
Chapter 13

~ Fall out of the two sisters ~

Diana POV:

Well, this is a fun night... Or I guess a fun day since Anna's here. First I barely make up the mountain in time due to my condition of feeling a magic 'aura', I'll have to figure that one out later, then meeting Elsa, talking and the highly appreciated, impromptu sex, and now? Bent over, locked in place, half-naked, in front of both of the sisters, at least I am not spun around like before, otherwise, Anna would be able to see something... more exotic, while one of them is naked herself, the other one, speechless and somehow more embarrassed than me and Elsa combined.

I suppose Elsa is an exception in this since her inhibitions are basically non-existent right now and I can't do anything about it, so I just came to terms with it after the initial surprise, why fret over something when there's nothing to be done about it? Well sucks for Anna, I guess... That being the only one having to deal with this situation.

Should I break the silence? No... It's their moment, I don't think I am needed unless called upon. Plus, it's quite entertaining to be just a spectator in a situation such as this.

I see Elsa still frozen (Ha!), staring at Anna, while Anna does the same, except slowly, her eyes travel down Elsa's body out of pure human reflex to just look at everything that it needs to, I'd know, I do that all the time.

Narrator POV:

Elsa snaps out of her daze, the moment she sees Anna's eyes go lower than they should be going and instantly makes herself magic clothes, I hope she can give me some, they look majestic.

Anna seeing that Elsa finally has some clothes on snaps out of her own reverie and shakes her head to push past this... whatever that was. And she's actively trying to ignore the third person in this.

"Elsa" Anna starts.

"Anna" Elsa answers her sister.

Anna's eyes quickly for a moment go to the side to see the red-haired girl she bumped into, watching, after something that she didn't expect to happen, happened. But she quickly reverts her eyes to her sister, she'd like to ask, what's going on, but she'll leave it for later, once the girl isn't with them.

"Why do you have that thing down there?" Anna pauses, blinks, realizing what she just said, starts turning red again, why did she just do that? She doesn't know, it just came out of her mind randomly.

"This place is quite amazing" Anna tries to say anything that comes to her mind to change the topic fast, looking around slightly, ignoring the side where Diana is, for the still lingering after-effects of the situation before, to disappear.

"Yes, it is, thank you, I didn't know what I was capable of before this" Elsa answers helping her sister to forget the first question by ignoring it also.

But this confuses Diana, she doesn't understand it, there's no way Anna wouldn't know that her sister has a dick... They definitely had a bath together with their mom or nanny, or whatever when young, so even if she didn't understand it when she was young, she'd still remember about it later on... remember... remember... The trolls... Can't be, there's no way they'd remove such a memory, why? None of this makes sense. She will have to think about it later.

"I'm sorry about what happened if I'd ha-"

"No, it's okay, no need to apologize, I like it here, however, you should probably go"

Anna blinks slightly in confusion, her sister... she's somehow a little different than before, she's less... generous? In her way of speaking.

"But I just got here?"

"Well, you may as well 'just' leave, besides, you belong down in Arendelle"

"Elsa? What do you mean? You also belong there"

"I do? Right... I belong here, alone..." Elsa blinks slightly in thought "almost alone. Where I can be who I am without any problems, feeling free, it also helps not being able to hurt anybody"

"About that..."

"Ninety-six... ninety-seven... ninety-eight.... ninety-nine... hundred" A third voice cuts in walking inside the room that the three girls are.

"What... what is that?" Elsa looks surprised at a... snowman?

"Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs! And I also stopped liking stairs" The snowman says and comes to stand near Anna.


"You built me. Remember that?"

"You're alive? Elsa asks perplexed.

"Um...I think so?"

Elsa looks down at her hands and smiles, for Diana? That smile was more of a grin.

"He's just like the one we built as kids" Anna reminisces, trying to let Elsa know that she missed her.

"Mhm," Elsa acknowledges but doesn't bring much attention to her sister's attempt.

Anna not wanting to give up easily continues to try and wake her sister up.

"Elsa, we were so close. I know that we can be like that again, I just know it"

Unlike what Anna thought of Elsa's expression being after she said that, she didn't expect Elsa to deeply and sadly frown.

"No... We definitely can't, leave" Elsa turns her back on Anna "Goodbye Anna"

"Elsa, why?" Anna asks her saddened.

"I am just trying to protect you"

"There's no need to protect me, I am not afraid! Don't shut me out again, why do you still insist on keeping your distance from me? For the first time in forever, I understand that we fix this hand in hand, we can head down the mountain together, there's no need for you to fear anything. Because for the first time in forever, I am right here, for you... for us"

Elsa turns back around to face her sister.

"Anna, go home, your life awaits, enjoy the sun, open up the gates"


Elsa starts walking to the balcony, Anna in hot pursuit.

"I know, you mean well, but leave me be, I might be alone, but I am alone and free. Just stay away and you'll be safe from me" Elsa walks back inside, wanting to be further away from Anna.

"But we're not," Anna says something that confuses Elsa.

"What do you mean 'we're not'?"

"You don't know... Do you?"

"What is it that I don't know?"

"Arendelle is in deep, deep, deep, deep snow... And also there's ice"

Elsa stops her movement in shock "What?"

"Mhm... You kind of set off an eternal winter... Everywhere"


"Hey, it's okay, you can just unfreeze it and it will all be fine"

"No, I can't, I don't know how to" Elsa's getting agitated, therefore her control on her powers starting to get out of control, making it snow in the palace.

"Sure you can! I know you can! Because for the first time in forever..." Anna actually starts to sing, making Diana squeals quietly, before this Anna and Elsa just said the botched lyrics emotionally, but now she's actually singing, her only thought is if Elsa will also start doing it.

"Oh. I'm such a fool! I can't be free!" And just like that, Diana is melting, hearing Elsa's singing so close has been proved to be too much for her.

"You don't have to be afraid"

"No escape from the storm inside of me!"

"We can work this out together"

The snow starts to get heavier and faster, Diana still in a daze listening to them sing, doesn't realize that the ice thing holding her in place is slowly disappearing.

"I can't control the curse!"

"We'll reverse the storm with me"

"Oh, Anna, please. You'll only make it worse!"

"Don't panic"

"There's so much fear!"

"We'll make the sun shine bright"

"You're not safe here!"

"We can face this thing together. We can change this winter weather, and everything will be all right"

"No! I can't!"

The snow blizzard gets worse then suddenly as Elsa gets more agitated she sucks the blizzard back into herself and then it bursts out and accidentally hits Anna in the heart. Meanwhile, Diana falls to the ground from the ice that held her captive, snapping her out of her daze and she remembers quickly that after this Kristoff will appear, so she quickly scrambles away to hide behind one of the big open entrances, to not be seen half-naked by Kristoff. After Anna gets hits in the heart by Elsa's power she falls to her knees, Elsa turns and notices what she's done, at the same time, just as Diana remembered, Kristoff rushes towards them.

"Anna! Are you okay?" Kristoff asks helping her get up.

"I'm okay. I'm fine" The princess says standing up.

"Who's this? Wait, it doesn't matter. Just... you need to go" Elsa states.

"No, I know we can figure this out, together"

Kristoff notices icy shadows forming around them.

"How? What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?" Elsa demands an answer from her sister.

Kristoff tries to pull Anna away as the icy shadows get worse around the palace walls.

"Anna, I think we should go" He adds.

"No. I'm not leaving without you, Elsa"

"Yes... you... are" Elsa waves her hands and with her power, builds a giant snowman,

The palace door bursts open and the giant snowman is holding Anna, Kristoff, and Anna in his hands

"Stop. Put us down!" Anna shouts at the snowman.

"Go away!" This is the last thing Elsa hears from this encounter with her sister, the shout being caused by her own creation, finally being alone again.

"Get it together. Control it. Don't feel. Don't feel. Don't feel. Don't feel!" Ice cracks, Elsa looks around and notices ice spikes growing out of the castle walls.

Well not as alone as she first thought... As she easily gets startled by Diana's abrupt shouting.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" The palace reverberates echo all around it, so 'Cool' can be heard many times.

Elsa holds her hand on her heart, slightly heaving, she forgot about her during this time, she turns around to say something irritated, only to be cut off just as she opened her mouth.

"I love your singing voice" Diana compliments the Queen wholeheartedly.

Elsa blinks, sighs tiredly, stops herself from saying what she wanted previously, and only says one thing, the spikes retreating inside the castle walls.

"Thank you..."

~ End of Chapter 13 ~