
Chapter 14


In a dimly lit office adorned with various monitors and maps, Nick Fury sat behind a large desk, carefully reviewing mission reports. The door to his office opened, and Agent Coulson entered, a folder in his hand and a determined look on his face.

"Sir, I have some information regarding the mission I was assigned," Coulson said, his tone professional as he handed the folder to Fury.

Fury nodded, opening the folder and quickly scanning the contents. "What have you found, Coulson?"

Coulson cleared his throat, launching into his report. "Firstly, the MACUSA Auror we've been working with detected some strange energy in the subway system. They found rat-like bite marks on the victims but couldn't identify the creature responsible."

Fury raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "That's certainly unusual, but we already knew about the rats. What else?"

"We tracked down an orphanage with a kid matching the description the police officer provided," Coulson continued. "However, it turns out the kid, now named Demaris Etherton, was adopted by a man named Andrew Etherton."

Fury leaned back in his chair, his eye narrowed in suspicion. "And what do we know about Andrew Etherton?"

Coulson hesitated for a moment before answering. "On the surface, Andrew Etherton appears to be a real person. But his files didn't exist until recently, suggesting that it's merely an alias."

Fury frowned, drumming his fingers on the desk. "So, we have a mystery man adopting a kid with potential abilities. Anything else?"

Coulson nodded, his expression serious. "Demaris Etherton was sent to a boarding school, but we don't know where yet. We're still working on tracking down its location, the matron vaguely remembered some teacher showing up to invite Demaris to his school."

Fury sighed, closing the folder and placing it on his desk. "Is this supposed teacher Andrew?"

Coulson shakes his head in reply.

"Alright, Coulson. Keep digging. I want to know everything about Andrew Etherton, Demaris, and that boarding school. We need to understand what's going on here," fury relays new orders.

Nick Fury leaned forward in his chair, his attention focused on Coulson. "What about the antivirus software we were looking into? Any updates on that front?"

Coulson nodded, flipping to a new page in his notes. "Yes, sir. It seems that the software developer has created an official company with none other than Andrew Etherton as the CEO."

Fury's frown deepened, his suspicion growing. "So, not only is he involved in adopting Demaris, but he's also the CEO of the company that created the antivirus software we're investigating? This is getting more and more intriguing."

Coulson couldn't help but agree. "It certainly raises some questions, sir."

Fury leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with theories and connections. "Indeed, it does. We need to find out more about this Etherton character and his motives."

Coulson prepared to leave the office, but Fury stopped him with a final request. "Coulson, have the MACUSA Auror look into the whereabouts of Demaris Etherton. If we can locate the boarding school he's attending, we might be able to uncover more about what's going on."

Coulson nodded, understanding the importance of the task. "I'll relay the message to the Auror right away, sir."

Fury suddenly had an idea, and he looked at Coulson with determination in his eyes. "Before you go, Coulson, see if you can get a hold of the adoption papers and find a physical address for Demaris's home. We might be able to find more information that way. Should you get a location, send Natasha to search it, we need the utmost discretion."

Coulson nodded, making a mental note of the new task. "Understood, sir. I'll get on that right away."

With that, Coulson left the office, and Fury returned to the task he had been working on before his agent's arrival. On the screen before him was a detailed report about a recent battle at an abandoned church.

Fury sighed, massaging his temple as he tried to make sense of the events that had unfolded. Luckily, this particular mystery had been solved after receiving a phone call from one of the four rulers of the underworld, Sirzechs Lucifer. The information provided had been invaluable in piecing together the puzzle.

Fury couldn't help but wish that the supernatural would just stay out of the big cities. But it seemed that Rias Gremory, a young devil, who's brother held a position of power in the underworld, had a good head on her shoulders. She had been instrumental in removing interlopers who were up to no good in New York.

As Fury continued to read through the report, he knew that the world was growing increasingly more complicated. With the involvement of supernatural beings and the mysterious Etherton case, a raging green monster on the loose, it was clear that they would need to be prepared for anything. And as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., it was his job to ensure that they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Fury pulls a file from his desk with the words 'Avengers Initiative' stamped on its surface.


The morning of the second day of classes, Demaris awoke well before the sun had even begun to rise. He could feel the energy coursing through his veins, urging him to start the day with some physical activity. Quietly, so as not to disturb his still-slumbering roommates, he changed into comfortable workout clothes and slipped out of the Wampus dormitory.

The air outside was crisp and cool, invigorating him as he began to stretch his muscles, preparing for a run. As he looked around the castle grounds, the vast expanse of land and the majestic structure itself filled him with a sense of awe.

Demaris took off at a steady pace, his feet pounding rhythmically on the ground as he began his journey around the castle. He quickly lost track of time, his mind focused solely on the steady rhythm of his breathing and the feeling of freedom that coursed through his body with every stride.

Miles upon miles slipped by beneath his feet, and still, Demaris felt no hint of fatigue. He continued his run, marveling at the strength and endurance he possessed. It wasn't until he had covered over 15 miles that he finally began to feel winded.

Breathing heavily, Demaris slowed to a stop, sweat trickling down his forehead as he took in the stunning view of Ilvermorny Castle, now bathed in the soft golden light of the rising sun. Feeling accomplished and refreshed, he made his way back to the dormitory.

Upon his return, Demaris found his roommates just beginning to stir from their slumber. He quickly took a shower, washing away the sweat and grime from his morning run. By the time he emerged from the bathroom, his roommates were awake and groggily preparing for the day, with only 45 minutes remaining before their first class.

Demaris smiled to himself as he dressed in his Ilvermorny uniform, knowing he had made the most of his morning. Demaris joined his roommates for breakfast in the bustling dining hall. The smell of freshly baked bread, sizzling bacon, and scrambled eggs filled the air, making his stomach rumble with anticipation. He filled his plate with a hearty meal, knowing that he would need the energy for the day ahead.

With a satisfied stomach, Demaris made his way to his first class of the day – Defence Against the Dark Arts. Excitement bubbled within him as he entered the classroom, knowing that the class was taught by none other than Professor Zak Stone, the man who had given him his school supplies, led him to the truth about his father, and his heritage.

The classroom was filled with curious students, all eager to learn about the art of defending themselves against dark forces. Professor Stone stood at the front of the room, his eyes filled with determination and passion for the subject.

"Good morning, students," he began, his voice strong and commanding. "Today, we will be discussing the importance of dueling and introducing you to the Dueling Club, which I encourage you all to join. Duels can teach you not only how to defend yourself but also how to think quickly and strategically."

As Professor Stone continued to explain the intricacies of dueling, Demaris's attention was fully captivated. He could see the value in learning these skills, especially in light of the conspiracy and danger surrounding his father's investigation and Sirius Black. Sure he had other means of defending himself, but he wanted the new magic he is learning to be quickly mastered and added to his arsenal for combat.

After the lecture, Professor Stone announced that they would be having a demonstration duel, and he asked for volunteers. Demaris's hand shot up, eager to test his newfound magical prowess. To his surprise, the bully from the day before, the one from the Horned Serpent house, also volunteered.

A tense silence filled the room as the two students took their places on opposite ends of the makeshift dueling stage. Demaris could feel the eyes of his classmates on him, their anticipation palpable.

Professor Stone raised his wand, ready to officiate the duel. "On the count of three, you will bow to each other and begin. Remember, this is a learning experience, and the goal is to practice your skills, not to harm one another."

The room held its breath as the countdown began. "One… Two… Three!"

As the duel commenced, Demaris decided to test the capabilities of his new magic repertoire, limiting himself to only spells he had learned during his short time at Ilvermorny. He read ahead and mastered the spells that were taught to help students remember what they learned last year, along with the practice he gets in the reviews during class.

Demaris knew that he had a wealth of combat experience from his previous life and wanted to see how well his new magical abilities could be applied in a duel.

The bully lunged forward, casting the Knockback Jinx at Demaris. With a swift flick of his wand, Demaris used the Wand-Lighting Charm to create a blinding flash of light, momentarily disorienting his opponent. He then followed up with the Levitation Charm to lift a nearby desk, creating a barrier between them, making the jinx hit that instead.

The bully, still recovering from the flash of light, attempted to cast the Curse of the Bogies at Demaris. However, Demaris was already prepared, countering with the Smokescreen Spell to obscure his opponent's vision further, not that it would have hit him with the desk as cover anyway.

As the duel continued, Demaris showcased his mastery of various spells, such as the Softening Charm to cushion the impact of the bully's levitated item attacks, the Fire-Making Spell to create small, controlled bursts of flame, and the Ice Jinx to create slippery surfaces beneath his opponent's feet.

The bully, growing increasingly frustrated, tried to catch Demaris off-guard with the Box Blasting Charm. Demaris, however, responded with the Verdimillious Tria, casting a dazzling display of green sparks to intercept the explosive spell.

Throughout the duel, Demaris displayed his ability to think on the fly, easily adapting to his opponent's attacks and responding with a diverse range of spells.

Finally, Demaris saw an opening and cast the green sparks spell, causing a small, harmless burst of sparks to fly into the bully's face. Momentarily stunned, the bully was unable to defend himself as Demaris followed up with a well-placed Knockback Jinx, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The room erupted in cheers and applause as Demaris emerged as the clear victor of the duel. Though he had limited himself to spells learned at Ilvermorny, his vast combat experience and quick thinking had allowed him to outmaneuver and defeat his opponent with ease.

As the cheers from the students filled the room, Professor Stone's eyes widened in shock at the display of skill Demaris had shown, especially considering his young age. He had never seen a student adapt so quickly to magic, let alone demonstrate such prowess in dueling.

Demaris, not one to gloat, approached the fallen bully and extended a hand to help him up. The bully hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to react. But with a sigh, he finally accepted the gesture and allowed Demaris to pull him to his feet.

"I've got to admit, Etherton, you've got some real talent," the bully said begrudgingly, rubbing his sore back. "I won't bother you again."

Demaris shook his head, offering the boy a genuine smile. "Don't think of it like that," he said. "If you ever need help or want to learn, just come to me. We're all here to grow and become better wizards, right?"

The bully looked at Demaris, surprised by his kindness and sincerity. He nodded slowly, his attitude shifting from hostility to one of reluctant respect. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Etherton."

With that, the tension in the room dissipated, and the other students began to chatter excitedly about the impressive duel they had just witnessed. Professor Stone, still taken aback by Demaris's performance, gave him a nod of approval.

The bell signaled the end of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the students filed out of the classroom, still buzzing with excitement from the earlier duel. Demaris gathered his belongings and made his way to his next class – Herbology, taught by Professor Ashton Rosewood.

Demaris entered the Herbology greenhouse, a vast glass structure filled with an array of magical plants. Sunlight streamed in through the panes, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The air was thick with the smell of damp soil and fragrant blooms.

Professor Rosewood, a tall man with a lean build, stood among the plants, his hands buried in a pair of gardening gloves. His hair was a mess of unruly, dark curls, and he had a pair of round glasses perched on his nose. As the students entered, he greeted them with a warm smile, his green eyes twinkling with enthusiasm.

"Welcome to Herbology, everyone!" he exclaimed, gesturing for the students to gather around. "Today, we'll be studying the properties of various magical plants and learning how to properly care for them."

As the lesson progressed, Demaris found himself completely captivated by the world of magical plants. He marveled at the way the Venomous Tentacula snapped its vines in search of prey, and the delicate beauty of the Flutterby Bush, with its leaves that quivered as if each individual one was its own organism.

Professor Rosewood expertly navigated the greenhouse, explaining each plant's unique characteristics and magical properties. Demaris listened intently, absorbing every bit of information he could.

As the class drew to a close, Demaris realized just how intrigued he was by the field of Herbology. The idea that plants could possess such powerful and diverse magical properties was fascinating to him, and he couldn't wait to explore it further.

Demaris left the Herbology greenhouse, his mind still reeling from the fascinating world of magical plants. He consulted his class schedule and made his way to his next lesson – History of Magic, taught by Professor Marigold Barrows.

He entered the classroom, which was adorned with historical artifacts and portraits of famous witches and wizards from throughout the ages. The walls were lined with bookshelves, each filled with tomes detailing various magical events and individuals.

Professor Barrows, a petite woman with a vibrant energy, stood at the front of the room. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and her eyes danced with excitement as she prepared for the day's lesson. She wore a flowing robe adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to tell a story of their own.

"Welcome to History of Magic, students!" she exclaimed, her voice full of enthusiasm. "Today, we will be delving into the life of one of the most legendary wizards of all time – Merlin!"

The students gathered around Professor Barrows as she began to recount the tale of Merlin's life. Demaris listened, captivated by the story of this incredible wizard who had attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a Slytherin.

He learned that Merlin had been a powerful wizard, known for his wisdom and magical abilities. Despite his affiliation with Slytherin, Merlin was a staunch advocate for the rights of magical creatures and no-majs alike, promoting cooperation and understanding between the magical and non-magical worlds.

As the lesson continued, Demaris found himself swept up in the rich tapestry of magical history. He appreciated Professor Barrows' infectious enthusiasm for the subject, which made the tales of the past come alive.

At one point, Demaris' eyes fell upon a portrait of Merlin hanging on the wall. To his surprise, he noticed a Gremory magic circle discreetly placed in the corner of the portrait. The sight piqued his curiosity, but he decided to keep this observation to himself for now.

As the class drew to a close, Demaris reflected on the incredible legacy of Merlin and the countless other witches and wizards who had shaped the magical world. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to study at Ilvermorny and continue his own magical journey.

As the day's lessons came to an end, Demaris made his way to the dining hall for dinner. The grand room was filled with the aroma of delicious food and the chatter of students discussing their day. As Demaris entered, he couldn't help but notice that the whispers seemed to intensify. It appeared that his reputation had begun to spread throughout the school.

He walked to the Wampus table, doing his best to ignore the curious glances and murmurs that followed him. He filled his plate with a variety of dishes, taking in the vast array of magical culinary creations before him. As he ate, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that his skills were being recognized, albeit with a mix of awe and intimidation.

After dinner, Demaris returned to his dormitory, aware that his first Astronomy lesson was scheduled for midnight. To ensure he was well-rested, he decided to take a short nap. He climbed into his bed, the soft sheets and comfortable mattress inviting him to relax and drift off.

As he slept, Demaris's mind wandered to the day's events, replaying the dueling match and his newfound knowledge of magical history. His dreams were filled with images of Merlin and the Gremory magic circle.

Slowly, the hours ticked by, and soon enough, it was time for Demaris to wake up and prepare for his midnight Astronomy class. He stirred from his slumber, feeling refreshed and eager to learn about the mysteries of the stars and celestial bodies that filled the night sky.

Demaris climbed the stairs of the Astronomy tower, feeling the cool night breeze on his face as he ascended. The stars above shone brightly, illuminating the sky with their soft, twinkling light. As he reached the top, he found himself in a spacious open-air classroom, filled with telescopes and other astronomical instruments.

There, he was greeted by the kindly old Professor Beryl Ferlet. Her silver hair was pulled back in a neat bun, and her eyes twinkled like the stars above. She wore a long, flowing robe adorned with celestial patterns and carried a long, slender wand in her hand.

Demaris absentmindedly wonders if it's a requirement for faculty or a fashion trend that the female teachers wear their hair in neatly tight buns.

"Welcome, students, to Astronomy," Professor Ferlet began, her voice gentle yet authoritative. "Tonight, we shall delve into the wonders of the night sky and learn how to read the stars and constellations that have guided wizards and witches for centuries."

Demaris looked around the classroom, noticing that his housemates and roommates all seemed to be struggling to stay awake. Their eyes were heavy with fatigue, and their heads bobbed as they fought against the drowsiness that threatened to overtake them. It was clear that the unusual class schedule was taking its toll on the students.

Despite the general fatigue, Demaris found himself captivated by Professor Ferlet's lesson. She guided the students through the various constellations and their significance in magical history, as well as teaching them how to track the movement of celestial bodies.

As the lesson progressed, the students took turns peering through the large telescopes, adjusting the lenses to focus on different stars and planets. Demaris was fascinated by the celestial worlds that lay beyond the Earth's atmosphere, marveling at the sheer vastness of the universe.

By the end of the lesson, the students had gained a newfound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the night sky. Though many of them could barely keep their eyes open, they couldn't deny the sense of wonder they felt as they descended the Astronomy tower, their minds filled with images of distant stars and galaxies.

As Demaris returned to his dormitory, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to explore the magical world around him, both on Earth and in the heavens above. He knew that his time at Ilvermorny would continue to be filled with incredible experiences, and he couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring.

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