
Reincarnated into the World of Tensura

He was just your average high school otaku. One day our mc was stabbed in the middle of the street and died. Then he experienced something every otaku dreams of, reincarnating into a fantasy world. The world he reincarnated into was not just any world, but the world of Tensura. Will he confront Rimuru? Read to find out! ----------------------- Notice: This Fan-fic will have a random update schedule! ----------------------- THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL! English is my second language. I am writing out of boredom. NOTE: All the characters do not belong to me except the OC. They belong to Fuse.

Fluffy_Star · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Milim and Phobio

VOTW: [....]

Lucia: {....}

Talking: "…."

Thinking: '....'

Thought communication: ('....')


3rd POV

Vel, Milim, Rimuru, and some of Rimuru's subordinates are gathered under a tree. Vel was explaining his situation to Milim. Yes, the same story he told Velzard. Milim didn't care about that. As long as he is here everything is fine.

" So Milim, don't tell anyone I am here, especially Guy. I don't want him challenging me to see whether I got my powers back. I hate to say this but, call me Vel in public. You can call me whatever you want in private." Vel said.

" Okey dad-uh, V-Vel."Milim said while sitting on Vel's lap. Since their conversation finished, Rimuru found an opening to step in.

" U-Uh, Milim. Why are you here?" Rimuru asked

" Hey! You need to call me Milim-sama. I am a demon lord after all." Milim said.

" Milim, he's a friend of mine. Rimuru doesn't need to use formalities with you." Vel said. Milim replied with a pouting nod.

" Thank you, Vel. I knew you were there for me. Ahaha." Rimuru commented.

(' Stop daydreaming. I said that to finish this meeting as quickly as possible, so I can spoil my cute little Milim to death.') Vel thought communicated Rimuru

Rimuru felt betrayed after hearing that. He continued speaking.

" So why are you here?" Rimuru asked

" I came here to say hello," Milim replied

" Just that?" Rimuru asked confused

"Yea," Milim replied with a smile

" Rimuru, introduce Milim to your city and bring her to my house. I will be going." Vel said

" Sure," Rimuru said

After Vel quickly teleported to his house. After that, the same thing happened as in canon. Milim became Rimuru's bestie.


Veldanual's POV

I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly rush to the door and opened it. There I saw Milim with Rimuru standing in front of me.

" You are finally here my baby Milim!" I hugged her, lifting her up a bit. It seems that she was enjoying it.

" Dad! Your house is so weird looking. Show me around." Milim said excitedly.

" If you wish." I started to introduce her to anime, mangas, and new foods totally ignoring Rimuru. He left after a while saying that he was going to visit Vesta or something.

{ Master should not spoil her too much. She needs to encounter Phobio just like in canon for Charybdis to appear.}

' I could make that happen while spoiling her. Hahahaha, nothing can stop me!


" Hey Milim, let's go get you some proper clothes. I don't approve of your overly exposed outfit." I said

" Ok"

Then we went to Shuna for some clothes.

"Ah, Vel-sama, I have the perfect outfit for Milim-sama," Shuna said

" Thanks," I said letting Milim change with Shuna's help.

I was waiting outside and soon, Milim came out. She was wearing the same white outfit that she wore in canon. link( https://pin.it/3nwP7I9 )

" Aww, you look so cuteee." I said

" Hehe," Milim replied

"Thanks, Shuna." I said walking off with Milim

"Your welcome Vel-sama," Shuna replied

I and Milim went around the city until we heard someone speaking to Rigurd.

"I am Phobio! The Black Leopard Fang! One of Lord Carillon's Three Lycanthropeers, and the strongest of all in the Beast Master's Warrior Alliance! What a fine town this is—truly one worthy of falling under the rule of the Beast Master himself, wouldn't you agree?"

"Surely you jest—" was all Rigurd had managed before getting punched out without further comment. The visitor did not use his full strength, keeping the injury merely serious instead of critical. He could be a formidably strong magic-born, not to me of course, a full-power strike could have killed Rigurd on the spot.

Spotting the presence of the Black Leopard Fang Phobio or whatever, Milim flew in, saw that Rigurd was down, and got angry. Phobio hurriedly responded with a skill he called Panther Fang Explosive Chop, although nobody knew what it was supposed to be—it seems Milim's force of will deflected it and sent it hurtling into the sky.

Then I saw Rimuru and Soei coming into the scene.

" What happened?" Rimuru asked while healing Rigurd.

"Ah, Rimuru! This freak was acting like he was the big boss around here, so I put him back in his place!"

Now Milim noticed Rimuru, and she was evidently proud of herself. Fishing for compliments, but Rimuru seems to not want to spark a conflict with another demon lord quite yet.

"…Didn't you promise me you wouldn't cause a ruckus without my permission?"

"Geh?! Um, I, erm… This, this is different! He's not from this town, so it's all right! Really!"

"No, it's not! Still, you did help keep Rigurd safe. We'll just say no lunch for you today and call it even—" Rimuru said

"You're mean! That's so mean! Waaahhhh!"

" Hold on Milim. You did an amazing job punching that guy. I will cook you something special tonight." I said, Rimuru just looked at me exasperated.

" Huh? REALLY? Thank you thank you!" She was jumping happily

" What was that about Vel? She is clearly making problems, shouldn't you give her a punishment or something?" Rimuru asked me

" You are such a naive pacifist Rimuru. You should sometime demonstrate your power to make people not to mess with you." I said

" Ugh. Whatever, Soei heal him and bring him to the guest room." Rimuru said.

" Hai"

While Milim and I were sitting on a couch, Rimuru what having his chat with Phobio. Things went just like in canon. An angry Phobio leaves while glaring at Milim in hatred. He also gave me a confused glare seeing that I am pampering Milim the whole time. I did not care and spent more time with Milim around the city. I did not want myself to get too involved in politics, so when Fuze arrived with Youm and some three idiot adventures, I stayed in my house watching anime. Milim went to hunting with the idiot trio, so I am all alone now.

{You still have me, master.}

Yes yes, I know.


It's about night-time, I am planning to go to the hot spring to relax and also to make sure the Rimuru does not see my Milim naked. He may be genderless, but I am well aware that he is a 37 years old man on the inside.

<<time skip>>

I am right now in front of the entrance of the hot spring waiting. As I was standing there, I can see Rimuru, Fuze, Milim, Shion, and Shuna walking in my direction.

" Hey Vel," Rimuru said

"Yo," I said in a serious tone.

"Uh, Rimuru-dono, could I know who this might be," Fuze asks while looking at the mysterious handsome man.

" Ah, this is umm...Veldanaul. He is one of our residents here in Tempest." Rimuru said and Fuze greeted me.

" Nice to see you too Fuze. Anyway, Rimuru." I glared at him.

" W-What," Rimuru asked having no idea why I am being serious.

" Let me just tell you this, You are NOT allowed to bathe together with Milim. You may be genderless, but I know very well what is going on in that slime brain of yours" I declared

" W-What I would never." Rimuru trying to cover up his plans.

" We'll see," I said turning my head toward Milim, " Milim, have fun with Shion and Shuna together in the bath okay?"

"Okay," Milim said walking in together with the girls inside. When they went into the bath, I immediately placed a barrier around the women's bath, so Rimuru can't peek with magic sense.

" Rimuru, I'll join you guys,"

"O-Okay" Rimuru said dejectedly.

" Who are you to Milim?" Fuze asked

" I'm her da-friend. Yes, friend." I said smiling


Fuze's POV

' He said dad, didn't he? Then does that mean?' My eyes widen,' No way'

I froze on the spot seeing Vel's smile. ' I better not get involved in this.'


Vel's POV

Rimuru and Fuze's conversation went just like in canon. When Fuze was talking to Rimuru, he was praying the whole time in his head for some reason. After everyone finished bathing, I took Milim back to my house. I (Lucia) made her Japanese rice and curry. After she ate ten servings, Milim slept in my room. She was quite cute sleeping soundly. I just lay beside her and closed my eyes.

' Lucia, turn on Sleep-mode'

{ Activating Sleep-mode, Goodnight Master~}

To be continued...