
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

The Dick and the New Partner

"what am I going to do now that there is nothing for me to return to?" Alecia said to me while she looked out at the open sea and then to her right at me with a look of worry across her face.

I looked at her and began to give her an answer when I felt an arm around my right shoulder and so Gilltrude to my left standing in between both of us.

"you know I might be able to solve that problem for you. I do have a bit of connections with dwarf royalty. I could try to see if I can find you guys temporary housing somewhere within the dwarven territory" Gilltrude said to the both of us.

"in the end almost anywhere will suffice as long as I get to make my alchemy potions and my remedies without being restricted" I said to both of them and I felt truly free when I was doing these things because they didn't have the laws and regulations in this world that they had in my old life. I knew that if I could make my fortune in my previous life with all the restrictions and laws then I would be able to easily make a fortune in this world.

the three of us all spoke to each other about our experiences with Commander Zog so that we were all caught up and we left out no details no matter how personal or intense they got.

when we finally made it to a port the dwarves all walked off of the boat except for Gilltrude. he stayed behind to keep the both of us company.

"so what exactly are we going to do since we are now here?" Alecia asked Gilltrude after everyone else had left the ship except for the three of us.

"well if they're dwarf customs are the same as they were in all of the games that I beta tested when I was in my previous life; Dr. Robert will be fine to move around the dwarf cities without much issue. now when it comes to you Alecia; I am truly uncertain since you are an elf and dwarves rarely get along with elves."

"I will see what I can do to help you out Alecia. after all we still have our business agreement in effect I am assuming" I told her while we all began to walk off of the boat.

the dock was welded up by the torches that were around the edges of each of the buildings. I saw two guards that had a spear on their backs, and they whore a full set of leather body armor.

I then walked across the docks and when I made it past the guards I noticed that only guilt food was able to follow. when Alicia tried to make it past them they crossed their spears not allowing her to leave the docks.

when I saw what was happening to her I quickly tapped Gilltrude on the right shoulder in order to get his attention. "are you going to do anything about that?" I asked him while pointing at Alecia.

"I am going to tell you now that it is better if we do not get involved with this. if you want to see her it would be easier to do so when she is in temporary housing or possibly prison." he said to me as he turned around and walked away like he did not care or that it was completely out of his power to help her in any way.

"are you not going to help her? you understand that we are all in this together. that only the three of us can defeat Commander Zog." I told Gilltrude with a look of dislike across my face because I did not know if I could truly trust him anymore. I know that I did not know him for very long; but in my limited experience with him I can already kind of tell that he is probably going to be a very self-centered ass that only helps others when it is beneficial to him as well.

I chose to ignore him and try to help her however I can.

"hey what is the problem? why are you not allowing her to enter the city freely?" I asked the guards while they were binding her wrists and grabbing her grimoire.

"well if you you must know it is our policy that we do not allow any elves within our borders without special clearance. so we need to check and see if she has special clearance or not before we can allow her to move around freely" one of the guards said as he walked past me and dragged her along the road.

"would it be okay if I was to come with you and see for myself?" I asked the guard that was dragging her down the street.

"I mean sure but you're only being protected from the same exact treatment as her due to the pact that we made with the humans fifty years ago." the guard said while he waved his open hand at me for me to follow him.

so I followed him until he made it into a structure that had a shield symbol on it. the structure as well as all of the ones around it were made out of metal instead of brick showing how much more valuable these buildings was supposed to be.

as I entered the building I noticed that the room had a wooden table and some chairs around it in the center of it. then I saw two doors out of the entrance room. the guard took her through the door on the right and told me to wait in the entrance room for him to get finished with the interrogation and also gathering of information that was needed to legitimize her as a non-threat to the dwarves in this city.

so I sat down as he ordered me to do and waited for almost an hour before I saw him walk out of the right door that he had went through with Alecia bound by rope bindings.

"well I have good news for you. the moon elf is free to go around the city, but the both of you are not allowed to be in The Special Forces area of the city." the guard said to me as he opened the door again and allowed Alicia to leave the building with all of her gear on her body.

the guard made me follow her and he guided us both out of this section of the city.

the section that we were leaving was much more advanced than the section we were entering I noticed as key made us walk through a thin alleyway and through a gate that separated the two sections of the city.

"what are we going to be doing in an attempt to make a living since you no longer have your alchemy shop and the adventurer's guild in the human capital city of White Falls no longer exists?".

"well first if you want to make some money why don't we both team up and become adventures under the employment of the dwarfs since we are here instead of human territory?" I asked her since that was the fastest thing that I could think of that would lead to a decent living for us both.

"all right then I will agree with that. I do have some money still from all the things that I have sold in the human empire; but I do not know if it will be usable for trade or even last long enough to rely on for a while" she said to me as she showed me her pouch which was full of a few gold coins and quite a large amount of silver ones.

we both walked through the town and found a red brick building that had a sign on it with a sword shield and bow. we then made our way to the line for the table where everyone was accepting personal quests or signing up for specific quests.

"then we're going to have to have a team name if we are going to register" she told me as we waited in line behind a good amount of dwarves.

"while I know that I am the more intelligent of the two of us when it comes to knowledge and books; I know that I am lacking in creativity for things that don't relate to science at all." I told her with a large amount of humility behind every word that I had spoken.

"coming from you that actually is quite a surprise. since you have told both me and Gilltrude about what you did for a living in your previous life" she whispered to me so that others could not hear what she was saying.

"I told you what my knowledge was in which obviously does not include coming up with group names".

"well it's no problem because I have quite an intelligent mind just like you. while I am lacking in the areas you excel at; I excel in the areas you are lacking the knowledge." she told me while we advanced in the line.

"I can not deny that you are definitely smarter than the average individual was in our previous life." I said to her while I looked into her eyes.

I found her to be quite a beautiful and an intelligent individual. then as we began to talk back and forth I felt a strange urge in my stomach like butterflies were flying around. what was this feeling that I had for her it was a true mystery for me since I had lived my former life completely alone without any interaction with the opposite sex unless it was through work, but never on a personal level.

when we made it to the front of the line we had finally agreed on a name for our group. we had decided to go by the name of Dark Moon squad.

after she got us both to sign papers so that we could work with the drawers now that that was where we were going to be living they took us to a back room in order to categorize us and scale our skill.

when it was my turn I walked into the room where I saw a dwarf in purely white armor standing in front of a mirror. he had me place my hand on the mirror and I saw text show up in a language that I did not know.

"well it says that you are a tank eight Alchemist. that means that you are qualified for gold level missions or higher. if you accept any mission that is above diamond grade you will be taking a large risk" he told me as he opened the drawer in the desk of the room and then gave me a badge with the plate of it being gold.

I waited for Alecia in the general lobby area of the guild hall. when she came out and walked in front of me I saw that she had on a diamond badge which meant she was truly very powerful as an ice wizard.

when we both explained what we went through in the room and are ranks to each other we looked at the board of requests not knowing what quest we wanted to take for our first mission as a pair.