
Reincarnated in Danmachi with my Discord friend

A man reincarnated with his friend off of Discord into Danmachi

MR_No1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Young Grasshopper

"The winner takes all

It's the thrill of one more kill

The last one to fall

Will never sacrifice their will," Diablo sang as he and Hadrian walked along a road hoping they could find a village

"Don't ever look back

On the world closing in

Be on the only attack

With your wings on the wind

Oh, the games will begin

And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah

And it's ours for the taking

It's ours for the fight

In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah

And the one who's last to fall

The winner takes all, yeah," Diablo was singing his heart out while playing air guitar, but that's when Hadrian tapped his shoulder

"Look!!" Hadrian said as he saw a gate, there was a line of people, and all sorts of other stuff, walking to the end of the line, Diablo was standing next to Hadrian, when a guy fell backward into Diablo

"Hey watch yoursel-" The man was saying before he turned and looked at Diablo, seeing him, the man immediately froze up

"Are you alright?" Diablo asked as he looked down at the man, who looked about 5'8, meanwhile Diablo was 6'4, so the man had to look up at Diablo

"Ye-yeah, sorry about that," The man said as he then looked forward and stayed quiet

"Hmm, what's up with him?" Diablo asked Hadrian who only looked at him like he was an idiot

"I don't know, maybe because a 6'4 DEMON, just looked at him, I mean, bro, have you heard your voice? You sound like you could be Corpse husbands son," Hadrian

"Really? Sweet!!! wait, does that mean that my singing is bad?" Diablo asked as he looked down in contemplation

"Quick!!! Give me a song to sing!!" Diablo said as he began to shake Hadrian

"Uuuuhhhh, Grace by Lewis Capaldi?" Hadrian blurted out the first song that came to his mind

"I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes!!" Diablo sang the best he could causing some people to stare at him until they saw what he looked like and turned away

"Don't wanna let the pieces fall out of place

I was only just a breath removed from going to waste

'Till I found salvation in the form of your

Your grace, your grace, your grace

Don't take it away

Your grace, your grace, your grace

Don't take it away," Diablo continued to sing after he got into the flow, but he then stopped and looked at Hadrian

"SO, did it sound good?!!?" Diablo

"I think they can answer that," Hadrian said as he pointed over to the people looking at Diablo

"....So, did I sound good?" DIablo asked the people, causing them to only nod and then turn away

"Yes!!! 'Phew' I was worried for a second, I mean the skill is a low level, but still," Diablo said as he rejoiced a little

"Hmmm, what now? we wait?" Diablo

"Seems so," Hadrian

And wait they did, it took them about an hour to get to the front of the line, once they arrived at the front of the line, the guards that were letting people inside saw them and immediately tensed up, but one of them stepped towards the two of them and started to ask questions

"So, what brings the two of you to Orario?" The Guard

"Hehe, What else? The Dungeon of course," Diablo said in a relaxed voice causing the Guard to relax

"Oh? So you'll also be looking for a Familia?" The Guard

"Hmmm, maybe, we haven't decided if we'll stay solo or not, why, you have some suggestions?" Diablo

"Yeah, the Soma Familia is looking for Recruits," The Gaurd

".....Oh, isn't that the God of alcohol?" Hadrian

"Yep!! So if you join him, you get to drink every night!!" The Guard

"Hmmm, What do you think Diablo?" Hadrian asked

"Hmmm, yeah, we'll definitely have to check it out," Diablo said causing the man to smile, he then stepped to the side

"Come on in! And don't forget to stop by!!" The Guard said as Diablo and Hadrian walked past him

Once they got into the city, they started to walk towards the big Pilliar in the middle of it, while walking down the street, they saw all types of shops, and inn's, but once they got to the middle of the city, they looked up and saw just how tall the dungeon was, looking over, Diablo looked at Hadrian

"So, should we go into the dungeon right away? or should we find somewhere to sleep first?" Diablo

"Hmmm, let's find an Inn first," Hadrian

"Alright, I saw one over there, let's check it out," Diablo said as he and Hadrian walked towards the Inn he was talking about, once they arrived at said Inn they walked through the doors and saw a young woman working the counter, seeing them, well, seeing Diablo, she tensed up

"H-Hello there!! How can I help y'all?" The woman asked

"Hello there ma'am, my name is Hadrian, and this here is my brother Diablo, we were wondering if you had any rooms to rent out? and if so, how much?" Hadrian

"Oh! Well, we have single bedded rooms for 100 a week, or we have a two-bedded room for 150 a week, and for an extra 50 Valis you get three meals a day!!" The woman

"Hmm, sounds great, we'll take a two-bedded please," Hadrian said as he reached and his pocket and gave the girls 200 Valis

"Great! So I'm assuming you want the three meals as well?" The Woman

"Yes ma'am," Hadrian said, the woman then handed him a key, causing Hadrian to start walking away

"Thank you, sweetheart," Diablo said as he walked behind Hadrian, leaving the woman there with a blush on her face

"Hmm, nice size," Hadrian said as he opened the door to their room, walking in behind him, Diablo looked around and appreciated the size of the beds

"Well, now that we have a room, how about we go and head into the dungeon?" Diablo

"Hehe, I was thinking the same thing," Hadrian said as he and Diablo made their way out of the Inn and back to the Dungeon, Once they arrived there, they headed inside of the building and made their way over to the front desk

"Excuse me, we're wondering how the dungeon works?" Hadrian

"Oh! Well, first off, you need to buy a Map for the first seven floors, then after you reach them, you would have to buy a map for floors 8-12, and so on so forth!" The receptionist

"Ok, so how much would that be?" Hadrian

"Oh, that's 100 Valis!" The receptionist said as Hadrian then handed her the money, she then handed him the map

"Ok, so now what, we just go in?" Hadrian

"Yep!! Wait, have you two checked in with the guild yet, and registered?" The receptionist

"Uhhh, no? Will that be a problem?" Hadrian

"Yes, I can't allow you inside the dungeon until you register with the guild," The receptionist

"Ugh, dammit!" Hadrian said as he turned to see what Diablo wanted to do now, but he saw that Diablo wasn't there, looking back, he saw that he was speaking with the Receptionist

"Hello, there honey, my name is Diablo, whats yours?" Diablo said causing the receptionist to blush, either from his words or his voice

"Oh, w-well, my name is Eri," Eri said as she shook his hand

"Well, that's a really unique name, tell me Eri, are you doing anything tomorrow?" Diablo

"O-oh! N-no!!" Eri said as she held her hands to her chest

"Well, Eri, how about I take you out to eat tomorrow?" Diablo

"I-I'd love that!!" Eri

"Hehehe, awesome, first day in the city, and I already have a beautiful girl," Diablo said causing Eri to blush even harder

"Oh, shit," Diablo said causing Eri to look at him

"W-what?" Eri

"Well, I just remembered, I'm running low on money, damn it, I mean, I could try to come back and go into the dungeon tomorrow to try and earn some money, but there's no way I could get enough in such little time, fuck, I guess that means that the date cant happen, hmmm," Diablo

"W-wait! u-um, I could let you in tonight, but, you can't tell anyone," Eri said as she leaned closer to Diablo

"Oh? But I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," Diablo

"i-it's fine! Just go before I change my mind!!!" Eri said pushing Diablo away from the counter

"Alright, well I'll see tomorrow honey," Diablo said, as he walked to Hadrian and threw his arm over his shoulder, walking to the entrance of the dungeon

"How the fu-" Hadrian was saying but got cut off by Diablo

"Shhh, in time I will teach you my ways young grasshopper," Diablo said as the both of them walked into the dungeon