
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Stealth Ruined

I was inside of a second section of the orc commander's tent and I saw a massive bed with golden frames and a red sheet and blanket on top. Zog head put me in a black two-piece dress with an exposed belly and a red necklace around my neck. I made my way to the bed since I was tired from dealing with all of the orders that Zog had given me today.

then I heard a loud booming noise as I saw Zog enter the bed chamber.

"Well it definitely looks like I chose the right kind of clothes to rip off of you tonight" Zog said while he licked his lips and approached the edge of the bed.

I knew that if I didn't play along he was going to cause me to experience my first shock. while I knew that my shock was going to be only mild I was truly afraid of what would happen if I failed him multiple times tonight. so to ensure that my life would be intact I played along with whatever he asked me.

"are you ready for the fun to begin" Zog said as he made it onto the bed and got right beside me. "please do not struggle it will only make this take longer and also give you intense pain."

I stood completely still and allowed Zog to do whatever he wanted to my body for this night. I was going to make it my mission to escape and save Dr Robert. unfortunately I truly did not know how long it was going to take me.

it took him about two hours to finish violating my body in some of the most disgusting ways I have ever thought was possible. when he finished violating me I had on absolutely no clothes and the dress was torn into pieces around me.

"that was loads of fun. oh and do not worry I will be trying different things on you every night just as a way to freshen things up." Zog said to me as he grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me.

I waited until Zog had fallen asleep and made my way out of his tent by slowly moving his limbs so that he would not notice that I was gone.

first I made sure that I could get my armor on quietly so that I would not draw any unwanted attention. it was in the same chest behind Zog's throne after I put on my armor I grabbed my grandma as well as the extra ice scrolls that were in the box. then I made my way through the camp but I kept myself behind each tent so that I would go unnoticed while I moved around the camp.

I saw the tent where the mage that had given me the slave crest and I entered it so that I could find a way to undo the slave crest that was binding me to Zog and every single one of his twisted ideas.

"do you know the punishment that I inflict upon my personal slaves for failing me?" I heard a deep and demanding voice say to someone as a metal object came into contact with the part of the tent that I was leaning my ear on.

"please Master no; not the punishment please no anything but that" a low pitched submissive voice said.

"leave me at once!; and get it right this time" the demanding voice said.

then I noticed that the servant left the tent and I waited until he was out of my line of sight before entering the tent.

when I made it into the tent I noticed the man that had enslaved me was standing behind a table and his tent was quite massive; and it had a variety of different magical items and pieces of alchemy equipment.

"what are you doing here?" he asked me as soon as he looked up from what he was working on on the table.

"Commander Zog requested me to come here and make sure that you were taking care of his other slaves" I lied to him but kept a straight face that he couldn't tell what my original intentions were for coming into his tent.

"yes I'm taking care of his extra slaves just fine without any issues" said as he looked down at his papers on the table.

I snuck around behind him and then open my grandma and whispered "ice mine" quietly enough to where he couldn't hear me.

he froze as the ice mine triggered and activated underneath his feet.

"what are you doing why did you freeze me?"he asked me with a look up anger across his face.

"if you do not want to die to the intense cold of my spells you will tell me how to undo the slave crest" I told him as I opened my grandma and it began to glow a light blue color.

he then had a look of despair across his face and he then told me how to deactivate the slave crest.

"you need to go to the pot right there and draw what I draw on you but in reverse to deactivate it" he told me while stuttering due to the intense cold that his body was feeling.

I followed his instructions and deactivated the crest that was on my chest so that I could now be totally free from Commander Zog and his control.

after I did that I unfroze him and knocked him out cold so that he could not report back to commander's dog about what I had done for a bit of time. now that I was free and able to move at my own will I went over to where I believed that they had my bat companion.

I used my thoughts to stretch out and locate him and then as I found out where he was located; I made it into a tent where I saw Dr. Robert on a torture wheel constantly being spun and every few seconds being pricked by a thorn when the edges of his body came in contact with the segment of the wheel that had it.

"now Robert do not make any noise at all while I untie you and stop the machine" I whispered to him so that he would know to stay quiet since I didn't want to draw any unwanted attention.

as I looked around I noticed a lever that was near Roberts torture device and I pulled it which caused the device to slow down and eventually stop moving. then I stood in front of Robert and used one of my weaker eye spells to break the bindings.

I looked around and found the cage where my companion was also being held and I let him free and he flew until he was on top of my right shoulder.

"thank you" my bad said to me telepathically.

"thank you very much for relieving me of that pain" Robert said as he stood straight up and nothing but his undergarments. "do not worry about me I have developed an almost complete immunity to poisons and most pains that the human body endures due to being an advanced Alchemist."

Robert and I snuck out of the tent until we made it to the armory we still killed the few guards that stood within the armory itself.

when we had taken care of everyone Robert looked around for some basic light armor that he could wear so that we could escape. can a few minutes to find his encyclopedia and the set of armor that he came with.

after we had all that done I heard a massive explosion in the camp that I did not cause and we did not know what was the source of the loud explosion.

now that the entire camp was aware that something was going on how was I going to escape and save Robert at the same time.

I walked out of the armory with Robert with our gear on and I saw a set of fires start after some explosions went off in the distance. the forks completely ignored us cuz what was attacked was there food rations and their water supply. the orcs food was super rare and only available in their Homeland because they didn't eat typical meat.

I saw Commander Zog stomp out of his tent and make his way to me yelling and screaming for me.

"you piece of shit you are such a bitch. did you truly believe that you can run away from me. since you are not happy with just being my slave I suppose I will kill you and then I will make Robert watch while I do it" Zog said while he laughed and pulled out his dual axes.

I prepared my grandma for combat not knowing what was going to happen next. all I knew is that either commander Zog was going to have some major scars or I was going to die along with Dr. Robert. the next few seconds we're very crucial and uncertain.