
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Daddy's boy

Apollo sat there in his father's arms as he cleaned the kitchen counter, he let out a helpless smile as he placed the small boy onto the kitchen counter and look at him

"Apollo don't you want to go out and play with your mummy and big brother?"

Apollo shoked his little head and clinged to his father's neck refusing to let go

"Haha! My baby is really a daddies boy? Ok ok at less help me make your mother's cake"

Apollo slowly let go of his father and nodded

Apollo is a boy of the age of 12 but he looks like a 9 years old, he was mute from birth it's not that he can't speak he just refuses to say a thing to anyone except his family

Apollo slide off the counter and stood near his father waiting for orders

"Hahaha! Aren't you a obedient little kid? Already go for the cake mix and-"

Time skipped as Apollo helped make the cake and thay started to celebrate his mother's birthday it want on until 10 in the night

Apollo was all tooked in bed, his family was in the room with him with his brother next to him

"M-Mummy.. can y-you read t-the story..?" Apollo spoke with his milky and childishly cute voice

"Ah? That story again? Fine I will baby if your big brother agrees"

His body bother was 13 years old in age, Apollo loved him very much! So much he was a very caring and careful brothe

Apollo turned to hus brother only to find him sleeping soundly, Apollo smiled gently and turned to his mother

"Mummy b-big brother i-is a-asleep.."

"Ah? OK ok ready? Let's go~"

Once up on a time~ there was a princess with great power! She was next in line for thrown to be queen which caused her to be pampered by her mother and loved by others for her caring nature

But her sick brother was not happy about that, he was the sick and hated younger prince that just returned from the slums, he was jealous of the attention the princess got so he tried ruin her

He did everything he could which made the princess end up in the forest of dreams where she met the fairy prince, at first glance thay fell in love and the fairy prince helped the princess to get out of the forest and helped her get revenge on her brother, after she got revenge she became queen and lived happily ever after

Mother looked over to her son, she gave a helpless smile as he gaved her sleeping sons and kiss on their cheek

"Good night my babies" she then turned on the night light and closed the door gently

After a few minutes Apollo opened his eyes once again

"...." he gaved a helpless smile as he thought about the story, In his previous life he was a sickly young prince and also a villain interfering in the female leads life which end him up in a prince to be tortured and killed off slowly

And when he died he woke up in the womb of his mother and now he is here he loved and loved his father with his heart with his dear father in a special place in that so called heart

He was satisfied.. he finally had a family.. a family who loved him as much as he loved them

Soon as he kepted thinking of his family members his small face started to sprout soft and doting smile, he turned to his brother and hugged him lovingly

When he wakes up in the morning he will ask his mummy, daddy and big brother to play with him... he can't wait!

Hi this.. uhm.. idk

lilac_the_lazy_onecreators' thoughts