
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

1500 crore

The person on the stretcher was indeed Ravi himself. When Raj apprehended Devayani, at that time he also instructed Vijay to use sleeping pills in Ravi's food to ensure he remained sedated. Additionally, Vijay was instructed to administer chloroform every 10 minutes to prevent Ravi from waking up prematurely. Raj understood that with heroes like Ravi, there was always a risk of them waking up too soon, and mere sedation might not suffice. While Raj was in the monitoring room, Vijay had successfully carried out the task and informed Raj about it.

When Bittu recognizes Ravi, he glances at Raj with admiration for orchestrating such a cunning plan. Yet, as he redirects his attention to Ravi, a wave of anger engulfs him, reminding him of how his brother met his demise because of Ravi's actions.

Bittu was contemplating torturing Ravi, driven by his anger and desire for revenge. However, Raj, recognizing Bittu's intentions, intervened with a firm instruction, "Don't waste your time on torture. We have a lot of work to do." Raj understood the urgency of the situation, knowing that if Ravi were given the opportunity, he would likely escape and seek revenge not only on Bittu but also on Raj for his betrayal.

With Bittu's loyalty standing at 90%, his commitment to following orders was unwavering. Therefore, he seized a gun from one of the nearby men and unleashed all its bullets into Ravi's head, channeling his pent-up anger through the weapon.

"Vijay, put the body in the same room," Raj ordered, ensuring that ACP and Varadarajulu's men wouldn't grow suspicious of their actions.

The next morning, Raj found himself at his farmhouse, a property he had acquired for his illicit activities outside the city. Seating in a balcony Raj was reading newspaper headlines: "Ravidra Narayan, the sole witness to the 1500 crore heist, dies in car accident." The article reported that he had been involved in a car accident the previous day and had been hospitalized, but his health deteriorated, resulting in his eventual demise.

It was all meticulously part of Raj's plan. ACP Manikyam stumbled upon Ravi's lifeless body in the room but couldn't determine the culprit. With Bittu still at large, ACP Manikyam refrained from suspecting Raj, knowing that catching Bittu was Raj's top priority. However, the failure to apprehend Bittu and the loss of the sole witness to the 1500 crore heist left ACP Manikyam in a precarious position. He feared that if the media uncovered the truth, he could lose his job or even face criminal charges. To avoid this outcome, he reluctantly complied with Raj's plan to conceal Ravi's murder and declare it as an accidental death.

Raj sent invitations to both ACP Manikyam and Varadarajulu, stating that he had vital information regarding Bittu. He hoped this would compel them to attend. He thought it's about time that he should deal with them.

As Raj waited in his farmhouse, surrounded by 30-40 armed guards, he contemplated how to expand his business empire into Visakhapatnam. With his legal businesses already established, he saw an opportunity to leverage the 1500 crore for political influence. However, he knew that simply establishing political power for legal business is not worth it. Therefore, he planned to establish his illegal operations in Visakhapatnam as well, ensuring his dominance in both legal and illicit enterprises.

-------- Bittu's Pov --------

When I first joined the boss, his identity remained a mystery to me. Initially, fear drove me to his side, but his unexpected mercy changed everything. Despite my transgressions, he spared my life and even showed kindness to my wife. Moreover, he assisted me in seeking revenge, an act I will forever be grateful for. he extended his hand to me in my time of need. So, I am committed to aiding him in his endeavors.

It was Vijay who eventually revealed his name as Raj Nair. While many know of his legal businesses, only few are aware of his influence as an underworld figure in Kerala, along with his international business ventures. Vijay also shared that the Boss had saved his life.

Today, the boss has extended invitations to both ACP Manikyam and Varadarajulu's. Yesterday, I provided the boss with information about Varadarajulu's involvement in the heist. While it makes sense that the boss invited Varadarajulu's, I'm puzzled by the inclusion of ACP Manikyam. Perhaps he intends to have me arrested, but that seems unlikely given that he had the opportunity to do so yesterday and chose not to. There must be something I'm missing.

As I pondered, ACP Manikyam arrived at the farmhouse escorted by the boss's men. He seemed slightly apprehensive upon seeing armed guards, likely assuming the boss was merely a legitimate businessman. Upon entering, his gaze fell on me as I casually enjoyed an apple, with my wife nearby. ACP Manikyam, with a smile, "Congratulations raj, you caught Bittu."

Boss said, "Bittu is now working for me, and he has told me something interesting. I know that you and Varadarajulu are working together, and you have that money. First, you tell me the location of the money; in return, you will get half of it. Otherwise, I will give the same offer to Varadarajulu, and then you will die." When I heard that the ACP is involved with Varadarajulu, I was shocked, and the most surprising thing is that the money I thought was burned in that dump yard is not burned at all, and they are with these two people.

When the ACP heard this offer, he was initially scared of Raju, seeing people around him holding AK-47s. However, he also felt relieved, knowing that there was no risk with the offer, as he had received the same offer from Varadarajulu. If he did not accept this offer, his life would be in danger. He knew that Varadarajulu would definitely accept this offer.

ACP Manikyam immediately accepted this offer. Upon hearing this, the Boss instructed me to go and collect the money. As I was about to leave, he instructed me to take Picture/photo and video of ACP Manikyam with the money first and then kill him. I didn't get why do we need a Picture of Manikyam. But, I still desided to follow orders. I knew that this was a loyalty test for me. I would never betray him for this money. It only took me one day to steal this money, and if I wanted money, I could do another bank heist. So, no amount of it would make me betray my loyalty toward my boss. Why do I feel this much loyalty towards the boss? Ahh, my head hurts a little. Let's just focus on the task at hand.


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