
Reincarnated in Mummy

MC reincarnated in Mummy with wishes. Please understand this is a wish-fulfillment fanfic also do understand since English is not my first language the writing quality is going to be bad.

Anonymous2000 · Filmes
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

[A/N:This is a rough draft I wrote this for fun so read it to pass time also I may not be able post chapters for a while since I have some personal problems at home. ]

Chris POV

I can definitely say this is hell just on a smaller level after fighting the first group of Hellhounds Alexis and I were really tired so we decided to rest a bit well that was a mistake as it turns out the hellhounds come back to life at the end of the day basically making this a repeating cycle of endless attacks unless one quickly finds the Temple of Hecate and finishes this whole dame quest. But thankfully finding the weak spot of these hellhounds helped a lot as we were able to quickly take out the second wave of Hellhounds.

I was with Alexis although both of us were only slightly tried from the second wave of hellhounds as we both came on skeletal remains of some soldier by the armor their wearing he could easily tell they were greek also the armor and swords didn't seem to have rust or any sort of damage as I knelt and placed a hand on the skeletal remains and used [Pychometry].

As Alexis next to me knew I had Elemental powers didn't know about others as she was confused and questioned "What are you doing."I simply replied while getting all the information "Psychometry."

I slowly got up going through all the information I got as Alexis questioned "So what did you get."I smiled and replied, "Well that body over there is the son of Hephaestus, and next to his is a son of Zeus."Hearing is this Alexis was surprised as she questioned "What happened."I smirked and replied, "Well long story short after the news of gods having left the mortal plane it seems Zeus seems to have informed them how they are going to leave godly artifacts which are all protected by monster and other protections those that clear it can keep the said artifacts well the son of Zeus here seemed to not be able to resist such temptation like his daddy and found the Hecate temple with help of a demigod daughter of Athena well it seems they really looked down on Hecate as just a minor goddess which led them to be overconfident while they were able to kill the hellhounds with some casualties thinking they are cleared the test well things went down from there as hellhounds reformed and killed them one by one."Such a shame they had a nice group for the quest the son of Zeus, Son of Hephaestus, Son of Hermes , Daughter of Apollo, and Daughter of Athena.

Alexis looked at remains muttered "Idiots." as she turned to me and asked, "Then what about the daughter of Athena."I pointed at skeletal remains lying next to a tree as sadly replied: "She warned these idiots but they waved it off you can take their weapons and armor it would be useful."Alexis could only give a nod as she went towards the body of her many time aunt in away and took her armor away after that she burned the body and took the ashes into the water Canteen she had with her while muttering "Don't worry I will bury you next to rest of our family."

We both had figured out we had a pocket dimension of our own after all it does not take be a genius to see that the number of items should not fit in a small backpack also It seems Hecate was the one who created the spell and she had given the spell to the other gods although it is easy for gods to create pocket dimensions for demigods their legacies or even me it is quite hard since it uses complex runic language I tried to enchant all my ammo only to find I had to individually enchant one bullet at a time that's why I told her to take the Enchanted weapons with us.

Although together we did enchant 40 bullets which will be very useful to kill whatever monster is at the temple. We soon made our way to the temple or ruins should I say which had a big statue of Hecate with just four pillars standing there we first searched for any hidden passageways or any type of illusion barriers but we found none as Alexis who was looking at one pillar, in particular, had the symbol of Hecate mumbled "Is it that simple." as she slowly placed her hand on it which led the symbol to glow which led to the opening of an underground passage just in front of the statue of Hecate.

I slowly walked towards her and said "Well looks we found our way in."Alexis gave a small smile and replied "But now comes the hard part we don't know what is the monster that is guarding the treasure left by Hecate."

Alexis I slowly entered the underground passageway the moment we step in the torches lit up revealing the way as we reached the end of the passageway we found that it was a subterranean temple the place is dark and mainly consists of ancient ruins, statues of Hecate while beneath us was various pits of lava I looked at lava pit and said: "Well those are fake whoever cast the illusion is really good."The [Mystique] skill helped to quickly recognize such spells although it would be hard if the illusion is created by Hecate herself.

We were slowly moving and checking our surroundings as I saw something slide through the shadows I was able to see a serpent tail only thing I could think was "The monster is cursed daughter of Hecate."