
reincarnated in another world as phantom!?!?

follow our protagonist as he's re born into a fantasy world with magic as a phantom!!!

J_F_1817 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


This is new, frankly that's all I can think about as I fall through this portal

I mean I might as well get use to it, Since from now on I'm going to a traveler

Soon I start to see a blind light, that must be the gate to the next world I pondered

I walk towards this light and start to enter but my mind is starting to get a bit hazy

an hour later

w-what happened? I think I might've just passed out.

But hey, at least it seems that portal worked

I seem to be in another universe as denji put it, I appear to be in some type of plains but man this scenery is beautiful

There are cherry blossom trees everywhere, the grass is bright green with the sun shining like a hot summer day and speaking of appearances

I look down at my own body to see myself in a ghostly form, I wave my had in my own face with intrigue as I notice that my hands translucent and see through

At this point this doesn't really surprise me that much since I already know I'm dead, My skin also seems to be pretty pale, But I wonder how does my face looks like

I look around to spot a mini pond


There seems to be people there too maybe this'll squash two birds with one stone since I still don't know if people can see me

Before I start to make my way over there I no notice I have no feet, and I'm just hovering well this is gonna take some time to get use to

I start walking, while getting closer I notice its a women and her child sitting on a bench near the pond, It seems there appreciating this beautiful place as well

Well I stop behind there bench both still not noticing me, well moment of truth

"hello ma'am"

she seemed to get a little frightened, maybe the fact I snuck up on her

But then her eyes land on me, she seems to be analysing me for second but the she suddenly screams "DEMON"

I shift back in surprise with a questioned gaze I say "what do mean demon do I look that ugly"

"S-stay back"

she quickly grabs her daughters hand and scurries away

well that's new but that just makes me want to see how I came out even more, I slowly put my head over the water to get a reflection of myself just to see a pair of glowing emerald green eyes starring back at me

Dang wasn't expecting an eye color change I focus more to see my pupils slitted like a snake, while looking I gasp only to be greeted with the next change my teeth have become serrated sharp like sharks molars

Hmmm Interesting

before I can take in more of my new form I hear

"There he is that demon"

I look up quickly to see that warriors with spears, guns, and swords I notice that women from a couple minutes ago behind them cowering, As the troops assume a battle formation as they slowly walk towards and around my position

Then a guy that looks like a special comes in front

He has black hair yellow eyes and and very dead pan expression

"You demon I will only say this once"

as saying this the soldiers around me start to circle me weapons draw

"You only have two choices come with us quietly or fight us but you fall and die"

annnnd cut I wanted to add a little Apology sorry for not updating in like a mouth I just had lots of stuff to do and this chapter is a revamp as I didn't have the motive nor interest to continue, But I will make another part in 2 days, for now Have an awesome day