
Reincarnated Girl Seduces The Villain

In the eyes of everyone who saw him, Calixto is sinister, his name became a shame, from being "the most beautiful knight" he became "the sinister knight." The large scar on his face was irrefutable proof of his misfortune or so everyone said. Everyone thought that the knight Sinister Calixto would spend the rest of his life alone. Until one day the viscount's beautiful daughter asked him to marry her at the party of the third prince of the Celestial Kingdom. Nobody could believe it. She was a strange girl, she keeps a secret that no one knows except for someone. Can she keep the secret safe?

Heerlani · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

22. Heir Prince

—If I told you that I like to learn, would you believe me?—I ask her, leaning her face on one hand, smiling a little mockingly at her friends.

—If you were that kind of person I would believe you. —Sara responded and then she took another sip of coffee

"I think I should be offended, Sara, you're cruel." He wiped the imaginary tears from her face and the others laughed.

The four girls continued talking.


At The Blake Mansion

Calixto was in his study; organizing and signing important papers, it was clear that being away for more than four years had left him with a lot of work.

He was busy reading and signing documents most of the morning, and now he was already getting late.

He heard a knock on the door, without looking up from the pile of papers he answered with a loud and clear voice:


The butler named Samuel, a middle-aged man with a clean, neat appearance and delicate features, entered the study and bowed slightly.

"Lord..." I speak

—What's happening Samuel? —He asked without looking up from the papers.

—The crown prince wants to see you, he sent a carriage and some escorts. —He answered respectfully.

—What else did he say? —I put the papers aside

—Let him show up as quickly as possible. —He responded with his gaze down, it was obvious that the Duke was a sinister person in his opinion.

-You can go. - he ordered him

Calixto stayed in the office for a moment organizing the papers into different groups, he put away all the important documents and left his study; closing the room door with magic.


Crown Prince Alfred's castle

Calixto entered a large spacious garden, with beautiful decorations worthy of royalty, plus the beautiful sunset added beauty to the place, walking through said place he looked strange and out of place.

Dressed in a sleek black suit that contrasted with his bright red hair as red as fresh blood.

Seeing the luxurious garden that was familiar to him, Calixto felt strange when he remembered that it looked like Princess Regina's, it was in a similar place that the strange curse was placed on him.

Manzanos, like the previous time, wondered if the royal family had a special taste for apples or was he just overthinking.

"Calixto, it's about time, take a seat," Alfred indicated with a hand while he smiled.

-Do you like something? —Alfred asked, pouring himself a cup of tea.

-No, thanks. —He answered as he sat and saw the prince's dogs running and barking towards them, two dogs about half a meter tall, more like wolves than dogs.

"Here are my little ones," he spoke to them with affection in his voice; while he caressed his pets who had nothing when they were little.

Calixto watched the scene, but he had to interrupt it.

—That he was offered crown prince? —Calixto asked him while he looked around, in the distance he could see the crown prince's other pets; It seemed like the prince loved animals.

"How direct," he smiled egnimatically and continued, "but let's get to the point, did you manage to find out anything about what I asked of you?" —While he patted one of the dogs on the head.

"Yes," he answered simply with a serious face, ignoring the pets.

"I'll listen to you then," I urge.

—The Red Sky kingdom to the north of the Celestial kingdom was making some suspicious movements, such as excessive purchases of weapons and magical and technological devices, they were also communicating with other kingdoms among other things.

Calixto expressed with some confusion, he had no idea why Prince Alfred would be interested in this kind of thing; It was just a small kingdom after all.

Alfred had also gone to war but had to return a couple of months before victory due to problems in the Celestial kingdom and ordered Calixto to investigate the small kingdom to the north.

Although it was not a kingdom as such; It was simply an association of clans, in which some of the most powerful clans of beastmen lived; That was why it was a smaller "kingdom" than usual.

Alfred remained thoughtful with a serious face.

—Suspicious, usually they wouldn't buy weapons, much less magical devices.

"The true objective of that is still unknown," Calixto added honestly.

—Okay, I'll send my men to investigate now. —He says with his gaze lost on the horizon.

—If that's all I'm leaving.

"Before you leave," he smiled enigmatically, "on the day of my brother's celebration there will be a surprise for you."

End of chapter 22

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