
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime e quadrinhos
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230 Chs

Mad scientist Sakura.

It has been a few months since the time Ayumi had visited home and she's been visiting ever since. Mum, dad and I've similarly gone to their house to visit them a few times which has caused both our families to grow closer to each other.

Dad and Ayumi's dad are business partners, I think.

Dad runs a smithing and metalworking workshop while Ayumi's dad works as a contractor for the products and sells them in his stores in the village. But I feel something completely different is going on between them, I've got nothing more to go on than that my guts as an investigator keep tingling.

It was during one of my visits alongside Ayumi to my dad's workshop that I discovered the greedy little thing called chakra metal. I call it greedy because chakra metal is a special kind of metal that sucks up any chakra it gets and if it finds any extra then it consumes that and disperses the already absorbed chakra into the wind.

For a normal ninja, as my dad puts it, chakra metal is the only metal which because of its internal structure allows ninja to imbibe nature transformed chakra into the weapons made of chakra metal giving them an edge over their opponents sometimes. 

But that's not the part that interests me, what interests me is the part that allows it to automatically absorb chakra into itself. This can allow it to act as a sort of ground for the ink drawn chakra circuit that I've been planning since I found out I could make transistors.

Chakra metal is treated like gold since it is an alloy made from a few precious metals like platinum which is expensive because of its use in jewelry. This just makes it indefinitely harder to get my hands on some, but after a little digging in I quickly understood I don't need chakra metal, I just need the thing that makes chakra metal well, chakra metal, basically what gives chakra metal its property of sucking up chakra. On a side note, there isn't any such thing like a periodic table in the Naruto world it seems.

Of course normal people don't really know the recipe since the way to make chakra metal is supposed to be a secret but its more like an open secret at this point since everyone who knows how to make it already knows how to, what keeps the price high is acquiring the metal ores required to make it that's the hard part.

So when dad took me and Ayumi into the forge as a sort of field trip I quickly went to work to understand how exactly chakra metal worked.

The metal was chakra metal like any other metal was gotten by extracting and refining the ores required, in this case Platinum ore.

What turned Platinum ore into chakra metal was not simply hammering it using a special technique but what was added to it in the process while hammering it, or rather the impurities added to it while hammering it.

Firstly the metal of chakra metal or platinum is never directly used to make the blade of a weapon but rather mixed with something else, for example tamahagane to give it rigidity to be used as a weapon. And just like while making a katana the newly mixed tamahagane is rolled in rice paper to keep in the carbon trying to escape the metal bar when it is struck, similarly a few additional herbs are added to the chakra metal mixture while while it is being struck and folded repeatedly.

According to my understand of how chakra works, for something to be able to store chakra it must have its own chakra pathways and must have a biological component to it to interact with physical energy. The repeated folding of the tamahagane gives the metal block proper micro channels but the physical aspect comes from what I suspect to be the herbs, or rather a special herb amongst the herbs added.

While the other herbs burn away in the high heat turning into carbon, a single tiny blueish algae looking herb does not, it is called 'Ekoji Sorui' by the locals who live beside the volcano it is harvested from. It is a herb that grows on the inside of volcanoes where the temperatures reach well above what they do inside the forge. Since people found out that the particular plant does not burn away while it is close to higher temperatures and has the property of absorbing and holdng any chakra given to it, it has been used in the making of chakra metal.

I don't really know enough to make a thing like a hypothesis about how this works and will have to try to find out how it really works once I get my hands on some so that I can conduct some tests to see if it can be replaced by something cheaper or else my dream of making circuits will crash and burn even before it takes off.

"Sakura-chan! Look what I brought for you!" Hearing dad calling for me I went running into the living room where I found dad holding a paper bag with a bunch of Ekoji Sorui in it in one hand.

Of course given the cost of acquiring the plant I didn't get the ones used directly in the chakra metal forging process, but the ones that had been rejected since they didn't pass a few tests which needed to be passed before they could be used in the forging process. Like ones that came from the edges and outside of the volcano where the temperatures were not very high and hence the plant would burn off before it could even survive being brought near the hot tamahagane while forging. I was perfectly fine with them since I didn't care about temperature.

In another hand he had a living normal small potted flowering plant along with a small rabbit in a cage which was huddled up in a corner munching on some leaves.

"So what are you gonna do with all this Sakura-chan?" Dad asked.

"Huh? Oh, I'm trying to make different coloured ink using the Ekoji Sorui, the plant and the rabbit are to make my room more lively, it looks so dull when everything is black and white and so unmoving in my room." I wasn't really lying, I did want to also try and use it to make colour and the rabbit and the plant were definitely for making it look more lively, lively while they end up squealing and screeching while I conduct experiments on them that is, hahahahahahahah! *cough* *cough* shit I choked on spit just kidding, I could never.

"Now help me move everything into my room and then we can all name the rabbit together!" I jumped, pumping my fist into the air.

"Haha sure little one."

Dad and I brought out the few plants and placed them on the ledge outside my window and the Ekoji Sorui into the desk.

Then cuddling the little rabbit in my tiny arms I managed to bring it along with me back to the living room where after mum came around we started deciding on a name for it.

"I say we call her Shiro!" Mum exclaimed.

"No! That's too simple Mebuki! You already named Sakura after her hair! I will not allow you to do the same with our new family member!"

"You dare question my naming sense Kizashi!"


Both dad and I shivered at my mum's undertone of anger and I quickly nudged dad to take care of it.

"Of course not deary! I just thought I'd name her after you. Just like you're as beautiful as the moon, I wanted to name her after Kaguya the rabbit moon princess."


'I couldn't believe it! Why didn't I think of this name before! Who wouldn't like a pet named Kaguya in the Naruto world! Especially after she was the proclaimed rabbit goddess!'

Startled by my sudden reaction Mum and dad turned their heads toward me eyeing me to explain my loud reaction.

"Haha! I meant! Yes mum! Obviously the rabbit should be named after you! Look she's so fluffy and cute! Almost as cute as you! She even has the little tuff of hair like yours on her forehead! We should definitely name her Kaguya after the beauty of the moon."

"Hmmm… and if I am so beautiful as you claim then why not directly name it after me and just call her Mebuki!? Are you saying my name is bad or are you lying then!?" Mum questioned me but looked at dad for an answer as if she was playing with him.

Dad seemed to be caught between a rock and a hard place so I once again improvised.

"You see mum, there can only ever be one of you since nothing else can ever match your beauty and even the moon only comes close to it!" I nudged dad to carry on from where I left off.

"Yes! Don't you remember Mebuki! I used to take you out during the nights to view the beauty of the moon from the mountains! Remember how I used to tell you in those nights! That even the moon could not be as beautiful as you are."

Mum blushed a bit and then coughed a little to cover up her embarrassment while Dad and I sighed in relief under its cover.

"Alright. Then from today the new little member of our home will be called Kaguya-hime!"

"See that little sis! Your new name is Kaguya! Alright!?" I said picking up the rabbit by its armpits and brought it to my face.

The rabbit just looked at me and kept chewing the piece of grass in its mouth while nonchalantly staring at me as if I was the dumber of the two.

""HAHAHAHAHAHA"" Both mum and dad laughed to further my embarrassment and misery.

"Hmphf! We'll see how you'll be so nonchalant when I'll stop feeding you." I said giving it an arrogant young master glance!


The rabbit seemingly understanding my words made incomprehensible rabbit sounds to convey it understood my meaning.

"So what do you say Kaguya-chan! Do you like your new name!?"

"Screech Screech Screech Screech" it nodded vigorously.

"Hmphf! Good for you."

Both my parents became listless at my actions and smiled at my child like solutions.

"Let's go Kaguya-chan! Today you shall help me in my paintings!"

"Wait! Sakura-chan! Take these fruits with you before you go! Have them while you paint!"

Turning around I saw a plate with different fruits in mum's hand. 

"Thank you mum!" I said giving my mum a smooch on the cheek and grabbed it carefully with my tiny hands after placing Kaguya-chan on my head as I carried it all to my drawing room.

As I was leaving I heard dad grumbling, "I brought her all those things! Where's my kiss!"

"Ha! Obviously it's because she loves Mommy more!"


Shaking my head and leaving my parents to bicker I entered the drawing room on the second floor and placed the plate on the floor and quickly picked out a tablespoon full of the discount Ekoji Sorui from the paper bag and sat down with it in my hands right above the tenketsu points in my palm.

Concentrating a little I pushed out the chakra from my palm into the algae and observed it carefully as it greedily absorbed the chakra coming out of my palm as long as there was any.

There seemed to be no limit to the amount of chakra it could absorb into itself or rather as long as I provided chakra to the algae it constantly seemed to be letting go of all the previous chakra it had stored and continued to capture new chakra.

The sensations that occurred from the process itself felt strange. Even though I was conscious of my chakra entering and exiting the body of the small algae plants, it felt immovable, as if the chakra was no longer in my control. But a quick effort of pushing and pulling chakra away from the algae showed me that I was still in control over my chakra, but it still felt as if I was not as long as my chakra was in the body of the algae.

After encountering the confusing behavior of chakra in the algae I switched my attention to the few flowering plants that were on the window sill. Placing a piece of orange in my mouth to chew I walked towards the window sill and stood on a chair to reach a height that allowed me to look at it from above.

Bringing the stem of one of the plants into my hand I tried passing chakra into it expecting it to pass through, but contrary to my expectations although the chakra did pass through the stem of the plant, it did not pass through all of it but rather flowed around something inside it as if there was a piece of metal inside it resisting to allow the chakra into this region.

'Hmm… this feels familiar. It's almost as if there are chakra pathways inside the plant as well. It feels exactly like trying to force chakra into a chakra pathway without pushing it into it through the tenketsu points.'

Moving the chakra around a bit and finding it's tenketsu points I poured into it a little chakra which started to circulate as soon as it entered the pathways.

'Huh. Apart from my chakra that has just entered the plant, there already is chakra that belongs to the plant in the circulatory system.'

After a few seconds the buds on the plant seemed to start opening, after which it bloomed into a fragrant flower that seemed to be dancing under a drizzling rainbow.

'Huh! That's surprising.'

Withdrawing my chakra from the plant which seemed to leave it a little dull, I turned over and walked to the little bunny that was chewing on the grass it had in its mouth quietly while observing me and the things in the room.

"Give me your paw!" I asked Kaguya by putting my hand in front of its tiny winy face, which had a twitching cute pink nose.

Kaguya looked at me with a confused face before…


….it spit the grass it was chewing into my hands. And the b**** looked smug about it.


Realising something was off about my twitching lips and the overall expression on my face it squeaked in fear before bending down very carefully and eating the grass in my hands back.

It looked at me again a little confused, so I helped it by pulling out it's fluffy white paws towards my hand and held it lightly.

"Paw." I said, as I squeezed the paw a little so that Kaguya could recognise it in the future.

*squeak* she acknowledged.

Carefully and slowly, I collected a lot of chakra in my palm to be ready for further experiments and then pushed a little into the rabbit's body trying to the map the chakra circulatory system in it's paws. Seeing that the rabbit was enjoying the sensation and not puling away it's paws I increased the amount I injected into it and found the tenketsu point which allowed me to infiltrate Kaguya's chakra circulatory system but I took care and injected only a miniscule amount of chakra into it, pushing aside the already present chakra that was running through her system.

Kaguya's eyes widened a little before a sort of blissful trance takes over causing her eyes to glaze and body to become limp.

Confused about what was happening I immediately pulled out my chakra which brought Kaguya out of her trance just as fast as she entered it.


She nudged me as if asking me why I stopped, but I didn't want to mess with her emotions since that might mean my chakra could have other affects on her rabbit body hence I just gave her a few fruits from my plate which seemed to satisfy her, for now.

Curiously neither the plant nor Kaguya's chakra pathways gave me a similar sensation as the special algae with which I was conducting my tests. The chakra in their pathways always felt like it was under my control unlike when the algae fed on it.

'Huh.. I wonder if Kaguya would like to eat the algae, they are after all leaves are they not? If I give her algae that was given my chakra would she become tranced just like she was when she had my chakra in her system?'

'What would happen to a human who has another person's chakra in their system? Do they become tranced too?'

"Hehe, village hidden in the leaf ruled by the Highkage."

'Imagine Naruto, going around saying. 'I'm gonna be the Highkage, dattebayo!''

"Huh? What happened to you?" I asked looking at Kaguya who was shivering at the corner of the room with her food in her mouth looking at me as if I was going to eat her.

But I couldn't contain the grin on my face.

'Although I still don't understand a lot of things about how chakra actually works and behaves, I still have the basic components to start experimenting.'


As I held out my hand in front of Kaguya to train her at the end of the day I said, "Paw."

Kaguya looked at me, and then was confused for a minute before realizing what I wanted and turned around and pushed her butt out at me.


Two dark green beads dropped out of the butt and onto my hand, after which Kaguya turned around and looked at me as if expecting me to praise her by giving Chakra again.