
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

The Three Heroes Finally Meet

when I boarded the boat it was quite an interesting looking boat. while all the other ones were not painted at all this boat was painted black everywhere except for the rails and the sales that were white. we quickly left the docks to get to our mission while operative H steered us out of the docks and into the open sea.

feel the relaxing breeze of the fresh ocean wind when the boat began to move out of port. at the same time the smell of the salt water was quite a new experience for me since in my previous life I had actually never made it to the ocean before.

"wow the ocean is a truly amazing sight" I said to operative L as we made it out of the port.

"does that mean that you haven't been to the ocean before?" operative H ask me when we finally made it away from the city.

"yes it is a new experience for me" I said to the whole group.

"everyone except for myself and operative L go under deck and get rest. you will need almost all of your strength for this mission. I truthfully have a very bad feeling about this" the operative that was steering the ship said.

I made my way to the area that was under the main deck. when I made my way through the door there was a ladder for me to go down that gave me access into the underdeck where I was to rest until we made it to our destination.

as I climbed down the ladder I noticed that the underdeck wasn't as well lit as I thought it would be. the area was lit by a few week lanterns and some sunlight did make it through the cracks of the wood.

"I am going to get some rest" I heard one of the members of my team say as they made it down the ladder behind me but I did not turn around to see who it was.

when I made it to the end of the hallway I found four different doors that were open. as I looked into the rooms I noticed that the two doors that were in front of me led to sleeping quarters. the door to my right led to an eating area. and the door to the right led to a much fancier room probably the captain's private chambers.

I made my way into the eating area so that I can relax while the other people slept. then I close the door behind me while I heard everyone else make their way on to one of the beds.

the boat was rocking back and forth due to the waves of the ocean making it very difficult to relax. I knew that in time I would get used to it in due time. if I did not get used to it in due time it would probably be a costly issue later down the line.

after a bit of time I actually began to doze off and close my eyes due to the constant rocking back and forth of the ship.

when I was about to officially doze off to catch up on some needed sleep someone tapped me on the shoulder which caused me to suddenly shake and rise from the wooden chair that I was resting in.

"we are coming upon the coast where we're going to begin our sabotage of the enemy's supply lines." I heard one of the people that had come down with me say.

I was still somewhat unaware of the area that surrounded me since my eyes were adjusting to being opened once again. next I quickly rose from the chair and made my way back to the top of the ship.

"everybody get ready to get off of the boat. we are about to begin the sabotage of the enemy's supply lines." operative H said.

I looked around and noticed that we were on a very slow moving river now. when I looked around I noticed that there were pine trees to our left as well as our right.

when the boat stopped moving everyone began to jump off of the boat and we all landed on the Coast that was on the left side of the boat.

"first we need to gather Intel on the enemies and their supply lines." H said.

then I saw operative L vanish out of sight while everyone else waited for them to return.

after a few minutes operative L came back and reported their findings to operative H.

"the enemy have work archers and warriors regarding their supply lines. if you want to know my honest opinion sir I believe that we should wait until they make it back to their camp and destroy all of their supplies not just the routes that they use to receive their war supplies and food rations." operative L said to the entire group.

"I agree with that assessment. let us follow them to their camp and when we get close I want operative l to use some explosives to destroy their food rations and weapon supplies." the group leader said to all of us so that we were clear on the orders that we were to follow for this mission to succeed.

after the orders were given everyone began to move swiftly and silently along the main pathway in the forest to the left of the enemies supply lines so that we would stay out of their line of sight and not draw any kind of unwanted attention to ourselves.

it took the group about one hour of silent stepping alongside the enemy supply line until they made it to the enemy's encampment.

the enemies encampment was located in a massive clearing within the woods so the entire group other than operative L stayed behind in the woods so that they still would not to draw any unwanted attention to ourselves.

I sat down quietly on the ground thinking about what was going to happen in the next part of the mission that I was participating in.

"you will stay right here. we do not want you to get involved in this more than you have to. after all I don't know if you're going to screw things up for the group." the operative that didn't give me their operative letter said to me while they pointed at me with a look of rage and disapproval across her face.

after about twenty minutes operative L came back and whispered to us what they had found and had done to slow down their supplies.

"I have placed explosives that will go off any second now at the base of food rations building and one of their weapons and armor buildings. I then dismantled their wagons and killed the drivers of them as well."

a few seconds later I heard two massive explosions which made it where the enemies were distracted by the destruction of their food and weapon supplies.

"now we will attack and kill as many of these works as we possibly can." operative l said to us in a commanding tone since the enemy were too distracted by their supplies being destroyed to worry about hearing us. "average dwarf keep track of your killing record for this mission. whoever is the lowest score has to buy ale for the rest of us when we get back from this mission.

Ivan uncheed my great sword knowing that this was going to be a very fun and exciting battle. I hope that I would not get last place so that I would not have to buy ale for everyone else because if the facts that I knew about dwarves from the games I played were actually truth then that means it would be quite expensive to fulfill their desire for ale.

I rushed into the camp swinging my sword in a circular motion like a whirlwind while I advance knocking over and killing every orc that came into contact with my greatsword.

when I stopped spinning my head felt truly dizzy to the constant circular motion that I was going through but I had killed twelve orcs so that was a good start to my killing count. I was trying to get my balance back when I saw operative L kill three orcs that were right in front of me in quick succession with his daggers.

I heard a loud and booming voice yell and scream at someone and when I looked around I saw a massive and very muscular orc getting ready to attack a moon elf and a human.

I saw the AI projections of the three individuals. while the AI's of the two people that were being attacked showed as blue projections. the AI of the orc showed as a dark red projection. I knew that there was something different about these three people. they were each candidates of The Reincarnation Protocol. I knew that I had to save the other two heroic candidates from the hands of the evil candidate.

so I rushed over to assist them and stopped when I made it beside both of them.

"do not worry you too I am also a candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol. my name is Gilltrude and I am here to help you defeat this villain" I told both of them as I pointed my greatsword at the enemy which caused it to Glow with a black aura.

the only thing that I truthfully knew was that this battle was going to be very important for two different reasons. first it'll be my first encounter with a villain from The Reincarnation Protocol. secondly I have finally met another hero candidate so I can finally speak with someone that is not of the dwarf species.