
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Livros e literatura
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98 Chs

Sisters and Drama

Cringe alert!


Agustus, Narcissa, and Dora walked together to the Tonks residence. It was Saturday night, and he and Dora had slipped past all of the students and apparated there.

He had also brought Narcissa along as this is going to be an important meeting and Narcissa would surely save him from her big sister, right?.

The dreaded meeting with his future in-laws was finally here and he didn't wanted to go inside.

He gulped and looked over to see cheerful Dora and Narcissa chatting pleasantly, while he was a nervous wreck.

"Why are you guys so excited?" Agustus asked.

Narcissa didn't hesitate and replied, "Of course I am. I'm going to meet my big sister after so many years. We've seen each other sometimes in Saint Mungo's Hospital, but we never really talked as Lucius didn't like them, but finally now I can meet her."

He smiled looking at her, as he knew how much she suffered during those years.

Dora then said, "And I'm excited to see how you will handle my parents." She seemed the happiest of the trio.

He sighed and looked at the door in front of him, which opened by magic.

He had put advanced wards all over this place. He doubted even if Voldemort attacked the wards, they would easily hold him back for at least an hour, Egyptian enchanters were hired to put these wards, he had given Gringotts additional galleons to make sure the enchanters were under strict blood contract and could never betray them or loosen the wards.

If the wards were so strong, why didn't everyone have them? Well, they were super expensive. The warding stones used to protect the house could bankrupt any normal noble house, so they only used them on a smaller scale. And Goblins too takes a lot of money to enchant those stones so it is not possible for everyone to use them.

As they entered the house, they saw Edward and Andromeda standing in front of them. Seeing Dora, Andromeda rushed and hugged her.

"My poor girl, are you okay?" Andromeda said thinking her girl suffered a lot due to Agustus betrayal.

Dora said, "I'm fine, Mum." A tear fell from her eyes. Seeing her like this, Andromeda's eyes became more fierce, and Edward glared at Agustus with hatred.

Dora's used all her occlumency to make sure her acting was perfect, seeing her mother and father's reaction she felt she did a good job.

Agustus felt he was about to get beaten by someone he considered his mother. He looked at Dora's Oscar-worthy acting and said, "Stop it, or I won't talk to you for a month."

Dora heard him and panicked. Her tears disappeared, and she pouted. "Mou, you're no fun. It's okay, Mum. I'm not hurt. At least the jerk had asked for my permission before doing anything with Narcissa."

Hearing her, Andromeda felt a little relieved and said "That doesn't makes it better does it! She's my sister and your aunt and this boy married her",Edward was still angry. Andromeda walked over to Narcissa, who was looked at her with melancholy, she had not seen her for a long time.

'She looked younger and a lot more alive, good for her' thought Andromeda looking at Narcissa. This time, Andromeda was teary-eyed. She hugged Narcissa, and Narcissa hugged her back. After a few seconds, they broke their hug, but they were still holding each other's hands and smiling.

"You look beautiful, Cissy," Andromeda said.

"And you look old, Andy," Narcissa said.

Andromeda pouted and looked towards Agustus, who saw an opportunity to reduce his punishment. He snapped his fingers and de-aged both Edward and her by about ten years.

After a few seconds, they both looked like they were in their mid-twenties, but Narcissa still looked younger than them.

After looking at herself for a few minutes in the mirror, Andromeda smugly looked at Narcissa and said, "Now what? Do I still look old?"

Dora looked deadpan at her mother, who had completely forgotten about the whole Agustus-beating plan, but she was also happy for her parents.

Narcissa looked at her big sister amusedly and said, "Thanks to my husband, you look a lot better, big sister."


Again she glared at Agustus after hearing that word but couldn't continue for long.

Big sister. She missed hearing that. Only Cissy and Bella called her that, all the memories of their childhood came to her. They hugged each other again.

Edward, on the other hand, didn't look at the mirror at all he just admired his wife's beauty gave her few compliments and continued to glare at Agustus. Dora cheered internally. At least someone was on the right track.

"I missed you, big sis," Narcissa said. She was also emotional. She hated her big sister for running away. Because of her, the magical contract binding her and Lucius became more strict, and she blamed Andromeda for that. But after meeting Agustus, she had already forgotten everything about that.

"I missed you too, Cissy," Andromeda replied.

"If Bella was here it would have been great" said Narcissa

Andy nodded hearing her, she too missed Bella.

After that heartfelt moment between the two sisters, Andromeda walked over to Agustus, who was sweating a little. "So, the most wanted boy in the wizarding world? That was the Daily Prophet's title, wasn't it?"

She looked very serious and grabbed his left ear. "Marrying my little sister and breaking the heart of my innocent daughter. I'm not giving you my daughter anymore. I trusted you and treated you as my son and you betrayed me." She let go of his ear and wiped her tears.

He was terrified. She was someone who could beat him. He looked over to Dora, who had popcorn in her hand. Narcissa was also watching everything with enjoyment.

He looked back at her and said, "Please, Mother. It all happened too fast. I didn't have time. You can ask Narcissa and Dora. I'm sorry, and you can punish me all you want, but you can't do this, please."

The look on his face was of panic, She couldn't maintain the facade any longer and broke into laughter with Narcissa and Dora. Edward, who was glaring at him, was now smiling too.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at everyone. He sighed. He had been played.

If he could give an Oscar, he would give it to Edward.


Sup next chapter on 7