
Reincarnated in the world of one piece as the son of Kaido

An orphan boy is killed in an accident and is reincarnated into the world of one piece as Kaido's son Ryu. His only cheat, a gift package he received upon awakening the memories of his previous life. Aware now of the dangers that lay ahead watch as Ryu does his best to gather his strength and destroy all does who go against him.

Storm_Bird_4562 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Forming a Crew

"Hey Ryu" Yamato called out to her brother as they made their way back

"Yeah, what is it?" Ryu looked back at her and asked

"When did you become so strong?" she asked

"What do you mean? I have always been this strong" Ryu replied jokingly

"Liar! if that was the case you wouldn't have always needed my help before" Yamato snorted in dissatisfaction as she went ahead and ran in front of him.

"Maybe you're just stronger than you think? How about fighting our father later and try finding out" Ryu went on and teased

"Haha very funny." Yamato replied

"Anyway, when are we leaving? I can't wait to go out to sea already." Yamato asked excitedly. Quickly Forgetting her earlier question.

"We have to wait for everything to be ready first before we set sail." Ryu replied

"And when will that be?" Yamato asked impatiently

"Soon. For now let's wait for our new partners to be brought to us." Ryu responded

"New partners? Who?" Yamato asked curiously

"You'll meet them later for now let's head back to our room and wait. Ryu replied as he hurried his steps and quickly left Yamato behind.

"Hey, wait for me!" Yamato yelled out as she ran after him.


"Young master Ryu we brought the people you were looking for." A random pirate stated as they came walking into the room.

"Alright bring them in." Ryu replied as he stood up from his bed. Followed by Yamato who slowly began waking up.

"Alright" the pirate replied as they left the room and soon came back followed by two girls.

A small girl with long blue hair with thin pink streaks. Wearing a mask that covered the lower half of her face. With two white horns on the top of her head that resemble that of a bulls. And another more mature girl with long blonde hair and curved red horns. Wearing a black kimono that highlighted her developing curves.

"Are these the two you wanted." The random pirate asked

"Yes, you can leave now." Ryu replied

"Yes sir" The pirate replied and dismissed himself. Leaving only the four of them left alone in the room.

"Nice seeing you two guys again. Ulti, Maria." Ryu said to the two girls in front of him with a smile on his face

""Ryu?"" The two girls looked at him and replied together in shock

"Why are you two so surprised? it looks like you've seen a ghost" Ryu joked

"Why are you here? Weren't we supposed to meet the young master of the beast pirates?" Maria asked

"Wait! don't tell me that you are..." Maria suddenly asked in realization

"Bingo" Ryu replied

"How?" Maria questioned

"Well Kaido is my father." Ryu replied

"Then that means you were the one who called for us here." Maria asked

"Yup" Ryu replied

"Ohh, Ry-ry!" Ulti yelled out as she tackled Ryu onto the ground

"I knew you wouldn't forget about me." She said as she tightly hugged Ryu and rubbed her cheek against his.

"I'm glad to see you too Ulti." Ryu replied with a wry smile.

"Ryu do you know these two?" Yamato asked as she got up.

"Yeah, it's a long story." Ryu looked at her and responded.

"I met them both a while back when I visited the training grounds of the beast pirates." He explained.

"This one right here was getting her butt beaten. So I stepped in and helped her out."He stated as he pointed at Ulti who was still completely attached to him.

"Hey! I could have beaten them eventually." Ulti looked up at him and pouted

"Really? because If I remembered correctly you couldn't even stand up anymore." Ryu replied ruthlessly

"Ugh!" Ulti lowered her head and reacted to Ryu's harsh words

"So, why did you call for us here?" Maria interrupted their little antic and asked Ryu

"I called for you two here because I wanted you two to join me." Ryu ignored the downcasted Ulti and replied seriously to Maria's question.

"Join you?" Maria questioned

"Yeah, I want you two to join the pirate crew I'm planning to form along with my sister." Ryu replied as he pointed to his sister.

"Pirate crew? but aren't we already members of the beast pirates?" Maria asked

"Wait, does this mean you plan on leaving the beast pirates? will your father even allow that?" She continued on and asked with concern.

"Don't worry I don't plan on leaving the beast pirates. More like creating my own strong pirate crew that is affiliated with it. I already talked about it with my father and he agreed with it." Ryu replied to her concerns.

"So will you two join us or not?" Ryu went on and asked.

"Since that's the case, I see no reason to decline." Maria replied with a smile on her face.

"What about you Ulti?" Ryu looked down at Ulti and asked her

"I will also like to join but what about my brother?" Ulti responded with a bit of uncertainty

"Don't worry about that. I'll have someone inform my father to take him in. I'm sure he'll agree to my request." Ryu replied

"Then if that's the case I also agree to join your pirate crew" Ulti replied

"Great!" Yamato cheered

"Welcome aboard."she said to the two of them

""We'll be in your care"" Ulti and Maria bowed their heads and replied simultaneously

"So what now?" Maria asked

"Well for now, let's get you two a devil fruit." Ryu replied

""Huh"" Ulti and Maria responded in unison.

"Here" Ryu took out two devil fruits from his storage and handed it over to the two of them. Giving them no time to react.

"These two are mythical zoan type devil fruits. The spider queen and the earth dragon fruit." He went on to explain to the two of them

"Wait are you sure?" Maria came out of her stupor and asked Ryu

"It's fine, just eat it. I can't have a weak crew member now can I." Ryu replied and responded to her uncertainty

"Well, okay. Then I promise to not let you down." Maria declared as she took a bite out of the devil fruit in her hand

"Me to." Ulti declared as she also took a bite from the devil fruit in her hand.

"Huh? It doesn't taste as bad as rumors said" Maria stated.

"Yummy" Ulti said with stars in her eyes as she continued taking another bite.

'That's naturally because these devil fruits were created by me using my devil fruit generator. Thus they also don't have the weakness of an ordinary devil fruit.' Ryu replied and said in his head

"Well then, lets get going now." Ryu voiced out and got everyones attention.

"You mean..." Yamato replied in excitement

"Yup, everything should be ready now. So lets go ahead and check it out." Ryu replied

"Then what are we waiting for. Lets go!" Yamato yelled out as she grabbed Ryu's hand and rushed out of the room.

"Hey wait for us!" Ulti and Maria yelled out as they chased after them