
Reincarnated into the World of Tensura

He was just your average high school otaku. One day our mc was stabbed in the middle of the street and died. Then he experienced something every otaku dreams of, reincarnating into a fantasy world. The world he reincarnated into was not just any world, but the world of Tensura. Will he confront Rimuru? Read to find out! ----------------------- Notice: This Fan-fic will have a random update schedule! ----------------------- THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL! English is my second language. I am writing out of boredom. NOTE: All the characters do not belong to me except the OC. They belong to Fuse.

Fluffy_Star · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Otaku Dragon and Daughter

VOTW: [....]

Lucia: {....}

Talking: "…."

Thinking: '....'

Thought communication: ('....')


Milim's POV

Wahahaha! Today is going to be an exciting day! I am currently heading towards the Jura Forest in search of an interesting new toy. I'm pretty sure that majin from Clayman's crystal, defeated the orc lord. Those three may not realize it, but that majin is a demon lord-level being just like them. Well, not like me of course wahahahahaha! *Ahem* Where was I? Oh right, I am currently flying above the Jura Forest. While flying, I saw a city down below, full of monsters. What!? They're all named!? What kind of person would do something like that without knowing the consequences? As I was thinking about it, I saw a little slime rushing outside the city. It probably sensed me and tried to lure me away from the city. That slime is the same person as the majin who defeated the orc lord! A smile formed on my face as I change my direction to the slime.


Rimuru's POV

Today was a normal day. After being recognized as a nation, naming the lizardmen, and assigning my subordinates their jobs, I can finally relax. I am currently in front of the door of Vel's overly modern house. Should I ask him to build one for me too? Na, maybe another time. I knocked on the front door.

" Come in!" Vel said

I was excited. I have never seen the inside of his house before. I wonder what he's doing now. I went in as I thought. What I saw there completely shocked me. Vel was on a gigantic couch wearing his usual hoodie. It seems that he is reading mangas from god knows where...oh right, he is god. There were stacks of mangas everywhere around him with a half-eaten cup noodles beside him. In front of him was a gigantic flat-screen TV. I bet we could watch some anime on it. Where the hell did he get all this stuff!!! I screamed internally. I'll know someday...probably. I was now in front of Vel who immersed himself in manga. I could see that he is a full-fledged otaku. He still hasn't looked at me. Ugh, this otaku dragon.


*Somewhere in Rimuru's stomach*

" Khahahahaha, I see that big brother possesses thousands of sacred texts. He still is full of wisdom." Veldora said

' Is something wrong with the true dragon bloodline?' Ifrit sweatdropped as he looked at Vel through Rimuru.


3rd Pov

" Hey Vel! Where the heck did you get all this stuff from?!" Rimuru screamed

" Magic." It was the only reply that came from Vel.

" Wha- hm?!!" As Rimuru was about to say something he felt a huge amount of magicules coming towards this city.

" Vel! Come on, I know you felt it too," Rimuru said dashing outside. Vel just sigh and followed behind him with a small smile.

When they arrived up on a hill the the pink haired loli landed infront of them, forming a crater.

" Hello, I am the one and only dragonoid, also known as the Destroyer, Demon lord Milim Nava." Milim said. Vel was inside Rimuru's shadow for some reason while hiding his presence.

"Well, good afternoon," Rimuru said, eyeing her closely. "My name is Rimuru, and I am the leader of this town. I am impressed that you recognized this slime as the strongest presence here."

"Hee-hee-hee! That's kid stuff for someone like me. My Milim Eye can measure all the magical energy people try to hide from me. Don't try to play the fool around me, you!" she proudly boasted.

(A/N: I am "Borrowing" some text from Fuse. I am too lazy to write the stuff that happened in canon;)


Rimuru's POV

She had her chest stuck way out to emphasize her magnificence, although her chest size was, shall we say, disappointing. You could tell from one look that they weren't fully grown yet. The skimpy outfit made it even more impossible to hide. I, of course, was too mature an adult to mention that out loud. I'm not stupid enough to go dancing into an obvious minefield like that.

But she had a skill kind of like my Analyze and Assess, huh? No point trying to hide anything, then. This was a tad dangerous. My own analysis revealed that she had a clear power advantage, and I'm sure her skill levels were far above mine.

I couldn't win. If we got in a fight, I didn't think anything would work on her. I could string my skills together to keep things even and buy some time, but that's about it. It made the Orc Disaster seem like a walk in the park.

"By the way," she continued, "is that how you really look? Was that silver-haired person I saw thrashing that bum Gelmud a transformation, then?"

She knew about that fight? Either she heard about it from Soei, or somebody was watching us. I knew Gelmud was, but I didn't even think that someone would be watching Gelmud, too. So his plans were leaked from the start, then—or Gelmud was nothing but another puppet, another character in the grand show. He did mention that he had demon lord backing—I thought he was just being a sore loser, but maybe he had some connections in high places after all. Someone at this level, for example.

"Ah, did you mean this?" I said as I transformed. My mask was off; there was no need to conceal my aura.

"Oooh, it was you! So you defeated the orc lord? I thought it consumed Gelmud and turned into a demon lord, kind of."

The demon lord Milim seemed to enjoy this news quite a lot. So she knew Gelmud was dead, but nothing past that, huh? Maybe I could hide the truth a little…but that still seemed dangerous. Honesty was probably the best policy.

"Impressive! Yes, the orc lord evolved into an Orc Disaster, but…well, I fought it and beat it anyway, I guess. So…" I tried to change the subject. "Are you just here to say hello today, or could I help you out with something? You aren't here to, say, take revenge for Gelmud, are you?"

If she answered yes to that, we were doomed. But she didn't look like the kind to resort to such pettiness. She might insist on me becoming her vassal in exchange for forgiveness, but that's about it. There wasn't much merit in rubbing us out right now, besides. Either way, though, I needed to figure out what she wanted, and how she intended to achieve it.

"Mm? Help me? Um, I'm just sayin' hi, but…"



An awkward silence. The demon lord Milim and I stared at each other wordlessly for a bit. Then:

"Prepare to die!!"

With a shout, Shion slashed at the demon lord, or so I thought. After the dust clear from the impact, I could see Vel holding her sword.

" Rimuru. Tell your subordinates to no attack her. I'll deal with her." Vel said. I quickly nodded

('GUYS STOP! Vel said he will handle it.') I thought communicated them.

('But Rimuru-sama.') Benimaru was about to finish, but I cut him off.

('No buts and it seems that Vel have some business with her. Lets not get involved.') as I said this, everyone hesitated a bit, then finally obeyed.


Veldanaul's POV

After Rimuru's subordinates backed off, I turn around to see a confused Milim infront of me. AWW, my little Milim is so cute. I will spoil her later.


Lucia? I heard no reply. Whatever. I looked at Milim with a warm smile as I hugged her tightly while lightly patting her head.

" I miss you my little Milim." I said to her. " Let it all out, I'm here for you now. Daddy is here" I said while caressing her.


3rd POV

Everyone just look at the scene with their jaws hanging. No one expected this kind of situation to happen. As everyone was still in their own thoughts, Milim just froze there for a bit. Suddenly, she started bursting out tears. All the emotions that she has kept bottled up inside her are now gushing out. The man claiming to be her father was still hugging her with a familiar love. When she analysed him, all she could tell was that he was a true dragon, nothing else. This confused her a bit, but knowing that he is a true dragon, she realized that he was indeed her father. There, she cried in his arms for ten minutes straight. After calming down, She looked up at Vel.

" Finally calmed dowm?" Vel asked while smiling

" Un" She replied still snuggling in his chest.

To be continued...