
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
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12 Chs

Too sickly...(3)

In this world magic is a big part of life everyone is born with a mana core somes mana core are too small to use magic while another's are big enough to use all sorts of magic

From water to dark magic and much more and like wise with bigger and more powerful magic spells you will need a bigger mana core

Apollo's mana core is a bit above average but not up to standards for a royal prince in line for the throne after the princess, Apollo can do alot of spells but he preferred the ice magic type so he was more profestoin in ice and water types

In this world there is three ranks from the lavens which are the lowest rank, the Amber which is second in rank and the Lilys which are the highest in rank, thay are rank by strong the princess being the strongest in the amber rank

Apollo looked at the man cooking as he thought about and tried to recall what his world was set in then it was the he remembered

He was engaged.. he never met them in his life but thay met each other, in this world poly marriages are common also with gay marriage since thay could make children's with life magic even though it's a bit complicated and requires a large mana core... so it was a big shock when in my last life that the place i was born gay marriage is illegal and thay couldn't haven't kids with out hiring and adoption..

but yes Apollo was engaged as 2 months after he got to his place but even as a year past he never got to met them but but he dose no thay are both boys but he doesn't no from which families

It's.. complicated

Apollo sighed again as rubbed his red puffy eyes with one of his chubby fist

"Are sleepy your highness..?"

Apollo looked up at the man who looked so much like his father and unconsciously nodded while out stretching his arms towards him

The man froze for a moment and Apollo snapped out of his eyes stinged, he wanted to scold himself because after all he isn't his father

Apollo reluctantly took his hands back but unexpectedly the butler took him in his arms and rubbed his back


Apollo eyes started to leck he hugged his neck and bury his face in the man's neck, tears started to fall from his eyes once again

Apollo always has been a cry baby... from the day his father die in his first life he balled up his emotions until his mother found him and he made a promise to himself if the tears come let them rain it will be fine and from that day on he was named the crybaby, villain and disgrace of the royal family but he didn't care his attention was fully on his mother and sister for a while until the rumor of him trying to seal the throne from his sister and with that he tune down whatever he was doing a bit

Luis was holding Apollo in his arms as he made the food after he was finally done he sat down with Apollo still clinging to him

Luis took a breath and while stroking his hair said

"Your highness please eat"

Apollo let go of the man's neck and turned in his lap and looked at the plate in front of him

It was mash potatoes two sunnyside up eggs and two slices of tomato

Apollo didn't have appetite.. he didn't not feel like eating and it seems like Luis noticed, he gave a helpless smile and began to coax

"Your highness this is all we have but if you eat up good then I can.. uhm.. get you something sweet later on ok?"

Apollo didn't answer but he picked up the fork and started to eat

Luis smile began to widen a bit and he unconsciously patted Apollo's head

"Good boy good boy eat and grow up will ok?"

Apollo froze for a bit but he relaxed quickly and just ate quietly, he had a lot to think about and even to remember

He wanted to be with his family, he wanted to feel good he wanted alot of things that he lost a two days ago

He didn't like this but this is his punishment for his wrong doings for all the misery he placed onto the people that came in his way..

After a while he finished eating, he rubbed his stomach and bit satisfied but not too much

Even tho it's the first time he filled his stomach with food in this life after transgression but its fine

He felt a bit sleepy, he rubbed his eyes gently the sleepiness from earlier was now hitting him since he finally ate

"Let's get your highness to bed now ok?" He gently said as he lifted Apollo up

Apollo reset his face onto the man's shoulder he felt a bit hot but that may be because of his sickness but he really doesn't care, he was always sickly so y default he was weak and delicate but as he grew up he got a bit better but just a little not enough tho

He closed his eyes he tried to feel his mana core and a cold soothing feeling ran through his veins and in front of his eyes was a small ball, it was small emitting cold air which was very gentle and soothing to his skin, it was like a glass ball with the rainbow in it but the blue colors were more present in the ball

Apollo was a bit shock! His Mana core was a bit bigger from what he remembered.. he frowned

When he gets to his room he will practice and get himself use to magic and because when summoning his core he got even more tired from doing it

He l made Hua core disappeared and fill asleep in his butlers arms


OK how is this? His childhood arc will be a bit long because of my brain keeps forgetting the important thing I most tell so be patient with me please..!

Anyway- bye bye!