I put it that Fiona would get the house when they time came since I wasn't of legal age yet.

After that was settled we went back to the house to meet up with everyone else, when we got there it was already lunch time and Fiona traded her pee for food. IT smelled nice it also hurt my heart since I really wanted to learn to cook one but every time I tried to make one it would turn out burnt.

While we were eating V came in saying that the weeding was still on, can't wait to see how she reacts when she learns that they are only going to get $500 out of all this.

I'll tell you what I want, What I really really want. So tell me what you want!

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts