
Chapter 13

Authors Note: I am back and it has been a rough time. the day after my surgery, my uncle passed away, then the day after that my wife's rabbit died, then i wasn't healing and got an infection prompting a second surgery and ill be going to wound care twice a week from now on. so ill be on bed rest for the next two months.... anyway, um... this is nerve wracking, um... i have published my first book and it will be free starting tomorrow for a week. Please don't feel like you have to check it out cuz my goal isn't to advertise here nor will i put the name of the book here, but i am pretty excited about it, but anyway here is the next chapter! thank you for reading!


Demaris stepped off the plane onto the tarmac at the municipal airport in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The air was crisp and cool, a refreshing change from the bustling city he had left behind. He took a deep breath, savoring the scent of the fresh air as he looked around, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere surrounding the airport.

He was grateful for his pocket dimension power, a truly invaluable skill that allowed him to carry all his belongings with ease. He hoped that Professor Stone had indeed prepared his school supplies, as promised.

As Demaris made his way through the airport, he took note of the vibrant fall foliage that painted the landscape in warm hues of red, orange, and gold. He could feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him, as he was about to embark on an entirely new chapter in his life.

Once he had exited the airport, Demaris found himself standing on the sidewalk, wondering how he would make his way to Ilvermorney. It wasn't long before someone tapped Demaris on the arm.

Demaris looked down and was surprised to find a three-foot-tall goblin-like creature standing before him. The being had a distinctly human appearance, with a large, bulbous nose and wide, round eyes that seemed to be scrutinizing him intently. Its skin had a bluish-gray hue, and it was dressed in simple clothing made from what appeared to be animal hides.

"Demaris Black?" the creature asked, clearly annoyed to be here.

"Demaris Etherton now, but yes, I am Demaris Black," Demaris replied, returning a smile.

"I've been sent by Professor Stone to take you to Ilvermorney. Your school supplies have been prepared, and they're waiting for you at the school. Please follow me," the creature said, holding out a satchel.

Demaris grabbed the satchel firmly, and in an instant, he felt a strong pulling sensation from the pit of his stomach. The world around him became a blur, as if he was being whisked through time and space. The dizzying sensation finally came to an abrupt halt, and Demaris found himself standing in front of an impressive structure. It was Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As he took in the sight, the creature introduced itself as a pukwudgie, then began to give a brief history of the castle. "The castle was once a granite stone house constructed by founders Isolt Sayre and James Steward to be their home. They named it after Isolt's childhood home in Ireland. When it eventually became a school, the house kept expanding until it became a castle," the creature explained.

Demaris observed the grandiose structure, taking in its majestic architecture. The front doors were adorned with marble statues of Sayre and Steward on either side, silently guarding the entrance to the school. The entire building was concealed by several enchantments, which sometimes caused it to appear as if it was shrouded in a wreath of misty cloud.

As Demaris listened to the pukwudgie's words and took in the sights, he could feel the history and magic that surrounded Ilvermorny. The air was thick with the energy of countless spells and enchantments, and the very ground beneath his feet seemed to hum with power.

The pukwudgie, having completed its brief history lesson, gestured for Demaris to follow as they made their way towards the entrance. Demaris took one last look at the magnificent structure before stepping forward.

The pukwudgie led Demaris through the castle's winding corridors, the walls adorned with various magical paintings and artifacts. They eventually arrived at a large room where the first-year students were to gather.

As the pukwudgie turned to leave, Demaris thanked the creature for its help. No sooner had the creature disappeared than a horde of children burst into the room. The kids were all younger than Demaris and considerably shorter too. They were chatting animatedly, their eyes wide with wonder as they took in the grandeur of their surroundings.

The room quickly filled with chatter and laughter, but it wasn't long before a commanding voice echoed through the hall, silencing the noise. "Settle down, everyone!" called a faculty member, "I am Headmaster Cordia Hold". She is a tall woman with a strong presence, her graying hair tied back in a tight bun, and her eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of centuries.

As the students quieted down, Cordia's gaze swept across the room, her eyes finally settling on Demaris. He stuck out like a sore thumb, being older and taller than the rest of the students. Cordia approached him, her eyes narrowing slightly as she asked, "And who might you be, young man?"

Demaris straightened up and replied, "My name is Demaris Etherton, ma'am. I just arrived."

Cordia nodded, her eyes flickering with curiosity as she surveyed Demaris. "Ah, you are the one Professor Stone mentioned. Well, Demaris, welcome to Ilvermorny. I hope you'll find your time here enlightening and enjoyable. Now, let's get everyone sorted into their houses."

As the sorting ceremony began, Demaris and the other new students filed into the round entrance hall, watched by the rest of the school from the circular balcony overhead. The atmosphere in the hall was heavy with anticipation and excitement. The students stood around the walls, and one by one, they were called to stand on the symbol of the Gordian Knot set into the middle of the stone floor.

The school then waited in silence for the enchanted carvings to react. The Horned Serpent would light up the crystal set in its forehead if it wanted the student, while the Wampus would roar its approval. The Thunderbird would beat its wings to signify its choice, and the Pukwudgie would raise its arrow into the air.

Demaris watched with interest as each student took their turn, their faces showing a mixture of nerves and excitement. Finally, it was his turn to step onto the Gordian Knot. As he stood there, the entire school holding its breath, something extraordinary happened. All four wooden statues reacted to his presence.

The Horned Serpent's crystal forehead lit up, the Wampus roared, the Thunderbird's wings beat powerfully, and the Pukwudgie raised its arrow high into the air. A murmur of amazement spread through the hall, and Demaris felt a rush of pride and surprise. It was an incredibly rare occurrence for a student to be chosen by all four houses.

As the statues continued to show their approval, Demaris considered his options. Each house had its own merits and qualities, but ultimately, the choice was his to make. After a moment's thought, he decided to choose Wampus, the house known for its strength and warrior spirit.

As soon as Demaris made his choice, the other statues ceased their displays, and the Wampus roared even louder, sealing his decision. The students and faculty erupted into applause, and Demaris felt a surge of excitement for the future. He was now a member of Wampus house.

Once the students were sorted into their houses, they were led into a large hall where they would be chosen by a wand. Demaris observed the other students excitedly receiving their wands and listened to the history of Ilvermorny. He learned that before the 1965 repeal of Rappaport's Law, students were not allowed to have a wand until they arrived at the school. Even then, they were required to leave their wands at Ilvermorny during vacations and could only carry them outside school once they turned seventeen.

As Demaris received his Ilvermorny robes, he admired the blue and cranberry colors, which honored the school's founders, Isolt and James. The blue represented Isolt's favorite color and her childhood desire to be in Ravenclaw, while cranberry was chosen in honor of James's love of cranberry pie. Demaris noticed that each student's robes were fastened with a gold Gordian Knot, a tribute to the brooch Isolt found in the ruins of the original Ilvermorny cottage.

When it was time for Demaris to select his wand, he was drawn to an ebony wand with a phoenix core, measuring 10 ¾ inches and featuring a slightly springy flexibility. This jet-black wand had an impressive reputation, being highly suited for combative magic and Transfiguration. Ebony was known to be happiest in the hands of those with the courage to be themselves, often non-conformist, highly individual, or comfortable with the status of outsider. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won. Wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair – although, again, this factor ought not to be considered separately from the wand wood, core and length, nor of the owner's life experience and style of magic, all of which will combine to make the wand in question unique. Demaris could feel the power resonating within the wand and knew it was the perfect match for him.

After Demaris received his wand and robes, he found himself in the bustling halls of Ilvermorny, taking in the sights and sounds of the magical school. As he wandered, he spotted a familiar face – Professor Zak Stone. The professor approached him, carrying a large trunk, which he handed over to Demaris.

"Here are your school supplies, Demaris. I've made sure everything you need is in this trunk," Professor Stone said, giving Demaris a warm smile.

"Thank you, Professor," Demaris replied gratefully, taking the trunk and placing it on the floor for now.

As other students continued to move around them, Professor Stone leaned in closer to Demaris, lowering his voice to a whisper. "I have some news regarding your father's situation," he confided.

Demaris's eyes widened, and he listened intently as Professor Stone continued. "During my investigation, I was attacked by a group of dark wizards. I managed to escape, but it's clear that there's more to Sirius Black's case than meets the eye. It seems to be wrapped up in a larger conspiracy."

Demaris furrowed his brow, feeling a mix of concern and intrigue. "What do you think is going on, Professor?"

Professor Stone shook his head, his expression serious. "I'm not sure, but it's obvious that someone is trying to keep certain information hidden. We need to tread carefully and be vigilant. I am also beginning to suspect there is a cover up, that Sirius could actually be innocent."

Professor Stone checked his watch, excused himself and disappeared into the crowd of students. Feeling slightly disoriented, he decided to ask some older students for directions to his dorm room. The older Wampus students were helpful and gave him clear instructions on how to find his new living quarters.

Following their directions, Demaris navigated through the winding hallways, up a set of stairs, and down a long corridor before finally arriving at his dorm room in the Wampus section of the school. He pushed open the heavy wooden door and entered the room, immediately greeted by the sight of his new roommates.

The first boy, Nolan Minks, had short, messy blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a mischievous grin that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face. Rolland Griffin was tall and lanky, with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Evert Nettle had curly red hair and a smattering of freckles across his cheeks, giving him a friendly and approachable appearance.

Tom Lace was the shortest of the group, with jet-black hair and a lean, athletic build. His brown eyes held a spark of curiosity as he eyed Demaris. Finally, Lawrence Candlenut had long, wavy hair the color of dark chocolate, which framed his olive-skinned face and piercing green eyes.

"Hey, you must be the new guy," Nolan said, extending his hand. "I'm Nolan, and these are Rolland, Evert, Tom, and Lawrence."

Demaris shook Nolan's hand and introduced himself. "I'm Demaris Etherton, nice to meet you all."

As the conversation flowed, the boys' curiosity eventually led them to the question that was on everyone's mind. Nolan, the most daring of the group, decided to ask, "So, Demaris, why are you starting a year late? We've never had anyone join our year midway like this."

Demaris hesitated, not wanting to delve into the complexities of his situation. Instead, he decided to deflect their curiosity by asking questions about the wizarding world himself. "Well, it's a long story," he said with a small smile. "But tell me, who is Harriet Potter? I've heard her name mentioned a few times since I got here."

The boys exchanged glances, surprised that Demaris didn't know about the famous Harriet Potter. Evert, ever the storyteller, took it upon himself to fill Demaris in. "Harriet Potter is the Girl Who Lived. When she was just a baby, the most powerful dark wizard of all time, he-who-must-not-be-named, tried to kill her after murdering her parents. But somehow, she survived, and the curse rebounded upon Voldemort, destroying his body and leaving him powerless."

Demaris listened intently. Tom chimed in, adding, "Ever since then, Harriet's been a symbol of hope for the wizarding world. She's attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry now. They say she's destined for great things."

As the evening progressed, Demaris continued to ask questions about the wizarding world at large, covering a wide array of topics. He inquired about clothing, wondering if there were any specific styles or materials exclusive to wizards and witches besides dragonhide or acromantula silk. Rolland, a fan of wizarding fashion, eagerly explained the various types of robes, hats, and enchanted accessories commonly worn by magical folks.

Next, Demaris asked about how the magical community managed to hide from non-magical society and what they thought about obliviations. Lawrence, a studious young man with an interest in magical history, explained the concept of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and how magical governments around the world worked to maintain this separation by obliviating no-majs of their memories when they see magic related things, as well as living in seclusion from the world.

Food was another subject that piqued Demaris's curiosity. Tom, a self-proclaimed food enthusiast, passionately discussed the countless magical treats and dishes that could be found in the wizarding world, from Butterbeer to Pumpkin Pasties to the infamous every flavor beans.

Curious about their education, Demaris asked about the various classes they took at Ilvermorny. Nolan and Evert excitedly shared their favorite subjects, such as Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, while also explaining the importance of core subjects like Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, and their least favorite class of Astonomy.

As the conversation shifted towards governments, Rolland described the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) and the role it played in governing the American wizarding community.

Eventually, the boys' curiosity turned back to Demaris. Nolan asked hesitantly, "Are your parents No-Majs, Demaris?"

Demaris shrugged, replying, "I'm not sure. I grew up in an orphanage."

The boys exchanged glances, suddenly feeling guilty for prying into Demaris's personal life. Evert quickly tried to change the subject, "Well, that's alright! We're all here now, and Ilvermorny is like a big family."


The next morning, Demaris awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside the window of the Wampus dormitory. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the room. He stretched and yawned, still getting used to the idea of sleeping in a bed with other people around him. The other boys were already up, chatting and getting ready for the day.

Demaris pulled out his new Ilvermorny uniform from his trunk – a blue and cranberry robe fastened by a gold Gordian Knot. He changed into the robe, feeling a sense of pride and excitement as he donned the school colors. He glanced at himself in the mirror and smiled. He looked like a true Ilvermorny student.

Following the other boys, Demaris made his way to the dining hall for breakfast. The grand room was filled with the chatter of students and the enticing aroma of freshly prepared food. He quickly filled his plate and joined his roommates at the Wampus table, fueling up for his first day of classes.

Soon enough, it was time for Demaris's first class – Charms. The boys guided him to the classroom, where they were greeted by Professor Amelia Locket, a kindly woman with a gentle smile and warm eyes. She wore her graying hair pulled back in a loose bun, and her robes were adorned with various charms and trinkets.

"Welcome, everyone," she began, her voice melodic and soothing. "Today, we will be focusing on the Levitation Charm, also known as the Wingardium Leviosa spell. This charm is useful for lifting objects and moving them with precision."

The students gathered around Professor Locket as she demonstrated the proper wand movement and incantation. "Swish and flick," she said, performing the motion with ease. "And remember, it's Levi-O-sa, not Levio-SA."

Demaris watched intently, mimicking her movements and memorizing the incantation. He could feel the thrill of performing magic building inside him, and he couldn't wait to try the spell for himself. Learning new magic was always exciting, especially a magic he could cast himself! There was no reliance on advanced technology here.

The class continued as students practiced levitating feathers and other small objects. To everyone's surprise, Demaris flawlessly executed the spell on his very first try. His feather lifted gracefully into the air, hovering above the desk.

As the other students struggled, Demaris continued to display a natural aptitude for charms, mastering each spell as quickly as Professor Locket could introduce them for review. His classmates looked on in awe, some with admiration and others with envy.

Professor Locket walked around the room, offering guidance and praise as needed. When she reached Demaris, she smiled approvingly. "Mr. Etherton, your natural talent for charms is quite impressive. Keep up the good work."

A person new to magic might find learning the way a wand is to be waved and find the incantation memorization difficult, but Demaris is already an adept warrior and magic user. He can't help but feel this way of producing magic is far easier than his own magic circle based magic, albeit less powerful.

The bell rang, signaling the end of Charms and the beginning of Demaris's next class, Transfiguration. He gathered his belongings and followed his classmates through the bustling corridors of Ilvermorny, making their way to the Transfiguration classroom. As they entered, Demaris was struck by the orderly and precise arrangement of desks and materials, a stark contrast to the more relaxed atmosphere of the Charms classroom.

At the front of the room stood Professor Hillard Hemlock, a tall, slender man with sharp features and piercing eyes. His hair was neatly combed, and his robes were impeccably tailored, giving him an air of authority and elegance. He surveyed the students as they filed in, his gaze stern but not unkind.

"Welcome, students," Professor Hemlock began, his voice deep and commanding. "Transfiguration is the art of transforming one object or creature into another. It is a complex and intricate branch of magic that requires focus, discipline, and a deep understanding of the magical properties of the objects you wish to transfigure. Now let's do our review and how much you all remember from last year."

The students listened attentively as Professor Hemlock explained the principles of Transfiguration, demonstrating the proper wand movements and incantations for several basic spells. Demaris was captivated, absorbing every detail and eagerly awaiting the opportunity to practice the spells himself. It wasn't often that Demaris felt his physical age, and he rather enjoyed it.

As the class progressed, the students were instructed to partner up and practice transfiguring small objects, such as turning a matchstick into a needle. Demaris paired with one of his roommates, Nolan Minks, and they set to work. Once again, Demaris's natural talent shone through as he flawlessly executed the transfigurations on his first try. For a master transmutationist, transfiguration was second nature. However, transfiguration is only temporary while Transmutation is permanent.

Nolan, like many of their classmates, struggled with the precise wand movements and incantations required for the spells. But Demaris, ever patient, offered encouragement and guidance, helping Nolan improve his technique.

Professor Hemlock made his way around the room, observing the students' progress and offering suggestions where necessary. When he reached Demaris and Nolan, he raised an eyebrow in surprise at Demaris's exceptional skill.

"Mr. Etherton, your proficiency in Transfiguration is most impressive," Professor Hemlock remarked. "I can see that you have a bright future ahead of you in the magical world."

The Class soon ends after the students turn in their assignments.

As the afternoon sun cast its warm glow over Ilvermorny, Demaris made his way to his final class of the day: Potions. He had heard rumors about the wonders and challenges of brewing magical concoctions, and his curiosity was piqued. The classroom was located in a different part of the castle, and he followed his classmates down several winding corridors before arriving at their destination.

Upon entering the Potions classroom, Demaris was immediately struck by the unique atmosphere. The room was well-lit and spacious, with large windows lining the walls, allowing sunlight to stream in and fresh air to circulate. The scent of herbs and various ingredients filled the air, creating a soothing yet stimulating environment. Rows of tables were equipped with cauldrons, burners, and an array of tools and containers for potion-making.

At the front of the room stood Professor Blair Hickories, a middle-aged woman with a kind face and warm, brown eyes. Her curly hair was pulled back into a loose bun, and she wore a simple, yet elegant set of robes. She greeted the students with a gentle smile and an enthusiastic welcome.

"Good afternoon, students. I'm Professor Hickories, and I'll be guiding you through the fascinating world of Potions," she began, her voice melodious and captivating. "In this class, you will learn the art and science of brewing magical mixtures that can heal, protect, and empower. Potions is a delicate craft, requiring patience, precision, and a deep understanding of magical ingredients."

As the students settled into their seats, Professor Hickories began the lesson by introducing them to some of the basic principles of potion-making. She demonstrated how to properly measure and mix ingredients, as well as how to control the heat beneath the cauldrons. The students listened intently, eager to try their hands at creating their first potions of the year.

For their initial assignment, the class was tasked with brewing a Wiggenweld healing potion, which required a careful balance of ingredients and precise stirring techniques. Demaris, once again, demonstrated his remarkable talent as he followed the instructions to the letter, his potion turning the perfect shade of green as it simmered in his cauldron. It felt no different from cooking to him, but the potions in his textbook will be insanely useful. Making the potions too is far better than just buying them, that way he can be sure of their quality.

As Professor Hickories circulated the room, she paused at Demaris's workstation, observing his progress with a mix of admiration and curiosity. "Mr. Etherton, you seem to have a natural gift for potion-making," she commented, impressed by his skill. "Are you really just a beginner?"

Demaris smiled, grateful for the kind words, as he carefully bottled a sample of his sleeping draught for submission, "Yes, professor, I only learned I had magic this last summer."

Professor Hickories looks skeptical but is soon distracted by students turning in their work.

After turning in his potion, Demaris gathered his things and exited the classroom, his thoughts occupied by the day's lessons. However, his reverie was interrupted as soon as he stepped into the hallway. A group of four students from the Horned Serpent house, led by a tall, burly boy with a sneer on his face, blocked his path.

"So, you're the new kid who's been upstaging everyone all day, huh?" the leader sneered, his eyes narrowing as he looked Demaris up and down. His cronies snickered behind him, clearly enjoying the prospect of tormenting their newest target.

Demaris remained calm, his eyes locking with those of the bully. "I'm just here to learn, like everyone else," he replied evenly, refusing to be intimidated.

The leader scoffed, his face turning red with anger. "Well, let's see if you're as tough as you think you are," he growled, raising his hand to shove Demaris forcefully.

In a flash, Demaris caught the bully's hand before it could make contact, his grip like iron. The leader's eyes widened in shock as he tried to free his hand from Demaris's vice-like hold, but to no avail. Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd of students that had gathered to witness the confrontation.

"Listen," Demaris said, his voice low and firm. "We're all here to learn and grow, not to waste our time behaving like idiots. So, I suggest you and your friends find something better to do."

Just then, the door to the Potions classroom opened, and Professor Hickories stepped out, her eyes surveying the scene with concern. "What's going on here?" she asked, her gaze settling on Demaris and the group of bullies.

Demaris released the bully's hand, allowing him to nurse his bruised fingers. With a nonchalant shrug, he addressed Professor Hickories. "Just a little misunderstanding, Professor. Nothing to worry about."

The bullies, chastened and humiliated, quickly left the scene, eager to avoid any further confrontation or repercussions. The crowd of onlookers dispersed, their curiosity sated, and Demaris nodded gratefully to Professor Hickories before continuing on his way, his head held high and his reputation as a formidable presence at Ilvermorny firmly established.

I am going to be honest, the wand Demaris obtains is the wand i was paired with at the wizarding world website. I am also a ravenclaw, and a west highland terrier is my patronus. Demaris will have his own patronus though. it was funny, my wife was so jealous that i got the westie, she has had westie's her whole life and loves them dearly.

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