
Weapons & Released & Old Enemy

"Very well. I will go convince the world to begin preparations. Though I may need help" Serizawa said, sounding uncertain

"That won't be a problem. When the time comes, we will aid you in convincing the world. Besides, when has humanity ever refused a weapon?" I said with a smirk


It took less than a month for the humans to agree that such a move was necessary. Of course they just wanted a new weapon but they would never admit that.

Time went on and matches were found to be drift compatible. Their training involved fighting Godzilla and myself with blunted and uncovered weapons. They were getting pretty good but still needed time.

Eventually, someone mentioned building a wall to keep the Kaiju out. I just had to tell Odin that no wall could keep them out, anymore than it could keep me out. The next day, this plan was thrown out the window.

The only way Godzilla and I could help, besides being sparring partners, was to grab iron heavy asteroids from the asteroid belt. The humans appreciated this because it's saved a ton of time in mining.

Instead of making only 10 first generation Jaegers, they managed to make 25. This doesn't sound like much, but Godzilla and I would only intervene if the Jaegers failed. If humans wanted to survive, they needed to fight for the chance.

.....Eventually, extremist groups started popping up. Saying G and I should be put down or even worshiped. We ignored both.

Then there was another group. They wanted to free all contained Kaiju. Thinking we could all live in peace.

(This pretty much went according to the King of the Monster movie until King Ghidorah is released. I don't like exact copy and paste from. movies and script)

As soon as KG was released, he was about to destroy the humans in his vicinity. But he froze when he noticed a blue glow coming from below the ice, he remembered who this was. But what shocked him most was, as Godzilla broke through the ice, he actually had to look up. This had never happened before. He couldn't force himself to take a step forward because he also remembered 1 very important detail. Godzilla wasn't alone.

He kept his center head focused on Godzilla while the other 2 were looking around for me frantically. But there was a snow storm going on and he couldn't see through it. But I could. 'Sharingan.' Suddenly, it was like it was a clear day in my eyes, I could see everything clearly. I decided to play it cool as I started powering up, glowing red. I slowly walked up from behind KG, not to attack him, but to let him see the glow as I walked into his sight. His reaction was priceless. The humans watching could only think 1 thing. 'That would scare the shit out of me too.'

KGs only thought was 'HOW THE HELL ARE THEY BOTH BIGGER THAN ME?!' To put icing on the cake, I transformed into my lycan form, growing to over double his height. As he saw this, and his true situation finally registered in his mind, he decided it was time he left this planet. But how could I allow that?

He roared at us in an attempt to scare us, that failed. We roared back and our roars literally caused him to hit the ground. He could not fight our combined alpha roars. We both looked at him, disappointed. We had waited for more than 60 million years for this fight to happen, and all he could do was lay on the ground like he was waiting to die. We decided to let him fight.

KG finally managed to stand back up and looked at us with blood filled eyes, realizing he had to fight to survive.

This fight never made it off the Antarctic circle. But there was 1 line almost identical to the movie that everyone around the world said since this fight was broadcast live, even to the public.

"Long live the Kings!"

This line was being chanted as our fight came to an end with KG in the middle of Godzilla and myself, blasting him with our breathe attacks, managing to put a hold in the middle of his chest and the resulting combination, merged, combined and expanded (thing ironman repulsors from ironman 2). As the posing energy wave expanded to encompass KGs entire body, it exploded into a massive ball of pure destruction.

As soon as we stood back up, we started looking around for any parts of KG that we may have missed. Finding nothing, we turned to the humans before we both flew off to settle the other Kaiju back down. Little did we know, we missed 1 head that had flown off into the distance. It would be found and used against us in the future I'm sure.

It only took us a day to settle all the Kaiju down and return to our mutual resting place. We lay down and just talked about the fight. Having finally defeated our oldest enemy, the only enemy we knew of left were the Kaiju from the portal.


It was less than a year later we were introduced to Kong. He's a good kid, but we had to put him in his place. He's to young to be alpha of anyone. Maybe in the future he could join us. He's less than 1 thousand years old after all (I'm not going with that less than 100 years old bs). Maybe after he hits a million years old, we would consider it.


Then, one day, we felt an energy we were hoping we wouldn't feel for a while longer. The portal had opened again.

We told the humans of the situation and reminded them that we would only intervene if they were to fail.

The Jaegers did much better than in the movies since they had already advanced to the third generation, thanks to practice with Godzilla and myself. This would be very boring until the category 5 and beyond Kaiju came along. They decided we were now called Titans, and the invaders from the portal were called Kaiju.