
Reincarnated into the World of Tensura

He was just your average high school otaku. One day our mc was stabbed in the middle of the street and died. Then he experienced something every otaku dreams of, reincarnating into a fantasy world. The world he reincarnated into was not just any world, but the world of Tensura. Will he confront Rimuru? Read to find out! ----------------------- Notice: This Fan-fic will have a random update schedule! ----------------------- THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL! English is my second language. I am writing out of boredom. NOTE: All the characters do not belong to me except the OC. They belong to Fuse.

Fluffy_Star · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Slime and First Wife?

VOTW: [....]

Lucia: {....}

Talking: "…."

Thinking: '....'

Thought communication: ('....')


((Time Skip))

A couple of months later.

In an endless space, you could hear the sound of swords attacking each other.

*Clank* *Woosh* *Clank*

Two people can be seen sparing with their swords. One was a man who had galactic-like purple hair and golden eyes. The other person was a woman with pink hair and blue eyes. Yes, they are Veldanaul and Solomon. They are having a spar and it seems like Vel (short for Veldanaul) is on the losing side as usual. You may also be wondering why Solomon has taken the form of Veldanava's dead wife Lucia. Well...



After Solomon possessed the clone, it turned into a shape of a woman. She had Pink long hair and soft blue emotionless eyes. She was too gorgeous for her won good.

Meanwhile, Vel just stared at her with his mouth agape and lower jaw slamming on the ground creating a small crater. He knew who she looks like. He has seen that face on google. It was Lucia.

"S-Solomon, why do you look like that?"

Sol: "Since master looks like Veldanava, I have decided to use the form of Lucia."

"Why though?"

Sol: "It would be weird for someone that looks like Veldanava with an unknown woman, so I decided to use Lucia's form."

"But we aren't lovers or anything like that right?"

Sol:*Flinch* "I-I don't know. I am an ultimate skill born for master's sake. Nothing else."

" Don't say stuff like that. We are partners remember? Just like Rimuru and Ciel."

Sol: "I see."

" And speaking of Ciel, You are developing your own ego as well. Do you think it is a good idea to name you so you can evolve into manas?"

Solomon's eyes widen a bit then quickly return back to her usual emotionless eyes.

Sol: "Just as I said, I only exist for master's sake."

" Fine then, since you look like her, from today onwards you shall be Lucia."

Then a voice rang inside Vel's head.

[ Announcement. Ultimate skill Intellectual King Solomon is evolving.]

[ Confirmed. Ultimate skill Intellectual King Solomon has evolved into Manas: God's Intellectual Core: Lucia.]

Suddenly, Lucia's emotionless face starts to burn up, blushing while realizing what she just said.

Lucia:'D-Does that mean me and m-master are l-l-lovers? You know what, I don't care. From today onwards I am master's first and only wife!'

*Flashback Ends*


Veldanaul's POV


" Lucia, time out!", I yelled. In the months we've been training together, Lucia was beating me up like crazy. I don't know why, is she some kind of sadist?

" Master, it seems that it's about time to go to Tempest.", she said.

" Right, I almost forgot. Come back inside me and let's go." I said excitedly.

Lucia then vanished and returned inside me. Feels nice. Hm? What am I thinking?! Focus Veldanaul, focus. I then said goodbye to the cave and teleported to the edge of the Jura Forest.

I concealed my aura to match that of an A-rank not to stand out. I start to walk in the direction of Tempest. I can sense someone spying on me. It was a Dryad and I knew who it was. It was Tryeni the Dryad.

I simply ignored her and continue my way to Tempest. There I met some goblins on wolves at the entrance of the city. One of them in particular was short, has a head the size of a medium-sized watermelon, and a big round nose. Immediately, I knew it was Gobta.

When he spotted me, he came to me and introduced himself.

" Hello-suu, I'm Gobta. I haven't seen you around, you must be new to the city."

" Uh, yea. I have decided to live in this city and want to build a house.", I said

" Ohh. I'm sure Rimuru-sama would allow it-suu. Want me to bring you to him?" he asked

" Sure, that would be a great help Gobta-kun.", I said. I didn't even need to ask. This made it a lot easier for me.

Gobta happily led the way and arrived at the government building.

'Man, it looks exactly the same as the anime.'

"Just sit and wait here-suu. Rimuru-sama will arrive shortly-suu." he said and left.

On my way to the Guest area, I was met with a few stares. Some of them I recognize. They were Hakuro who glanced at me and Soei who was spying on me. Well, I gave them no mind. Then shortly after, I see a bishoujo with blue hair and golden eyes, with a one-horned big-breasted woman, and a two-horned man with red hair coming in my direction. I knew who they were. They were Shion, Benimaru, and Rimuru himself. My face may look calm, but I am having a sugar rush in my mind. There is just one word to describe this moment and it is exciment.


Rimuru's POV

I was just relaxing with ranga. I was about to fall asleep, but then, that Gobta informed me about a man that wanted to live in my city. Well, he said that the man looks like a human. This city only has a few humans living here currently. It's quite rare for a human to come here alone. I should go greet him.

I then called Shion and Benimaru with me just in case things go south. Ranga was in my shadow. Soei has already informed me about him and it seems that he is hiding something.

I am now in front of the government building and saw Hakuro standing at the entrance. He walked up to me.

" Rimuru-sama, that man who Gobta brought is dangerous. I don't know, but I could just feel it. Be careful when meeting him Rimuru-sama."

For Hakuro to be on guard his much. Just who is that man? I nodded and went straight to the guest area. There I saw a man. A man with piercing golden eyes and with galactic-like purple hair. He looked at me, smiled, and greeted me.

" Hello, you must be Rimuru, the leader of this city. Nice to meet you." he said.

" Hi there, you are right, I am the leader of this city, Rimuru Tempest, it's also nice to meet you. What's your name?"

His power seems to be an A-rank, but I can't always be sure.

'Great sage, analyze him. Tell me how powerful he is.'

{ Notice: The individual in front seems to be concealing his power. The exact amount can't be measured but is estimated to be as powerful as Individual Veldora, if not stronger.}

I completely froze hearing what great sage said.

' Stronger than Veldora?! Who the hell is he? Is he also a True Dragon?'

I am panicking inside.

" My name is Veldanaul, you can call me Vel. I wanted to meet with you to see whether I could have some land on the edge of the city because I want to build a house to live in."

Veldanaul. I haven't heard about him. Well, if he wants to live in my city then so be it. There is nothing I can do to someone as powerful as him. I let out a sigh in my mind.

" Sure. I can give you some land, but only on one condi..." I was cut off by Vel. He suddenly frowns a bit and leans towards me. Benimaru and Shion were about to attack, but I stopped them. I was panicking inside, but I had to keep my face calm. When his eyes were staring right at me, I could feel as if he was looking right through my soul. Then he asked me a question that made the whole room silent.

" Hmm. Why do I feel Veldora inside you?"

I was silent.

'How did he know?! What will he do now? Will he kill me?' many thoughts were running through my mind until he continued.

" Haha, I see how it is. Veldora that spoiled child, finally doing something new. Well, when he is released I should educate him a bit, and also Great Sage, you better not let him slack off. Playing shogi will only let him slack more. Train him and beat him to a pulp. If he resists then educate him." he said


I was looking at him dumbfounded. He knows about Veldora and also knows about great sage. And shogi? Nevermind that. I need to know who he really is.

"I-I see, umm w-who really are you?" I stutter along the way.

-To be continued

Hey! Author-kun here. Write some reviews!!! I want to know whether my readers are enjoying this fac-fic or not.

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