
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Dual Casting

I could feel the tension as well as malice in the air when I opened my grandma and looked at Commander Zog. was this going to be my final battle or were Robert and this dwarf known as Gilltrude who had just shown up before we began to fight help ensure my survival or would they both just get in the way.

"well it seems like I have all of the heroic candidates of The Reincarnation Protocol standing right in front of me. this is truly a rare occurrence since I know all three of you started in completely different locations and with different reasons and intentions to join this world. I truly am going to have to be serious from now on. it is now time to show my true power and you will understand why the orcs made me their Commander." Zog said to us all while he broke the gem that was located in the center of his head with his right hand.

then I saw that the red energy from the gem was transferred to his fists and then to the tips of both of his axes.

"what did you just do?" Gilltrude asked when he heard Zog laugh after picking up his other axe.

"well if it hasn't become obvious to you or you're not a moron he has broken the gym to use its energy to enhance his power". Robert said while he bought Guilford on the head in order to make him feel stupid I was assuming.

I then pointed my hand towards his feet and cast my ice mine spell.

Commander Zog then stepped forward and was frozen in a block of ice. he then began to laugh when the spell activated.

"what is so funny. I have you trapped in an ice mine that will slowly freeze your body over time if it doesn't kill you before then" I said to Zog out of curiosity since I believed that his fate was sealed.

"did you really think that I was stupid. I made you my slave and I wanted to be extra careful in case you happen to break free from the slave crest. to ensure my survival against you I put on the ice immunity amulet in order to protect myself from you. so that means that your spells are totally useless" Zog said to me while he laughed and shattered the ice with one swing of both of his arms.

"you may have prepared yourself to fight her but I have no form of attack that focuses on ice based damage. so prepare yourself for my first attack" Gilltrude said as he pointed his black greatsword at Commander Zog which began to Glow with an even darker black color around the edges than the center of the sword. I also saw that there was a glowing symbol at the top of the hilt of his greatsword.

"well come on I am waiting. I will take whatever you throw at me and throw it back to you tenfold" Zog said while he pointed both of his axes at Gilltrude.

"Dark Wave!" Gilltrude yelled as he swung his greatsword twice from right to left and then once from top to bottom.

when he did that the weapon released a wave of black energy with each swing but before it could come into contact with Zog zag thrust his axes both in an exclamation to create a wall of fire that neutralized the attack.

"wait was that supposed to be what you were going to use to defeat me. I would not be the commander of the orcs and the other species that are under them if I didn't know how to neutralize a simple darkness wave attack." Zog said to Gilltrude with a large amount of arrogance behind his voice.

"wait do not tell me that you do not know that stronger your will is the stronger your elemental damage or items become in this world" Dr. Robert said to Gilltrude.

"what was I supposed to know about all of that elemental will stuff?" he asked Dr. Robert with a look of surprise across his face.

"wait did no one tell you about this stuff." I said while I stepped away from where we were since she was not going to be of much help in this current fight.

"first off I have never used runes before this fight. secondly dwarfs don't have magic like humans, elves, and other species." Gilltrude said to Dr. Robert with a look of frustration across his face.

"shut up and fight. I do not care about the dwarf's ignorance about magic and the fact that the strength of your will helps to determine the intensity of the elemental damage that you deal to your enemy" Commander zogg said before he rushed at Gilltrude swinging his axes furiously.

"you know that I can still attack with my sonar screens" my bad companion said to me telepathically.

"okay then do it I will focus on support spells" I said telepathically back to my companion.

my bat companion then did a sonar scream attack at Commander Zog in an attempt to knock him out of balance while I set down and used the four scrolls that the commander had given me when I was enslaved so that I could have more ice spells to use in my grimoire.

"are you really sitting down right now and opening a book?" Dr Robert asked me.

"well I am not of much use at the moment so I was going to add these four new ice spells to my grimoire. while I do this my bad companion will be helping you fight the orc Commander with it's sonar screams"I told Dr Robert while I looked at these new scrolls that I had been given.

since I knew that I didn't have that much time I chose to place the scrolls in my grimoire and let the text transfer from the scrolls to the pages of my grimoire.

as I Rose to my feet I saw that commander's dog had not Gilltrude onto the ground which caused him to begin to scream in pain.

"now that that is done let us see if you can resist or are immune to my new ice spells" I told Commander Zog when I stood up and opened my grimoire which started to Glow a black color instead of the traditional light blue that I had gotten accustomed to seen before I cast any of my ice spells.

my bad companion did another sonar attack and towards Zog's head while I prepared my new ice spell.

I opened my grimoire to a new page and then said "black ice wave barrage paired with black mist of a thousand shards".

"are you sure that is wise? you know that dual casting drains a lot of your magic." I heard Dr Robert asked me while I was casting both of my black ice spells at the same time

"this is all I have left so it's now or never" I told Robert as I activated the spell and close my grimoire.

then after I had closed my grimoire the entire area surrounding myself, Dr Robert, Gilltrude, and Commander Zog was enveloped in a black mist that threw tiny white shards of ice around but it did not harm anyone other than Commander Zog.

as I looked around I noticed that Zog began screaming in pain and I saw a large amount of blue colored blood gush from his body while the ice shards were actually healing Dr. Robert and Gilltrude of all of their wounds.

while Commander Zog was continuously being barraged by the shards of white ice made my way over to where both of the other candidates for The Reincarnation protocol were standing and told them that it was time for us to leave if we wanted to survive.

"are you kidding me with that kind of a spell you can kill him right now" Gilltrude said as I helped him up onto his feet.

"unfortunately doing this dual casting spell has consumed the rest of my mana. so we can either stay and die or leave and survive." I told both of them as I waved at them to follow me out of the camp.

"well it's not like you have any other options." Dr. Robert said to Gilltrude as he followed me out of the camp.

I went out of one of the entrances until I saw a group of dwarfs all gathered outside of the encampment.

"well it looks like someone actually survived. I thought you were going to be dead after your first mission operative G" the dwarf that had dual daggers on their back said.

"yes I am not as useless as you guys think I am" Gilltrude said to operative L.

"I suggest we put our dislike for one another aside for the moment so that we can ensure our survival while we try to leave this encampment."; Dr Robertson as he hit the dwarf that complained to Gilltrude across the face.

message with the daggers began to growl at Dr Robert and then took his daggers out about to attack when the leader of the dwarf group stopped him.

"the human is right we all need to ensure our survival first." the obvious leader of the group said as she let us to their ship so that we could escape.

as the ship began to move I was relieved that we were finally out of the enemy's clutches. what was that spell that I did; it was truly an amazing spell combo that I had pulled off. were there more spells that I could find or artifacts that I can use to help make my spells more powerful.

I looked off into the distance as we made it into the open ocean knowing that the next time that I was to fight Commander Zog that I would not be alone.