
Who is stronger ?

The immeasurable shock wave washed the Earth as the cloud parted in the dead desert. The force of this explosion caused massive changes in the weather of the Earth, causing earthquakes and hurricanes around the Earth even in places where there were not suppose to be hurricanes and earthquakes. The desert of death had been completely destroyed by the punch between Saitama and Duke. Part of the canyon that used to be the death desert had hot steaming lava pouring out of it. And another part of it became a small lake filled with water. The total landscape of the death desert had changed forever.

Duke looked towards the location of City A far away. Duke seemed disturbed as he powered down his strength and started closing off his power from his body. Duke's body no longer had the light energy that lit up his whole body. Although Duke is like a pseudo Super Saiyan after he exchanged strength and memories with the Duke of Dragon Ball world but the laws of this universe do not allow the sudden outbreak of power like Dragon Ball world.

If Duke continues to increase his power continuously he would destroy the planet Earth, then where would he live ?

Crack !

A faint steam rose from the ground as Saitama appeared in front of Duke. Those gold fish eyes of Saitama staring at Duke irritated him as it gave Saitama an aura that he was looking down on the opponent.

That look on Saitama's face seem to say I am sorry I seem to have lost my mind in this fight, did you launch an attack on me, I did not feel it.

Saitama's uncaring eyes could easily ignite an opponent's anger. But Duke didn't care, it would be considered provocation if you switched to somebody else other than Saitama but Saitama was known as the strongest being in the one punch man universe so his arrogance was well deserved.

Although Saitama looked like a bald idiot but if you ever end up in a fight with him he could end you in one punch.

"This is my first serious fight in which the enemy hasn't fallen yet.", Saitama said seriously as he looked at Duke with burning eyes.

".....", Duke said as he looked at Saitama.

"Come on Duke, let's continue our fight. Next round I will go all out, I could feel that you have not released all your strength yet.", Saitama said excitedly.

Duke looked at Saitama and shook his head, he pointed to the dead desert. "Look at the dead desert, the landscape has changed. Some of the buildings in City A have also collapsed luckily no one died. If we continue to fight millions or billions of people may die on Earth. You don't want to kill millions or billions of people because you want to fight, right ?", Duke said seriously.

When Saitama heard this his face darkened and his thoughts became tangled. This was the closest fight that Saitama had ever experienced before, the opponent was close to his power level. But Saitama did not want kill innocent people because he wanted a good fight.

"I really want to fight someone...", Saitama murmured sadly.

"Then when will we fight again ? I really want to fight you again in a place where there is no one.", Saitama said excitedly as he looked at Duke eagerly.

Duke gave Saitama a slap in the back of his bald head to knock some sense back into him.

Saitama returned back to his non caring attitude after the slap to the head from Saitama. Duke really didn't want to get close to Saitama as Saitama the bald head was completely naked after the last fight, Saitama's underwear had been destroyed. And Duke was just wearing a special indestructible short pants with no clothes on. Imagine two men in the desert, one is naked and the other is almost naked, if that is not the definition of gay I don't know what is ? If Duke was photographed this close to Saitama how could he explain it ?

The desert of death was destroyed by two men fighting, not two men having gay sex with each other... cough... cough... cough...

Speaking of gay sex... speaking of being photographed... the technology in the world of one punch man was way above the normal world's technology level. Duke knew the one punch man world had black technologies that don't exist in a normal world. Duke doesn't like the hustle and bustle of daily life. Duke prefers to be a shut in otaku superhero that stays at home all day playing computer games and only going to save the world when he needs to.

"We will talk about it next time when we will battle. I am so hungry, let's get something to eat.", Duke said as he put his hands on Saitama.

Whoosh !

The figure of Duke and Saitama disappeared from what was once known as the death desert. Duke teleported with Saitama.

Half an hour later, the first wave of S class heroes from the heroes association arrived at the destroyed death desert. The destroyed dead desert was eerily quiet with no life, leaving only the spouting lava and the small lake in it.

"What is going on here ?", voices of the S class heroes could be heard.

"Did someone experiment with a new weapon here ? Or did someone fight here ?", more voices of the S class heroes could heard.

"Don't tell me these are traces of battle, I did not join the heroes association to die.", more voices of the S class heroes could be heard.

"I hope it's not what we thought..."

More and more people rushed to the death desert cordoning it off from people. Some scientists appeared with measuring instruments to try and find out what happened in the death desert. The results made everyone that came to the death desert silent.

The results showed that two powerful beings fought here in the death desert and any one of these two powerful beings could instantly kill all the members of the S class heroes in the heroes association.

"It doesn't matter we still have King, he is the strongest human on Earth.", one of the scientists said confidently.

"Yes as long as King is here we are safe.", another scientists said reassuringly.

King was mentioned repeatedly by the people in the death desert and everyone who lost their fighting spirit cheered up.

Everyone in the death desert believed King was the strongest being in the one punch man universe.

To be continued...

And that's how you write a one punch man fan fiction ! Please promote this novel if you like it. And I am the translator. Thanks for your support !

Tony_Wongcreators' thoughts
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