
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Too sickly ( 1)

Apollo head felt fozy, he was hot all over with his head hurting

He curled up his slender fingers curling up around the pure white pillow

Knock Knock


Apollo didn't answer

It Knocked again

He didn't answer but slide off the bed

He didn't want to open the door but he has to, as his slide off the bed his small feet hit the floor his breath quicken and his legs shaken

He hurryly went to the door and opened it, as he did so he met a figure..

Lean build with soft features, brown hair with a few gray hair, slightly brown skin

The figure was blurry in his eyes but it looked really...

"Daddy..?" Apollo eyes watered as he jumped onto the figure

"DADDY! I am sorry! Am sorry! Apollo is bad.. Apollo.. Apollo did bad things.. Apollo is sorry.." Apollo couldn't put his thoughts into words as he hugged the man tightly

The man was quiet as he looked at the young child in front of him

"Young Master?"

Apollo didn't answer he just kept crying, the man hesitantly lifted the boy up and the boy wrapped his hands around his neck, he cried into his neck

"Uhm.. Shh Shh..  it's ok its..ok" The man awkwardly pat the boys back only to feel the heat on his skin

"Young Master? Are you ok? Your hot.." the man worryingly as as he walked into the room He placed the child onto the bed but the boy refused to let go

"Master? Did you take you medicine?" He asked gently

"N-no.. I didn't daddy.. Apollo didn't take any.." Apollo replied not taking his face from the crook of the man's neck

The man was uncomfortable but at least the boy stopped crying and now that he was thinking about it... why is the master calling him Daddy?

"Ah.. c-can you let go?"

Apollo didn't answer but the tighten grip around his neck said everything

"Ok.. where is the pills?"

Apollo tried to think about it but his mind felt fozy, blank and hot really hot

He shook his head, he can't remember

"Ah.. uhm..can I have a look through your stuff Master?"

Apollo nodded not but nit saying a word

"...ok master" the man started to look all over the room to find the pills, he soon found the pills and he sat onto the bed with the child in his lap

"Young Master here swallow quickly" the man held out the pills to him and Apollo obediently took it

"Good boy..-" the man unconsciously said

Apollo felted the heat on his skin lightly cooled,he relaxed into the man's arms and his stomach started to growl



Apollo nodded

"Ok let's go"