
Chapter 29

~ Bloody happenings ~

Narrator POV:

At first, Elsa doesn't hear anything back from inside the room when she was done knocking on the door, so she repeated the notion with some more power put behind it.

The Ice Queen hears a weak "Come in" from inside the room. With granted permission, Elsa puts her hand on the handle and opens the room's door. She steps inside the significantly smaller room than her own and looks around the place, taking everything in as this is the first time she has been inside Diana's room.

But what she sees surprises the Arendelleian Queen.

She expected to see shining corners, clean sheets, and just in general a polished room, that's what Diana as a maid does for her after all.

Yet, the reality isn't even close to what Elsa thought it to be.

Diana's room is beyond messy, various dirty clothing pieces thrown around every untidy and trashy corner. Several unclean plates with mostly eaten food on the crowded table and several cups laying here and there.

Now, the room would look 'normal' to somebody from Diana's time, in fact, it's pretty clean in comparison to some. But to the Queen of Arendelle, Elsa, whose own room gets cleaned daily by Diana and other maids... It's just mindblowing, especially since Diana is a maid with excellent cleaning ability, so none of this is making any sense to Elsa.

It's pretty simple however, Diana's job, or at least one of its descriptions is to clean places... So she doesn't want to spend time doing that when she is supposed to 'relax' and not work, thus her place is not being cleaned, besides it's not like she spends all that much time inside the room. But yet again to the dutiful Disney Queen, the freshly learned knowledge is purely unthinkable.

While Elsa was in a shocked daze as she continued to investigate the room, she had forgotten about Diana which turned out to be a small mistake because when Diana, whose head was heavily implanted onto her pillow, didn't hear anybody answer her call outs, raised her head to see who entered her room, she jumped up from her bed as quickly as a surprised "E-Elsa!?" Came out of the maid's mouth.

After which, a pained and loud "Ahh! Fuck" was let out by Diana as well.

All of this startled Elsa, making her jump in place and out of her stupor. The Queen turned her head in Diana's direction. But all she saw was a young woman curled up in a ball on the ground, holding her stomach.

"A-are you okay?" Elsa asks worried, as she takes one step closer to Diana.

"Y-yeah, this is nothing serious, my Queen" Diana answers, adding the title back to Elsa's name, breathlessly still curled up in a ball.

"Are you su-" The Queen was about to ask if the maid was sure, but her eyes spotted multiple blood-stained cloths on the ground by Diana's feet.

This caused the Queen to jump into overdrive and her head gears made her quickly close in on the unsuspecting Diana ball. The Queen softly yet powerfully grabs onto the girl's shoulders and raises her off the floor.

"What happened? Where are you hurt? Who hurt you? When did it happen? Should I call for doctors?" Multiple, worry-filled, questions come out of the Queen's mouth simultaneously.

Diana who was pretty out of it due to the pain, raises her head her eyes finally meeting with Elsa's.

"W-what?" Is the only thing which comes out of the confused maid's mouth.

Elsa sees that Diana's face looks almost if not even worse than her room, especially the girl's bloodshot dark-circled eyes.

"Okay, take a seat. I am going to Gerda or Kai so that they could get a doctor for you" Elsa says quickly, then swiftly lowers the maid onto her bed, then releases her, and starts quickly walking to the door to go out.

Diana who was still confused about whatever was going on realized that there seems to have been a misunderstanding of some kind. Thus just as Elsa was about to leave the maid's room in a sprint, she gets stopped by the maid's shout.

"I'm on my period!"

Elsa paused mid-step, with her hand on the door's handle.

"What?" Came out of the Queen's royal mouth as she turned around to face the maid.

"What?" Diana repeated confused.

Diana POV:

"What's a 'period'?"

Ah... What?

No, wait, this is like the eighteen fifties or something, so it's fair that Elsa wouldn't know the modern term... And I have no idea what it would actually be for this time anyway. But what was the very old term for it... I know it and I know that I know it, but my head isn't working at the moment.

It was the, the, the... the... What was it? I remember when I was getting my first ever periods I googled about it and then eventually, I googled if the Disney princesses, specifically Elsa and Rapunzel as I didn't care for the other ones in that period of time, oh and Moana because it only made sense to search that up, had periods and then I got down the rabbit hole and read up on Periods in past ages and I know there was a term for it.

It was something simple and very obvious because tampons and pads didn't exist... What was it?

Narrator POV:

Elsa has been standing there in place in awkward silence as she witnessed Diana's expressions change from one to another in rapid succession.

And when she saw the maid's head turn to the side and look at the ground where different cloths lay she, out of nowhere shouted "The Rag!"

Is her maid even crazier than before? Why would she shout so loudly about an item that she sees? She must be delirious from the pain of her injury.

Then Diana looks back at Elsa, seeing the Queen's expression of pity.

Diana clears her throat by coughing "I mean, I am currently on the rag, There's no need for doctors"

Diana POV:

"Are you sure you don't need medical help? Because you're laying on the bed right now and not on some sort of huge rag"

... Well that didn't work out as I thought it would.

This also makes sense though, Elsa in particular wouldn't have had the information to read up or talk about it with anybody else, so she either has a made-up name for it herself or uses some other term.

And since there's no way I could ever guess what any of those could be, I suppose there's only one thing left to do.

Narrator POV:

"Well, I didn't mean it 'literally'. The thing I am referring to when I say 'on the rag' is the monthly hurdle almost every single Woman has to go through, some have it more difficult than others, but it's still there"

Diana sees that the Queen is confused by her subtle explanation, thus she realizes that it won't be enough and decides to go with more detail.

"Every month, mostly around the same time, women have stomach problems and it can hurt a lot or a little, it varies for every woman"

Elsa's head twirls down to the side, looking more confused than ever.

Diana seeing this, get a little irritated, but hides it well and 'calmly' states "Around the same day every month, women such as myself bleed down there and pain appears around the same area simply because our bodies require it"

Elsa doesn't know why but she sees that Diana is getting upset because of this topic, so she tries to get off of it.

"I don't fully understand it, but if you're saying that you're in pain then that's more of a reason to get a doctor to help" the Queen says softly.

But to the Queen's shock and surprise, her soft words get overturned by something she never imagined to hear from her Maid. Angry shouts toward herself.

Diana's slight irritation turned into frustration as her explanations didn't land with Elsa, thus impulsively she shouted "I am bleeding from my cunt because my stupid body decided to be a bitch about its existence"

Diana realizes what she has just done when she sees Elsa standing there with an open mouth and with her palms planted on her chest in shock.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice like that. Please forgive me!" Diana says frantically as she tries to get up from her bed, but sudden pain stops her in place and her face scrunches up into a sour lemon.

"Stay in bed Diana, and don't worry I am not mad or anything. Surprised yes, but not mad. Clearly, there's something wrong, and that something is something that I don't understand and have no knowledge of so that's my fault. And this 'rag' seems to have made your emotions unstable" The Queen calmly and softly says, after resetting herself from the previous dose of shock.

And Elsa continues to speak, but unfortunately, unbeknownst to the Queen, Diana wasn't listening as she was lost in her mind, berating herself.

Diana POV:

I'ma stupid, stupid idiot. What the fuck was that?

Screaming at Elsa like that?

UGH, I fucking hate myself right now.

Not only did I embarrass myself, and made her worry about me, but I also managed to screw up big time by shouting at her. thus lowering any credibility I could have accumulated over time in her eyes. And all of it happened because she came to visit me... visit me...

Why is she even here? She isn't supposed to be here, this doesn't make sense, she is supposed to be working. She wasn't supposed to see me, why did she come here?

No, no, Why am I even trying to blame Elsa, to begin with? I know that it made me extremely happy when I saw that it was her that came to my room and realized that she came to check up on me and I just didn't show that, like an idiot.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, this whole situation is just fucking fucky fuck fucked.

Whatever, I will deal with this self-hatred later, for now, I need to bury it deep down as there's something more important right now.

Elsa doesn't seem to know what a period is, even without knowing the terms for it... How can that be?

Did she not have them or maybe she got lucky and they were barely noticeable?

Or is it because I wished for her to be a Futa and the addition of a dick, balls and the whole internal package that came with it made it so that periods wouldn't be possible for her?

But is it really how that would work? And I have no internet to check up on that so I have no idea if one could 'realistically' have both genitalia and still have periods...

And if that's the case, then can Elsa even get pregnant... Wait? Did I destroy hers and the other futas' chances at being 'mothers' by giving them the ability to be 'fathers'? No... No, there's no way... right?

It has to be, it just has to be something else. Maybe it's because she's previously a Disney fictional character? Perhaps because it's Disney and it's for 'kids', women can't have periods in those stories?

Naaah, no fucking way, that's way too stupid. They can have sold human turned animal slaves and thousands of deaths and many more fucked up shit but no periods for women? Bullshit, that's probably the dumbest thing I ever thought of.

And the last thing that I can think of is the fact that she's the 'fifth spirit' thus not a 'full' human and thus she simply doesn't have periods, because to my knowledge she has never been sick.

No, wait, there was that fever thing that I watched once, so this theory falls apart because of it as she did get a fever once, which suggests that she has a 'normal' body... But then again if her body was actually 'normal' or 'human' she'd be dead from the inside out because of how her body functions internally, but her powers or her being an ice spirit prevents that...

It could be just some stupid magic side-effect of hers.

Fuck me, I have no idea about anything at the moment.

I will have to ask Rosa and Princess Anna, and other women, if they had periods before, depending on their answers some of my wonderings, will get flat-out rejected... And hopefully, one of them doesn't get confirmed by accident, because then... I have no clue what I will do, but I know that I will hate myself more than I have done ever before.



"Would some chocolate help you?"

"No!" Comes out of my mouth subconsciously.


Narrator POV:

Elsa got slightly startled again as Diana shouted once more after she asked the maid a question.

But Diana quickly fixed herself by coughing into her clenched fist.

"I mean, no, even if I do want some sweets right now, sugar isn't good for me, it will only make it worse"

"I see..." Elsa murmurs, she's so clueless, the only thing that makes sense in her mind right now is that Diana is hurting and she needs a doctor, but Diana is stopping her from getting one here for some reason.

"Then... Is there anything that would help you?" Elsa asks slowly, not wanting to upset and annoy the maid further, as seemingly anything can set her off.

"Well, heat, in particular, helps me, which is why I have a basin with hot water and a lot of rags, and cloths to put on my body while I try to sleep, it minimizes the pain for me" Diana then points to the side where all those things are.

Elsa sees a basin with somewhat dirty water and it's only 'somewhat' because it's the cleanest thing inside the room beside the two women inside it.

She also sees a few dozen used rags thrown around the bed and the basin.

"Though I suppose the water isn't warm anymore" Diana comments.

"I can procure you a new basin of warm water, is that okay with you?"

"It is, thank you, Queen"

Elsa smiles, finally she is getting somewhere.

"Is there anything else?"

"Well... It's not the most effective thing for me, but tea with added ginger would help a little"

"I understand, I will be right back"

Diana nods at the Queen's words, but unlike the words would imply Elsa doesn't leave the room immediately after them.

The two look at each other in silence.

"Are you sure you don't need a doctor?" Elsa asked again because the more she looked at Diana, the paler she seemed to become.

Elsa doesn't get an answer from the maid. Instead after several seconds, the Queen gets something else, something which shocked her more than anything else before it.

She gets to witness Diana's eyes visibly start to tear up, her lips start to wobble in place as the maid breaks into a sobbing mess.

"H-hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Elsa asks puzzled out of her mind.

"T-t-th-th-the Q-q-que-queen d-d-d-d-oes-doesn't t-t..." Diana stutters frantically while sobbing, starting out loud enough but little by little getting quieter to the point that Elsa can't hear the end of her answer.

Elsa gets closer "Hey, hey, everything's okay, breathe in and out and then repeat yourself, okay?" She says softly after sitting down on the maid's bed.

Messy Diana does as her Queen instructed, several times, and after that, she lets out "O-okay, I'm good"

"You're good?"

"I'm g-good" the maid answers the Queen again.

"Okay" Elsa says and before she could say anything else, Diana also says "Okay" which causes for the Queen's mouth to stay open, unladylike, without letting anything out.

But after a quick moment, Elsa continues with what she wanted to say.

"So what happened? Did I do something wrong?"

Elsa stares at the bloodshot, even more so than before, eyes of her maid... And they start tearing up yet again, before the Queen could react Diana broke into a full-out crying session.

"Th-th- Qu-qven d-do-n't tru-ssst me, s-sh-see -oesn' tr-tust m-mee! N-n-no D-ctor-sh" Diana cries ugly while slurring her words as she had the bright idea to try answering Elsa instead of just crying.

Of course, the Queen who didn't expect something like this only stared at her Maid befuddled. But despite the continued dosage of shock over this entire strange event, the Queen is still 'smart' enough to decypher Diana's words.

Elsa gets even closer and takes the maid into her arms, she softly moves her hand over the child's back trying to soothe her, while whispering into her ear "I trust you, I trust you so there won't be any doctors coming, it's okay, no doctors"

Diana who felt the soothing touch of a familiar figure calmed down as quickly as she started weeping.

"N-no doctors?" The maid lets out weakly.

"No doctors!" The Queen answers strongly.

"You t-trust me?" Diana gives away all fragile-like.

"I do, I trust you" Elsa states in a powerful tone.

"... Do you love me?" The almost young adult asks out of nowhere.

"I-" The still somewhat rookie Queen catches herself from answering as her brain registers the question. her mouth stays open in a paused motion as well.

As the two lock eyes, neither can figure out what's on each other's mind at the moment.

Diana however, having mostly recovered from her self-induced fit, breaks out a cheeky smile and with a smile says "Just kidding!" She also adds a poorly sounding chuckle after it.

And before Elsa could say anything, Diana turned around and grabbed her blanket pulling it up all the way to her nose, leaving only her eyes visible.

"Thank you, my Queen. Could you continue to hold me for a few minutes? I feel 'good' enough right now so I think that I can fall asleep finally"

Diana's thoughts had run even more rampant after Elsa asked her if she should get doctors for her - She screamed at her, blamed her for showing up to her room inside her mind, and did many other things even before today, and possibly may have caused her to lose the ability to get pregnant, yet Elsa, after all that, still was worried enough about her to suggest medical help multiple times after she already was about to help her with little things and all just for a period which she has every month - Which is why she had started crying.

Elsa who was still in a daze due to Diana's last 'joke' question, absent-mindedly answers the maid "Yes, of course"

"Hehe, thank you" Diana says cheerfully and closes her eyes to try and sleep.

Elsa looked at the ceiling blankly, while holding the blanket roll. And finally, a thought comes into her mind. 'Just what is a period?'.

A dozen minutes later.

Elsa steps out of the sleeping Maid's room and just stands in the middle of the hallway for a while.

In fact, she stood there long enough for Kai to show up. He has plenty of paper documents in his hands.

"Ah, there you are, Elsa, I finally found you"

The Queen cranes her head in the direction she heard herself being called.

"I have new documents that you need to see, it's the news about the ice sculptures of you and Diana"

Kai doesn't receive an answer from the Queen but only an expressionless gaze.

"Uhm, Queen Els-"

He gets cut off mid-word by the Queen.

"What does 'on the rag' mean?"

The suddenness of the question made Kai's mind pause as it registered the question. And once he did, his whole face turned red.

Elsa who saw the man's reaction was even more confused and even more interested in knowing what it is.

"Uh... It's uh... It's..." Kai struggles to come up with an adequate answer for the questions he got asked by the Queen of all people, he would have trouble with the question if anybody else did it, but it's even worse because it was the Queen.

He as a retainer for the kingdom, especially after the late king's death, had read a lot of documents to help him run the kingdom... And since the next king would be a queen, he even read some 'female' papers as well, which is why he knows about this topic.

The Arrendelleian Queen seeing that the man was struggling, decided to help him out.

"No need to answer, instead could you collect any books from the library about the subject and leave them in my room for me?"

Kai coughs out and tries to reset himself as best as he can, he doesn't fully succeed as his ears still stay red, but at least it's enough to talk.

"Of course, my Queen... However, I am pretty sure there aren't any books about it, just a few spare papers in one place and another" He speaks from experience, after reading most of the library material over the years.

"Really?" Elsa lets out surprised "Information about it is so rare?" The Queen asks intrigued.

"Well..." Kai scratches his cheek awkwardly - why does the Queen sound so 'happy' while asking about such a thing? Why is she asking him when there's Gerda? In fact, why is she asking it to begin with? - "It's quite a... Peculiar subject, nobody can get truthful information about it"

"Is that so... Then what about doctors? Isn't it some medical issue?" Elsa asks, remembering the maid's strange symptoms and also her words about it happening to every 'woman' so it shouldn't be that hard to check right?

"Actually, my Queen, the doctors are exactly who I was referring to, to my best knowledge, the best they can do is be in another room and listen through closed doors about whatever it is that happens during the 'rag'. But don't take my word for it, I will try to acquire all the available papers about it and give it to you, Queen Elsa" Kai tries to put the attention away from him, as he doesn't want the Queen to realize that he knows a lot about the topic as he doesn't want to get even more embarrassed.

"Huh... Well, okay, I will be waiting. You can also leave the documents you're carrying with you in my room. I still have something to do after this"

"Yes, my Queen. Now, if you'll excuse me" Kai bows his head, turns around, and starts walking towards the library... He hopes nobody sees him looking for such information or he might just die out of embarrassment.

"Oh before you go, there's something else I need you to do first" Elsa stops the man in his tracks.

"Yes?" Kai lets out after he turned around, hoping that it will be something more normal.

"Tell one of the maids to prepare a big basin with hot water, ten new rags, and tea with ginger. And to bring all of it here"

Kai subtly and quickly glances to the side, where Diana's room door is located. And then something clicks in his mind. The ridiculous Maid yet again put something strange into the Queen's mind by speaking randomly.

"I understand, Queen Elsa. It shall be done"

"Good, you can go now"

Kai nods and this time leaves for good.

Elsa stands in place and gazes towards the leaving back of the man. Then her eyes go back to the maid's room door.

"Seriously, what is this 'period'?" She mutters to herself "And how come I don't know a thing about it?"

Elsa shakes her head for a bit to reset herself. Right now she has something else to think about, the period thing can wait until later.

For now, the Queen sits down on one of the many benches in the hallways and waits for a maid to arrive with all of the things. After that, she will wake up Diana again, as she isn't going to do anything while she's sleeping... Mainly because she has no idea what to do and she might make it worse, but also because she doesn't want to touch Diana while she's not conscious.

Then after helping her, she will finally go to the administration department, a room called by Diana where the new people work with paper documents of admission of other country envoys, and look up why the two nobles got through Diana's system.

Diana also said a few words the Queen doesn't know the meaning of. She will have to try and find information about those herself, it will be a good excuse to visit the library again because she hasn't been there for a long time.

Elsa then starts to wonder about what she should do to deal with the two 'unaccepted' guests from today. Should she just send them away?

She and Kai know that they are here without approval, but... They were very confident about it all, which suggests that somehow their papers are all good, if not perfect.

Thus if she does do that, it will backfire on her and Arendelle. Most of the countries have had their intended people, to be sent visit Arendelle. rejected, have sent 'unhappy' letters expressing their grief over the poor 'hospitality' of Arendelle.

Luckily none of those 'letters', Diana called them whining cry babies, and Elsa had to somewhat agree with the unique descriptor for them, have any stance seeing as a country has the final say to whom or what they allow inside their borders.

But if she chases away somebody who was already 'accepted' inside the walls of Arendelle then that could spiral into a scandal about how Arendelle is rude to foreign people both outside its borders and inside of it.

Then there's the choice of accepting their so-called 'deals' and all the terms behind those deals... And Elsa really doesn't want to do that, she wants to avoid such an outcome at all costs.

It wouldn't be the worst thing, but... It would be inconvenient for many reasons which she doesn't want to think about right now. Besides those two are quite unbearable and also annoying, Diana, too, can be annoying, but at least it's a 'pleasant' kind of annoying for the most part.

Should she just politely decline and refuse to make any deals with them? She could say that it's just for now and they might do it in the near future. but then what? What to do when they come back?

She doesn't want to ask Diana for aid either, at least not for this. While she's grateful to her for doing so much, being a maid and recruiting new people to do most of her job thus giving her a lot of freedom to do whatever she wants...

The problem with that is the fact that when she had a lot to do, to the point of overworking, she had no time to feel bored like she does now...

And at least she felt useful then, whereas now when she has nothing to do her mind sometimes wanders to thoughts like 'what is the point of her being a Queen?' and 'Am I even worthy to be a Queen when everything gets done for me?'.

Those thoughts come unexpectedly at the most random of times, they are rare but they are still there.

So, no, she won't ask Diana for help, nor even mention this situation to her. She wants to deal with it herself no matter what.

With that, the Queen nods to herself confidently, her mind made up. She will withhold making a decision on how to deal with those two until after she has read their pre-arrival, arrival, and stay documents. And she won't be including her maid in this.

And with how Diana is right now, this is the perfect time for it as at least now she won't be followed and there won't be a need to go out of her way to hide it.

Of course, celebrating somebody being ill isn't the greatest look for a Queen, but... She can't help herself from being slightly happy about the situation... Plus nobody will actually know.

Eventually, while the Queen was thinking up a storm inside her mind. A trolley pulled by a maid entered her vision. Time just skootched by, half an hour to be more precise.

Elsa stood up from the bench to greet the maid. It's a new one again, another trainee.

"My Queen, the items you've requested" the maid says, calmly, with a bowed head.

"Thank you" The Queen tells the maid and then seeing the basin of hot water, she bends down to take it into her hands.

"W- Wait!" The calm maid lets out losing her composure. She didn't expect the Queen to just do that.

Elsa who was half bent with her arms almost touching the basin pauses "Is something wrong?" She asks the maid lifting her head up to look at her.

"The Queen should allow me, just tell me what to do... Besides, it's heavy and also hot, so the Queen should be careful" The maid 're-gains' her calmness.

"I appreciate the gesture of worry, however, it's fine" The Queen shoots down the maid's request to keep whatever the job is to her.

"B-but" The trainee's 'calmness' breaks again. It seems she tries really hard to seem calm and collected, but Elsa easily broke through it without even trying to do so.

Elsa without waiting longer continues with her short-term goal. She, easily, picks up the almost full basin of hot water and turns around to face Diana's room door.

The maid, however, isn't trying to return to her 'calm' state of being, simply because the sight of the Queen made her brain stop functioning as she watches the Queen with an open mouth of shock.

She could barely even hold the basin for a lengthy period of time, not to mention picking it up and carrying it with ease, she needed another maid's help to put it on the trolley.

And then there's the fact that the Queen doesn't need a wet cloth to mitigate the hotness of the basin like she herself did, as if she held it for longer than three seconds her arms would seem as if they were burning.

Because of what she's witnessing she forgot that she was a maid and doing this was supposed to be her job and not the Queen of Arendelle's.

And then another thing happens that throws the maid for a loop. The door just opened by itself for the Queen... Due to how mushy the maid's brain was at that moment, she forgot that Elsa can use magic and her ice made the door open inside the room.

Well, because of that little fact, the maid will now remember it differently... The door was too weak in front of the Queen's magnificent willpower.

Elsa had left a hand made out of ice on the handle inside the room, to block off anybody coming in and from exiting... Both of which were more or less unnecessary, as Elsa was technically guarding the room by sitting next to the door.

The Queen walks inside the room and effortlessly puts down the new basin on the floor next to Diana's bed. Then with her ice powers, she starts floating the old, cold water-filled, basin, she couldn't do this with the fresh one because she didn't want to cool down the water.

With that, Elsa turns around to leave the room, with a floating basin behind her.

In the minute it took for Elsa to do this, the Maid has forced herself to put up the calm act, so she could resume doing her job and not the Queen doing it for her.

"My Queen, do you need any assistance?" The maid asks with a confident tone.

"Hmm... Yes actually" Elsa says after a quick look at the trolley and not seeing one of the things she asked for.

The maid's eyes light up, she will do anything the Queen commands her to the best of her ability if it means that the Queen won't have to do it herself.

But her 'cheerfulness' quickly vanished, and her calm demeanor went along with that act of vanishing.

"I don't see ginger anywhere, could you bring some?"

"Umm... The tea has ginger in it, it was added as the tea was being made... Did the Queen mean to bring just ginger with the tea but not ginger tea itself?"

"Oh. No, this is fine. You are free to go, thanks for your work" Elsa states as she goes to pick up the cup and the teapot that holds the rest of the tea.

"B-but-" 'My job' the maid doesn't get to finish her complaint as something else takes priority in her mind. Yet again, the Queen picked up a hot item without reacting to it. The maid specifically had a tray, below the tea, for it.

Diana, the maid's teacher, had introduced a new kind of 'cup' for tea inside the castle. Now, these cups don't look the best and aren't of the 'highest' quality at least in the design and materials that were used to make them.

Everybody, in the castle's workforce, was apprehensive of the idea when it came to these cups, but Diana really drove the cups' main point which made everybody want to try and test them out to see if it was as good as she was selling them to be.

That 'point' was the fact that it felt really, really good to hold it in your hands when the tea was warm. These cups were made without a handle. Eventually, over time, it caught on with the workers in the castle and they all started to use it while on break.

But Diana advised to wait for a minute or two before picking up the cup, to let the heat cool down slightly for the optimal experience.

Yet the Queen just picked it up like it was nothing, which made the maid doubt if she even brought hot tea and not cold tea, and that same doubt stopped the maid from instinctively complaining about not being able to do her job and instead to ask the Queen something.

"My Queen, c-could you wait for a moment and place the cup down on the tray for me?"

Elsa blinks at the odd request in pause. Nevertheless, with a patient smile, she puts down the cup back.

The maid thanks the Queen and then gets closer, she extends her arm and touches the side of the cup. It's warm and then it turns hot, because the dummy kept her finger on it, so her finger quickly jumped back.

"It's hot..." The maid says to herself.

Elsa again blinks in a confused pause, she keeps what she really wanted to say to herself which was 'Why wouldn't it be?' and instead lets out "Is something wrong?"

"N-no, my Queen" The maid shakes her head several times.

"It's just that... How is the Queen able to manage to not show a reaction when taking ahold of the hot tea cup or the basin of water previously?"

"Oh. Well, it has something to do with my ice powers" Elsa explains after understanding the girl's confusion "Diana made me test it previously with a very hot liquid. She brought two glasses full of it. The cold never bothered me and because of that, she wanted to know if heat worked the same for me as for everybody else or if was it different in any way... And the test showed the difference between me and Diana very quickly. We both put one of our fingers into the glasses and unlike her, I didn't seem to feel any difference... She managed to last only three seconds before she called it quits and I kept it up for three minutes before I got bored and stopped it. So, after the eye-opening that was that test, it made me realize that I always felt the same kind of temperature for my whole life and I just didn't know it because there was no clear differential for me to latch onto"

After the Queen's plentiful explanation, an awkward silence ensued between the two women.

Until it was broken by the maid, whose calm demeanor has been completely forgotten, and her inner child was released "wooooow, that's so cool. The Queen is amazing!" The maid stares at the Queen with adoring, and sparkling peepers.

Elsa who didn't feel comfortable being stared at like that quickly excused herself. She picked up the tea, this time the actual tray instead of the cup and the teapot. Made the folded rugs float with her ice.

"Indeed, well, I have something to do. Thank you for your work, you are free to go" And before the child of a maid could say anything, Elsa rushed into Diana's room and closed the door behind her.

The maid was left standing alone, just her and the empt- not so empty trolley, as apparently the Queen left a used basin as a present for the maid which she hadn't noticed before.

Inside the room, Elsa looks at the sleeping Diana.

Elsa POV:

Should I wake her up? From the way her eyes looked and something she mentioned while rambling, she seemingly hasn't slept for hours.

But if I do let her continue sleeping, then what should I do with the hot water? It won't stay warm forever.

She also looks so uncomfortable, her face is scrunched up into a frown. A frown... Something I haven't seen on her face before, yet here I am, standing here awkwardly in a messy room and seeing it for the first time.

Ten minutes... Fifteen. Yes, that's how much longer I will let her sleep and then I will wake her up, the water should still be warm... Right?

How long does it take for the water to cool down? Touching it won't let me know if it's losing heat after all... And I refused every time Diana asked if she could join me in the bath, well of course I refused, she will never be allowed inside with me... But at least I would know approximately if that happened before.

well, if the tea and the water won't be warm enough to be used after fifteen minutes, then I can just request a replacement.

Wait, but then, I could do that now and just not wake Diana up and let her sleep. And when she wakes up naturally, then just request a maid to bring replacements.

Though, if I do that, the work put into these fresh servings of tea and water by the people would go to waste. Not to mention, I have no idea how long I would have to stand here and wait, who knows how long Diana sleeps while on this 'period'? And I have something else to do, so I can't spend too much time here.

Ugh, why must everything be so difficult... Well, let's fix at least one of those problems.

Narrator POV:

Elsa not wanting to stand awkwardly, holding the tray, by the maid's bed anymore. Goes to sit down in the maid's wooden chair near her table instead.

She wants to put the tray on the table too... But there's no space, so with a quick glance at Diana and seeing her still sleeping, Elsa conjures up some ice and just swishes it to the side, the 'trash' holding the space moving aside, some of it falling to the ground.

"Oops" The Queen lets out playfully.

She left the plates on the table as there was no point in breaking them by letting them fall to the ground.

Well, at least there's space now to put down the tray.

Elsa places her hands on the table and intertwines her fingers with one another. Elsa blinks several times...

Elsa POV:

... Now what?

Narrator POV:

And so the Queen, not having anything else to do while she waits fifteen minutes, starts lookin- investigating the maid's room more intently than before.

She looks upon the mess of the room yet again, still quite baffled by its existence as she didn't see Diana be somebody that would allow such a thing to exist.

To the Queen's eyes, it looks like the room hasn't been cleaned for half a year with how many used, uncleaned dishes and kitchenware there are, with how much visible dirt she can see on some surfaces. The only thing that's 'clean' are the sheets on Diana's bed, so at least her maid doesn't sleep in... Mud.

Of course, if the Queen knew better, seeing as her castle and her room are always clean, she would realize that the amount of 'messiness' in Diana's room only pre-dates six days... Yep, six days.

Diana forces herself to clean every week, even if she really doesn't want to.

The Queen's eyes then land on the red, dry blood-covered, used cloths and she cringes a little.

Elsa POV:

During her shouts, she said 'cunt', is that where she's bleeding from? Where even is that?

Before that, she talked about the stomach, could 'cunt' be the navel? No... right?

Wait... There was another thing she mentioned. 'Down there'. Down where? Below the stomach is... No, no, no... can't be, absolutely not.

But... What if?

Narrator POV:

The Queen's eyes jump from the cloths to Diana's sleeping body, specifically the lower part of her body. the eyes stay there for a few seconds before they go back down to the cloths.

And then subconsciously her body moves by itself. Her hands remove from each other and one of them goes down to where her genitalia are.

And then she cringes.

Elsa POV:

She bleeds down there? Why? that must feel so uncomfortable, not to mention it makes no sense.

She also said that it happens to every woman and every month too... But it never happened to me.

Is there something wrong with me?

Should I see a doctor about it?

However, Diana looks like she's dying, do I really want to risk fixing whatever might be wrong with me to receive this... 'problem'?

No. No doctors.

Narrator POV:

And with that, the Queen stops investigating the maid's room as there's not much to see.

Then to make her mind stop thinking about what implications and symptoms of a period. Elsa throws her gaze at the ginger tea.

How did she not know that tea comes with ginger already inside it and not as a... snack alongside it?

She knows what ginger is and what tea is, obviously. But, not once did she hear about their combination. And it makes sense to be so before her coronation, somewhat.

But with Diana here? It doesn't. She made Elsa try out so many different food items, to make her 'favorite' meal list. Teas were a part of these tryouts, so how come she hasn't heard of ginger tea?

And so, the Queen's royal hands clutch the cup, and, them hands, start moving up the cup to her lips.

She takes a big sip since she doesn't need to be careful as she doesn't mind the heat.

However, she immediately regrets her action of taking a big gulp. The Queen's face morphs into a disgusted expression and an involuntary "Blegh!" comes out of her mouth.

She quickly sets the cup down on the tray.

Now she remembers, she tried this before. This tea flavor was her most disliked one, she disliked it so much that she didn't let Diana finish presenting it to her and telling her its name... No wonder she didn't know about it... And she wishes she didn't know now.

Elsa POV:

And I have nothing to wash the taste down with, so it will sit in my throat for a while.


I wish I asked for some hot chocolate... Though I suppose it's just 'chocolate' since now I know that the 'hot' part isn't applicable to me. I still haven't gotten used to that knowledge, makes me feel weird and even more strange from other people than before when I only knew of my 'basic' powers.

Anyway, three more minutes and I will wake her up. Quickly finish here and go to the administration department.

... Should I restrict the use of ginger in Arendelle, at least in tea?

Narrator POV:

And so, the Queen sits frozen and unmoving for the last three minutes. Her experience in her maid's room hasn't been the most pleasant... She doesn't want to stay here for a lot longer, to be honest. The tea was the last straw in that decision and yes, that one is her own fault... But how could she have known not to try it when it was right in front of her, just sitting there in wait?

When the three minutes pass, Elsa quickly stood up from the chair. Over the lonely years, she used up a lot of her time to get a very accurate mind clock, so she knows, almost to the point, when a certain amount of time passes.

She moves up to the sleeping red-haired girl's bed.

And starts, softly, shaking her by the shoulder while also calling out her name.

Eventually, Diana starts murmuring back at the sudden force.

"M-mom, stahp!"

Elsa pauses for a moment, then breaks out a smile.

"I'm not your mom" Elsa continues to shake the maid.

"Five more minutes" The maid weakly moves her arms to knock off the hands of whoever was it that was shaking her.

Elsa rolls her eyes at the petulant child.

"Diana, wake up" She says a bit louder.

"Noo. I'm not going to schoo-" Diana murmuring stops as her eyes lazily open. And as they do a sudden "E-Elsa!?" comes out of her mouth as her body recoils at immense speeds. The maid's body just slides off of the bed and straight on the floor.

Elsa was so surprised by it all, she wasn't fast enough to react in strengthening her hold on Diana.

Thus a pained groan from the bed's other side is the only thing that the Queen hears as her hands are still mid-air.

Elsa sighs, even when ill Diana is a handful.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah" Comes out from below and behind the bed.

"Will you get up?"



Elsa received an affirmative answer... But no action was seen.

"When are you going to do it?"

"... Yes"

Elsa face-palms lightly.

"Just get up already, you're hurt. And how are you feeling in regards to that?"

Diana slowly rises from the ground, with her back turned towards Elsa and she gets back into the bed. She lays there, still turned around.

Okay, Elsa takes it back. She'd rather have the 'un-ill' Diana, because, and this is really hard for her to say, ill Diana is way more handful than normal Diana.

"while you were sleeping, a maid brought a new basin with warm water, rags for you to use and there is also some disgus- I mean ginger tea"

Elsa's more serious tone made Diana finally turn around to face her.

"Get up and sit down, I will give you the teacup. And after you drink it, do whatever it is that you did with the previous rags"

Diana does as she was ordered. She puts a pillow behind her back as she sits in her bed. She extends her arms, patiently waiting.

Elsa seeing the compliant child, turns around, walks a few steps, picks up the cup of tea, and then walks back to the bed. She passes the cup to Diana's arms, but slowly and she holds it tightly.

Even if she knows that it can't be all that 'hot' anymore since there is no more visible mist coming from it, the fact that she can't feel temperature has made her body do it instinctively as a defensive mechanism, for both her and Diana.

"T-thank you" Diana lets out as she grabs onto the warm... Or at least warm enough cup of tea.

Elsa nods and then turns around and starts walking away.

Diana seeing this, gets confused.

"Where are you going?"

The Queen stops as her hand got hold of the door's handle.

She turns her head around "I have something to do"

"Y-you're not staying?" The maid asks without any confidence.

"Frankly? No. It's not because I don't want to... But this room?" Elsa's hand travels from one side to another in a big arc, and Diana's eyes travel with it.

"I don't want to stay here for longer"

Diana panics a little, which is uncharacteristic for her. She quickly sets down the cup, which she hasn't touched yet, on the bedside table.

And then she tries to get up from the bed while saying "I-I can clean up quickly to make it better"

"Diana, stop!" Elsa says seriously. Which puts a damp on Diana's 'goal' immediately. And now she sits like a deer caught in headlights, with one foot thrown over the bedside touching the ground.

She's also trying really hard to not show that she's hurting again from her cramps due to the sudden movements, both the fall from bed and this, as she has her eyes locked with the Queen's.

Elsa's cold expression eases up a little bit as she sees Diana's weak and guilt-filled expression. The Queen audibly sighs.

"Look Diana. Just rest, okay? I may not know what a period is or whatever it is that you're experiencing right now, but I do know one thing... And that is that you need to rest and not... To do whatever it is that you were about to do. I wouldn't want to stay in this room even more than now if I knew that you were cleaning it just so I would stay when you're ill and hurting. Your health is more important right now"

"B-but I-" Whatever Diana was about to say gets cut off by Elsa.

With a smile, the Queen states "I appreciate the thought, but no. Rest, that's your job right now. Or I will freeze your limbs to the bed. I will come to visit you tomorrow"

Diana's mouth opens and closes multiple times, but no sound comes out of it. And eventually, it closes and it stays that way as she simply just nods.

Elsa seeing that she was listened to, lets out "Good. See you tomorrow, get well" And leaves the room. And to not have any second thoughts about staying, she starts immediately walking toward the administration department.

Meanwhile inside the room of the Queen's Maid.

"I... wanted you to stay" Diana mumbles sadly and then sighs weakly.

She stares blankly at her room and all the mess.

"You're dead to me" She states blankly to all the trash that her eyes can see. She will force herself to clean it every day from now on, ain't no way some garbage is stopping her from getting the girl ever again.

Her eyes then look at the bedside table and the cup of tea. she slowly picks it up and takes a sip... It's cold. She throws it to the side harshly.

A breathless "Fuck" comes out of her mouth as she realizes that she just made herself more to clean up for later.

Diana POV:

Why did I not add to one of my wishes that I won't have any more periods or that they should disappear altogether, or something... Why is it that you only think of something when you need that something?

Narrator POV:

Diana stands up slowly and goes to the basin of water, putting a few of the rags into it. Then takes them out, and walks back to the bed to lay on it. She puts the warm and wet rags on her pelvis and just lays there, knowing that she won't fall asleep again.

~ End of Chapter 29 ~