
Reincarnation- Reality of Pokemon World

I will write story of pokemon world reality and cruelty. I was writing a book previously but stopping that as that shows very similarity to anime. I read alot of fan fictions so I am writing something which will show the reality and Please support me, Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company and all rights are reserved by makers of Pokemon. This Fan-Fiction has similarity to many dropped fictions and I am rewriting with some new part and also some parts are closely similar to few fan fiction (Hope you will love it).

trainer_tyranitar · Anime e quadrinhos
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107 Chs

Mauville City Gym- Part 1

Next day in morning, In Pokemon center of Mauville City:

Jason was still on bed, it was 9:00 am, Lucario and Noivern wee try to wake him up but he wasn't, Gengar who was most mischievous of the team used Shadow ball on Jason and he woke up with shock, he looked around and then to Gengar who used Shadow ball at him, "Why you ?" Said jason.

'We have battle today master, so he did this.' Said Lucario trying to calm jason.

'Who was that girl ?' Asked Gengar.

"Wh..Wh..Which girl ? No I don't know about any girl." Said Jason.

'I saw her in your dream and you were really happy, her hairs were blonde and she had fair complexion with black suit. Tell us who was she.' Said Gengar.

'Who is this girl Master ?' Said Lucario and Noivern also looked with confused face.

"No, nothing, it was just a dream." Said jason and hurried to bathroom.

When Jason went to bathroom, in the room Lucario asked Gengar, 'can you tell me more about that girl ?'

'I have seen her when master was looking about top trainers in world on internet, I think her name was Cynthia Shirona, she is second top trainer in world.' Said Gengar.

'Cynthia Shirona ? I think we will be meeting her on battleground some day, if we can defeat her then she may also be impressed by Master and then Master will also be happy.' Said Lucario.

'Yes, so we will have to train harder for that, then only we will be able to beat her easily.' Said Gengar and Lucario nodded for that.

'We are also in this mission.' Gengar and Lucario heard sounds of Nidoking and Gardevoir from their pokeball, they also came out of their balls with help of Lucario.

'Nidoking show your best show in gym battle today.' Said Gengar.

'Yes, you will see best battle of your life today.' Said Nidoking and all laughed.

In meantime Jason came out of bathroom and all stopped talking, Jason looked at Nidoking and Gardevoir who were also out of their pokeballs, "Hey so you all are out to tease me, i told you, that was just a dream." Said Jason.

'Yes we accept it master.' Said Gardevoir and helped him in getting ready.

Jason and his pokemon finished their breakfast and then Jason left for Gym, he reached near gates of Gym at around 10:45 and he entered, there he saw a man in his 40's, his hairs were grey and he was little bald, he was talking about something with the Gym guy.

"Hello I am here for my Gym Challenge." Said Jason to the Gym Guy.

"Hello, I am gym leader Wattson, so you are Jason Wood who booked challenge today." Said the other Person standing there, "I also heard about how you defeated wild Salamance out there in Mauville Mountain." He continued.

"Yes, I did it with help of my friends." Said Jason.

"Then I would like to see powers of your friends." Said Wattson.

"Sure Sir." Replied Jason.

"First condition is that I am in hurry so I took permission from league about fighting with you on 2 Vs 2 battle, I have some meeting to attend on behalf of league and they also agreed. Hope you don't have any issue." Said Wattson.

"I don't have any problem." Said jason.

"One last thing that I will be using my top two pokemons against you so you should also choose best pokemon of yours." Said Wattson and Jason nodded in agreement.

Both of them entered in the battlefield and Jason stood on one of the stand whereas Wattson on the stand in opposite side.

"This is official Gym battle between Challenger Jason from Gao village and Gym Leader Wattson of Mauville City, this is 2 vs 2 battle and whoever defeats both pokemons of other team will be declared as winner." Announced Referee.

"Let me formerly introduce myself, I am Wattson Gym leader of Mauville City and also Head of Hoenn Power Supplies, I accept your challenge as a Gym leader." Said Wattson.

"If both trainers are ready then you may proceed." Said Referee.

"Ok Jason face one of my most obedient pokemon and a very old companion." Said Wattson and sent out his first Pokemon, it was Raichu.

"I will start with this one then." Said Jason and sent out his Gabite.

"Start battle." Announced Referee.

"Raichu start with Iron Tail." Said Wattson.

"Stopped him with your dragon tail Gabite." Jason Countered.

Raichu's tail turned silver and he jumped towards Gabite, where as Gabite's tail turned blue and she also Jumped towards Raichu to counter iron tail, both the attacks clashed with each other and a big bang both pokemon were sent back. Both pokemon landed on ground together and for another attack Gabite summoned powerful rock slide over that Raichu and Raichu used Thunder to destroy the rocks but got hit by powerful Dragon Claw from Gabite, though power level of both pokemons were very different as that Raichu was on Pseudo King and Gabite was on Peak elite so Raichu's control over his powers were more better compare to Gabite and as Raichu is pure electric type so his steel type attack was not that much boosted as that of his electric type. So that dragon claw didn't do that much damage.

But Gabite didn't stop to that and she used another powerful rock slide to divert Raichu's focus again and used powerful earthquake, that did a greater damage on Raichu and he couldn't destroy all the rocks by that attack so got hit by Rock Slide as well.

"Raichu Thunder on Gabite." Said Wattson.

Raichu summoned powerful thunder cloud over Gabite and Gabite quickly used dig to get below ground, Raichu used thunder and there was a dark black patch at the place where that thunder fell, if Gabite was at Pseudo King or above then this attack is not effective but at current level this attack will do alot of damage on Gabite, now Gabite was under the ground and Raichu was now in trouble from that Land Shark. After few seconds Gabite came out of ground and slashed that Raichu with dragon claw and she kept on doing this for next few minutes, Raichu was wounded badly and Gabite was also tired as he was using maximum of her powers to attack, Finally Gabite again came out to slash that raichu but this time raichu caught her tail and went under the ground with her, he used full power thunderbolt on Gabite and Gabite cried loudly in pain, she came out of ground with raichu and used powerful dragon tail on the ground but Raichu jumped from the tail and Gabite got hurt by this attack, that raichu again summoned powerful Thunder and hit Gabite hard, Gabite was now breathing heavily and so was that Raichu, Raichu's tail again turned white and he jumped towards Gabite who again countered it with Dragon Tail and used powerful Rock slide followed by earthquake.

After the dust was settled, Gabite was sitting on her knees and that Raichu was fallen on ground unconscious.

"Raichu is unable to battle please switch your pokemon." Said Referee.

Just after the announcement Gabite roared and surrounded itself with a white aura, Jason thought that Gabite was evolving but her size increased and Muscles also increased, this continued for next 10 minutes and finally when it stopped, Jason saw that his Gabite was 2 times bigger now and with big muscles and her power aura was showing that she reached Pseudo King Level now.

Jason knew that she will now evolve in one year for sure and he was happy that he got another of his old companion at Pseudo King Level, now his dream was that his pokemons reach Pseudo Emperor or Peak Emperor level soon so that he can defeat champion and become most powerful trainer in Hoenn.

"Congratulations Jason, your pokemon reached Pseudo King level, I think after evolution it will reach to King level or even to Pseudo emperor Level." Said Wattson.

Jason smiled over the complement and praised his Gabite.

"Now you will be facing my most powerful Pokemon, get ready." Said Wattson and threw a ball in air.