
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Unfortunate Accident

I felt a cold breeze rush across my face as I passed by the palace gate. the guard let me in as soon as he saw my face and recognized me.

if I was going to help Dr. Robert or Alecia; there was only two people in the dwarf kingdom that has enough influence to give them a new place to live that trust me. those two people are King Austroon and Prince Binyail.

when I entered the main building of the palace grounds a guard stopped me and asked me what I was doing within the palace.

"I am here to see Prince Binyail. I am a personal friend of his." I told the guard so that he would allow me to move around without him getting in my way.

"I hope that you understand that I cannot trust what you are saying. so I will need to make sure with the prints himself first before I allow you into his private quarters." the guard said to me. "please wait right here while I double check with the prince to see if your story is true. what is your name sir? so that the youngest prince will know who I am asking him about."

"my name is Gilltrude. trust me he will remember me since I saved his life" I said to the guard arrogantly while he walked away from me to check with the prince to see if what I said was the truth or just fiction.

it took the guard a few minutes to return and when he did he did not come alone. he came walking back with Prince Binyail.

"how are you doing today Gilltrude?" Binyail asked me when he made it in front of me.

"I am doing fine. I came here to see if you could help me with a issue that two of my close allies are having at the moment due to the recent attack that Commander Zog had ordered on the human capital city of White Falls." I said to him after bowing to him out of respect.

"I will see what I can do to help you but before we do that do you want to meet and catch up in my private chambers?" he asked me.

"sure I do have some time to catch up but eventually I will have to go since your father has assigned me a team within the dwarven special forces." I said to him as I followed him down the hall and into his private chambers.

when I made it into his private chambers I saw a large variety of paintings on both of the walls since the first room looked like a simple hall that led into an open area.

these paintings were of different battles that the dwarves had been in. the first painting on the left wall was of a dwarf leader holding the head of a lizard man while he was standing over a pile of lizard man corpses. the second painting was of a dwarf Alchemist using his potions to break down an elf barrier.

the first painting I saw on the right wall was of an elderly dwarf in a ceremonial outfit. the second painting was of a set of dwarfs training in archery.

"your art collection is quite interesting" I told him as we passed the hall and entered the open area of his private quarters.

"yes my mother thought that by looking at those paintings I would be inspired every day as I woke up and every night as I went to sleep."

"you never told me anything about your mother. is there a reason why you haven't told me anything about her yet?" I asked as he pointed at an open chair in the first open room.

I sat down in the open chair that he was pointing at and waited for his answer.

"well I mean I didn't think it was important enough to tell you; but since you brought it up I will have no problem telling you about my mother." Binyail said to me with a massive amount of seriousness across his face like what he was about to tell me was of a great burden on his heart.

I sat in a up forward position due to the seriousness that was on his face and I then waited patiently for his storytelling to begin.

"I did not tell you about my mother because it is a very unfortunate story. my mother is no longer alive, and it is all my fault." he told me as he bowed his head in shame.

"wait what do you mean; did you not love your mother. how could you have been the reason she died?"

"my mother died when I was very young. I was out doing some hunting with her. when we made it to the boar's nest I was in a rush to get the kill and then due to my impatience I stepped on a branch and that alerted the bore to our presents."

"are you saying that because of what you did your mother was killed in the middle of the hunt?" I asked him with a look of shock across my face.

"yes because of the mistake that I made my mother hadn't gotten severely injured in the middle of the hunt. I had to bring her back to the palace severely injured. she died a few days later due to the constant blood loss and pain; and my brothers never showed me any form of respect again because they blamed me for my mother's death." he told me as he looked at me with a look of shame on his face.

"wait is that why your brothers were picking on you before I stood up for you when we were waiting on the council to make their decision if the dwarves were going to join in on the war against Commander Zog or not?"

"yes that is why they did that; but enough talking about the past. said that you needed me to help you with a problem that two of your close friends were having because of Commander Zog?"

I then straightened myself up and look directly into his eyes so that he knew what I was telling him was serious.

"yes the main reason why I made my way here and bugged you was because of the fact that my human friend known as Dr Robert as well as a moon elf friend of mine known as Alecia both had everything destroyed by commanderzog and his forces when they attacked the human city of White Falls".

"so basically you wanted to see if I could help set them up with a living arrangement while they are here in the dwarf territory."

"well if they are very important to you as close friends; then they are important to me. I will see what I can do to help your friends. you are going to have to give me a few days though since my connections exist but they are not as willing to come out into the open like the ones that all of my brothers each have".

we both rose up from the chairs and left Binyail's private chambers. I bowed to him and said my goodbyes knowing that I could trust him to keep his word and help both of them.

after I left his quarters I made my way to the section of the city where all of the special forces members operated as well as bought merchandise.

it felt truly amazing to be back in the section of the city where everything was much more advanced and clean. the first thing that I did when I made it to the section of the city was go to the strike forces headquarters so that I could see if I had earned any money on my last mission.

the leader of the special forces gave me a pouch that was quite full of silver and gold coins when I looked inside of it after I signed documents proving that he had given it to me.

I next made my way to The Alchemist in the area so I can get myself some potions for the next battle because I may not have the luck to have a moon elf wizard that has healing spells next time that I fight Commander Zog.

"hello how can I help you?" the owner of the shop asked me as I made it into his shop.

"yes sir I was looking for a good set of high quality potions that I could buy from you. I might need them for the next battle that I participate in." I told him as I walked around looking at some of the different colored potions that he had stocked.

"well if I take your gear into consideration then that means you are probably looking for stamina and healing potions"he told me as he looked at me and examined what I had on. "how many of my potions are you wanting, and what grade do you want them to be?"

"I would prefer your highest grade possible, and I also want eight of each please." I told him as I stopped looking around the store.

"that will cost you thirty gold pieces for the sixteen potions that you are wanting. is this amount agreeable?"

"yes it is fine and I will take all of those potions then".

the shop owner then walked over to one of the walls and grabbed the sixteen potions that I had requested and put them in a sturdy bag for me before coming behind the counter and asking for my money.

I gave him the money that he asked for my pouch and then left the store with my potions because I knew that I would need them if I was to ever fight Commander Zog again.

the future was very uncertain. what was it that he would attack. would it be a town or people of great importance. the only thing that I knew was that whatever was going to happen it would happen soon and that I would be in the middle of it all as a candidate for The Reincarnation protocol it was my job to defeat Commander Zog with the help of Dr Robert and Alecia.