
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
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12 Chs

why...? Why..!? WHY!?

Apollo slowly opened his eyes to meet a white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed

Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him

He.. he can't...

He hurryly got up stumbling a few times  as he ran to the mirror in a corner

He was disturbed and distressed at what he saw

Sickly pale skin, red rosey lips, big round watery golden hair and long very long white hair bur what was very eye catching was the large pink handprint on his cheek

"..." he was horrified! Warm clear tears started to run down his cheek, he was.. heartbroken the family.. the family he had! The family he had learned to trust and care for was gone!

"This can't be happening..it just can't!" Apollo started to cry and started to hold his hair tightly


"Yes! YES! This is just a dream! Just a horrible dream I just need to wake up!"

He pinched his thighs to wake up hard as passable which made his soft skin turn a bright shade of red, the pain stinged on his sensitive skin as he felt the pain his eyes started to cry harder

"Fuck! Why... Why!? WHY ISN'T THIS A FUCKING DREAM!?" He cried out

He started to think why is this always happening to him?

In his first life when he was 2 his dad died so suddenly and weird people in armor took him her saying that the queen was his mother.. at first he was skeptical.. but looking at her gold eyes he believed him, he thought his mother would spoil him as much as his sister but.. but that.. that never happened because as soon as he reached into the castle he was labeled as a the 'villan prince' that is trying to steal the throne from his delicate big sister and life went in a horrible way ever since then, with people treating him worst then a commoner and then framing him with things he has never done!

And as time went on his timid personality turned into a cold and quiet personality

No! Maybe this is his time for his punishment for all he did to his sister?

I-if that's so.. than..ok he deserves this but.. h-he..

He will expect this punishment.. but it.. it hurts so much.. he.. he lost the thing that he loved more than anything....

His family..

He could help crying even more until he fell unconscious