
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

So hot... too hot

Apollo on his bed, his golden eyes were lifeless as he lied there, he thinks he has been this room for two day with no one checking on him but it was fine it was very much expected

Since it'd been three mouth since his og self get into his place and his reputation was dog shit bed since about five days ago he started to treat his sister like shit and hurt her due to the bad rumors and his jealous

He had no excuse for his awful actions towards his sister was at that time he when started to bully his sister he was going through alot of things like his father's death, his mother's favoritism and the bad mouthing of the servants

But now he doesn't mind.. he doesn't since this was a punishment for the actions he did due to his jealous which lead him to trying to kill of his sister by sending her to the forest of dreams so he can get a bit of attention from his dear mother.. but it will never happen since after all he is a villain distended to be punishment be the God's for hurting the female lead

He sighed as his mind started to draft towards his family especially his dad

"..." he wanderedhow will his family react? Would his body be a empty vessel next to his brother? Or will his body and the memory's of him disappear from their minds?

Apollo teared up again, he hope.. he hope's the second option is what happened after all who wants their family to be sad over themselves?

But a piece of his heart wanted them to remember him so.. when this punishment is over.. he can be with them again.. bur he knows better then anyone that will never happened

Apollo as he thought about this couldn't help it his tears felling down like a beautiful stream, the clear, salty and warm tears ran down his smooth plump cheek

He cried for his losted hope and family because.. after all that's all he can do


Apollo sat up off his bed and slipped off the bed, Apollo rubbed his red swollen eyes and yawned, he was in a dazed

"Daddy most be cooking for mummy by now..." he said to him self as he took a step towards the the door when he paused and his eyes started to sting

"..."he almost forgot he.. he didn't have a family anymore and now he is being punished for his actions

He took a breath and still made his way out of the door

To help himself feel a bit better he will make his family's favorite meal

After all since his daddy was a stay at home dad he cooked a lot and Apollo who is very clingy used how to cook at the tender age of 2, but what he and his dad liked the most was baking!

Apollo started to walk along the deep and dark halls that was lit up by the night's tender light hit Apollo's milky smooth skin and as he walked through the light of the moon his white locks of hair swayed slightly

It was around 6:00am in the morning Apollo can tell after all since his mummy's work starts at 7:30 and him and big brother's school start 8:00 his dad woke up very early to make delicious breakfast and as his dad dose that he slowly fell in waking up the same time as his daddy

As he walked he looked around the unfamiliar and familiar walls, the palace he was in was the west wing which was very much away from the main palace were his mo- no the queen and the princess was since the the princess lives in the main palace with the queen

As Apollo thought about he can't help but feel a bit sad and a bit jealous but he disappeared when he reached the kitchen door

This palace was not very clean and the maids very made a effort to clean it after all why would thay clean a place for the villain and the person thay hated most for hurting their princess?

He pushed opened the with his shaking arms, he was really weak.. but he made his way towards the counter

Apollo was satisfied at least this place was clean, he thought about something..

If this was really a punishment? Even if it is it will not stop him from doing what he wants and it's to cook.. in the memories of his family

He started to look through the counter cabinets and found a pan he then looked for ingredients

There wasn't a lot... he has to save up some to maybe plant them after all who would refill his goods? The servants? Don't make him laugh

He sighed disappointed after all he didn't have enough food to make his family's favorite foods

There was six eggs and three potatoes and two tomatoes

He sat there dejected, he had one interest in making anything for him unless it's his family's favorites so he got up and ran to his room not even touching the items

As soon as he git to his room he felt hot so hot his legs were weak and his breath was heavy, he hated this feeling..

In his previous life he was sick and had the same illness as this world but with his family's care he got better while in this world he got worse

So hot hot hot so uncomfortable..

He crawled into bed and tried to sleep but his heart hurts his breath was short and he felt hot, tears ran down his cheek

It hurts daddy.. mummy brother it hurts.. help me