
Reincarnated with Archon Template in One Piece

*Caution* So, this is my first time writing a novel/fanfic. Don't expect a professional writing style. "Synopsis" Daniel is your everyday normal guy you can find in your daily life. While returning from a convenience store, he was stabbed by his Yandere ex and died. Now he finds himself on a sandy beach with a screen in front of his eyes. See how his story unfolds in an unknown or known world with his new powers. "NOTE" One Piece and Genshin belong to their original creators and I do not own anything except my MC and OCS. Also, sorry for the inconvenience.

primearchon_2003 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


So, hey folks this is your newbie author primearchon_2003 , the noble green beast of *cough* sorry wrong place.

Now why I am here, well I want to write my fanfic with my own ideas, but for more entertainment for the audience, I am open to ideas from you, my dear readers.

So, please give your ideas in the chapter comments, and I will see if I can apply them to my fic. Also, help me with some small details of one piece as it is a very long time since I watched the initial episodes.