
Reincarnated in Danmachi with my Discord friend

A man reincarnated with his friend off of Discord into Danmachi

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Beginning

"This some bullshit right here, the one time I try and come out of my shell and ask a girl out, she kills me, god damn it, why does this have to happen to me," MR_No1

"Well well well, if it isn't MR_No1, I've been waiting for you," The voice of a man rang out, looking at the man who the voice came from, MR_No1 could only say one thing

"Called it," MR_No1 said he looked at Keanu reeves

"Hehe, indeed you did, so, since you know how this works, what are your wishes?" Keanu

"Hmmm, well, I want to see if I can bring someone with me," MR_No1

"Oh? Who, your brother?" Keanu

"Naw, I want to bring a friend, his name is Arthur_Ashborn on Discord," MR_No1

"Hmm, well, I can do that, but I need to ask, as you know," Keanu said as he opened a portal, on the other side of the portal was a man with short brown hair, that had a few small streaks of grey through it, he also had brown eyes

"Hey! Arthur!" MR_No1 shouted out, drawing the mans attention

"Hmm? Who the hell?" Arthur said as he turned around and saw Keanu Reeves through a portal

"Hey there Arthur, your friend MR_No1 wants to know if you would like to reincarnate with him," Keanu said leaving Arthur frozen

"I fucking knew you were god too much evidence to you being immortal, so MR_No1 kept his side of the deal. Welp fuck you all I'm out, oh yeah and someone tell my mom and dad I'm off to go fuck some shit up in a different world." Arthur said as he entered the portal

"So, where are we going?" Arthur

"Hmm haven't decided, so, I have two wishes left right?" MR_No1

"Yep," Keanu

"Welp...I wish that I and Arthur had two wishes each," MR_No1 said surprising both Keanu and Arthur

"..." Keanu

"What? Did you think I'd do something like when I write? Naw, my life is actually going to be on the line this time," MR_No1

"Hmmm, understandable, but, since your doing this, imma give you a penalty, whatever you wish for, if it's to op, Imma nerf it in some way," Keanu

"I'm fine with that, ok so, I want my first wish to be able to adapt in any fighting situation, and my second one, I want the dimensional step I made in one of my novels," MR_No1

"Hmmm, ok, I can do the first one, but on a lower scale, and the second one, no, but I will give you a weaker form of it," Keanu

"Ok, I'll take what I can get," MR_No1

"Ok, well, I want a basic system for the both of us, as my first wish, and as my second wish, I want the Unlimited blade works skill," Arthur

"....Y'all had this planned didn't you?" Keanu

"Yep." Both MR_No1 and Arthur said at the same time

"OK, well I'll give you two the system, but, I'm going to have to nerf the Unlimited blade works, I'll make it where you can go into a different dimension and bring people in with you, but you can only summon blade to attack your victims, and heal yourself, nothing more," Keanu

"I'm fine with that, so, where do we go?" Arthur

"Well, I would let you pick, but, I'm kinda salty at what MR_No1 pulled, so I'm going to send you to one of my favorite worlds, Danmachi," Keanu

"Ooh, I'm fine with that," Arthur

"I can deal with it, but I only ever watched the abridged version," MR_No1

"Welp, have fun you two," Keanu said as both MR_No1 and Arthur faded away

Once the two of theirs vision went black, they waited for something to happen, and that's when they heard the same voice

[System Installation: Complete]

[Welcome, the two of you will now begin your character creation] the system rang out, a screen then appeared in front of the both of them, the screen was an advanced character creation from a game, it allowed you to design every last thing about your body

looking things over, they both quickly started to make their new bodies, it took both of them hours, but, not as if they could tell, they were still in a void of blackness after they were done with that, the System then asked what they wanted their bloodlines to be, it gave the two of them a list to pick off of

After they picked that, they were then asked what their names will be, Arthur went with Hadrian, and MR_No1 went with Diablo because Arthur told him not to, after they had their names picked out, they both had gotten asked if they wanted a starter weapon, to which they both said yes, the System then allowed them to create their own weapons, they were then asked to pick two basic skills for their everyday lives, and once they were finished with that, it was finally time for them to arrive at Danmachi

[Prepare for arrival] the system said, but not giving them any time to prepare as they felt as if they had gotten slung into the front of a semi after they hit the ground, they both started to look around, and that's when they both saw each other for the first time in this new world

Hadrian had pale skin, black long hair that was tied into a ponytail, his eyes were purple, he had a blue and black kimono on, the kimono had gold designs on it, he had a black long sleeve shirt on underneath the kimono, he had white bandages wrapped on his forearms, Looking at him, Diablo thought that they could actually be mistaken as related

Now, Diablo, his skin was even paler than Hadrian's, his hair a couple of inches longer than Hadrian's, but it was just as black, his eyes were pitch black tough, he also had black horns protruding from his head, as well as black bone-like plating on his body, and arms, He also had a black Kimono, but the top of his was down and hanging off of him, also, on his chest he had a yin yang type of tattoo

"Hmm, that's odd, I didn't give myself this tattoo," Diablo

"Hey, I have one as well," Hadrian said as he checked

[Loading complete, any questions before you depart on your adventures?] The system asked

"Huh? oh right, um why do we have these tattoos?" Diablo

[They are a part of the two of your backstory, and the first clue to figuring out your true potentials] The system

"Really? so what is that supposed to be like the main quest?" Hadrian

[Kinda, you don't have to find out the truth, but if you do, you will be rewarded] The system

"Oh? nice! well then, what are you capable of?" Diablo


[Leveling: helps the user level up faster than the normal inhabitants of the world their in]

[Basic skills shop: here you can buy basic skills such as Blacksmithing, cooking, singing, etc]

[Basic item shop: Here you can buy basic items from the world your currently in]


"Hmm, alright, well let's see our status's" Diablo


[Name: Diablo]

[Bloodline: primordial demon]

[Age: 15]

[Valis: 1000]

[Level: 1]

[Free points: 0]

[Strength: 50]

[Enduranc: 50]

[Dexterity: 50]

[Agility: 50]

[Magic: 50]

[Passive skills: {Regeneration: F} {Adaptation: F}]

[Active skills: {enchanting: F} {singing: F} {flash step: F}]



[Name: Hadrian]

[Bloodline: Elder Primordial]

[Age: 15]

[Valis: 1000]

[Level: 1]

[Free points: 0]

[Strength: 50]

[Endurance: 50]

[Dexterity: 50]

[Agility: 50]

[Magic: 50]

[Passive skills: {Blade Mastery: F} {Adaptation: F}]

[Active skills: {Blade replication: F} {Black Smithing: F} {Cooking: F}]


"Hmm? Isn't 50 too high as a starting stat?" Diablo

[No, because the leveling system in this world is different than what you're used to] System

"Hmmm, ok, then give me a quick run down," Diablo

[ 0-99 is I, 100-199 is H, 200-299 is G, 300-399 is F, 400-499 is E, 500-599 is D, 600-699 is C, 700-799 is B, 800-899 is A, and 900-999 is S, there are SS, and SSS, but the rang for them are unknown] System

"Oh, so we're actually pretty weak, hmmm, wait, can we upgrade our endurance by beating each other up? I remember seeing this in a Fanfic," Diablo

[Indeed, but, if that's all the questions you have, then it is time for me to go] The system

"No, you can go," Diablo

"Yeah," Hadrian

[Understood, I hope you both a safe journey] The System said before the voice went quiet leaving Diablo and Hadrian in the middle of a forest

"Oh shit, I hope we're close to Orario," Hadrian

"FUCK, Ugh, guess we should get walking huh?" DIablo

"Yep, looks like it," Hadrian said as they both started walking to try and find a road