
Reincarnated in Mummy

MC reincarnated in Mummy with wishes. Please understand this is a wish-fulfillment fanfic also do understand since English is not my first language the writing quality is going to be bad.

Anonymous2000 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 9

[A/N:I thank everyone for giving this fanfic a try also I am writing this for fun so read this to just pass time.]

Chris POV

The serpent tail and the skeletal remains helped me piece together who the monster was it was not Medusa since there would be no skeletal remains instead there would statues of the victims and the only other person I could think up was Lamia, from what I know from the myths she was also known as Marian Lamia, was once a Greek demigod, a daughter of Hecate, and Queen of Libya but was turned into a monster by the goddess Hera in revenge.

I really pity these women who got seduced/Raped by Zeus or Poseidon and other gods it is really Lamia was really beautiful which had attracted the attention of Zeus and accepted his courtship. But upon doing so, faced the wrath of the jealous Hera. Hera killed her children, Altheia and Demetrius, and then Lamia was turned into a monster by Hera I just don't understand Greek goddess it was Zeus who seduced or sometimes raped these women so why do they get cursed and not Zeus.I sighed and thought "Why can't they just curse or cut off Zeus manly goods I know he would recover from it but the pain will be their right."

I was making my way through the ruins with Alexis my senses were screaming danger as a huge ball of fire was shot right at us I created a barrier which was enough to keep it at bay but there were cracks on the barrier that caused by the fireball we both quickly took cover behind one of the pillars as I heard Alexis say "What was that just now."

I was peeking and looking around to see if I could spot her as I replied "That was Lamia cursed daughter of Hecate."Hearing this Alexis immediately summoned her book and washed said "Well my book says Lamia was raped by Zeus and when Hera appeared before her Lamia naively believed the goddess will deliver her justice but instead she was cursed."I could only grimace at how cruel where these gods or goddesses from the Greek pantheon even Alexis at first who just considered these things myths only after finding Athena Book did she understand how horrible these greek god and goddess, although she is a legacy of Athena Alexis, hates her ancestor for what she did to Arachne, Medusa, and other people.

I was making sure to watch for any kind of movement as I saw a glimpse of Lamia she had having glowing green eyes with serpentine slits. Her fingers shriveled and hardened and her nails turned into lizard-like claws when she extended her hand. She also has crocodile teeth. as she slides through the shadows. Her forked tongue taste the air she slithered towards us so fast and tried to Slash Alexis with her Claws.

Alexis who jumped out the way only escaped injury because of the Armour she was wearing while I pushed Lamia away from her with [Telekeniss] which resulted in her slamming into the wall I looked at Alexis and asked: "Are you okay."

Alexis who quickly got up replied, "I am fine but we can't fight her using long-range attacks in close quarters is too dangerous."I gave a nod and thought "Yes if she gets close we are toast I was only able to throw her away with telekinesis because she was caught off guard."

I told Alexis "Alexis do you long-range spells to keep her away from us."Alexi nodded and summoned Athena's book and started to chant incantations which created Fireball and launched it at Lamia who recovered quickly and created Shiels to block. I scoffed "Of course she can do chant less casting."From there on it started to become a battle of magic spell as Alexis cast a spell creating water serpent while Lamia quickly chanted and countered it by creating a flaming eagle with each spell Aleix cast Lamia quickly intercepted it or quickly dodged it I thought she forgot my presence So I created thin blades of fire which is powerful enough to slice through objects without completely destroying them her only to find Lamia going behind the pillar for cover I raised my eyebrow and whispered: "She was really keeping eyes on both of us all this time."

Lamia who was now angry quickly launched a chant less blast of Air which caught Alexis off-guard although she tried to create a Shield it was not fast enough as she was blasted towards the wall and slamming her into the wall. Alexis who was groaning muttered "The bitch is good at Chant less casting."Alexis was caught off guard because Air manipulating spells are really difficult to master next to earth manipulating spells also it is very hard to counter.

I looked at Alexis and said "Stay with the plan Aleixs."Alexis who looked at me shook her guilty replied "I am sorry Chris but I can't do this."she soon took out her invisibility cap and put it one disappearing leaving me behind I was stunned.

Seeing the opportunity Lamia quickly slithered towards me and stabbed me with one her claws in the shoulder holding me in place.