
Sand Phantom Lily!

The White Berets ran away after hearing Gohan's words. "What have you done!.... Now you guys have to face the wrath of God Enel," said Pagaya in despair. The Straw Hats didn't seem to care about that as they got back to the things they were doing.

Gohan looked at Pagaya with a smile, but before he could say anything, Nami returned. "Everyone! There are some people who want to kill us, and they work for some God," said Nami. Then she told them about what she saw on the Upper Yard.

"Interesting.. I wonder if my blades can cut a god or not," said Zoro in anticipation. "Yosh! Let's kick their ass," shouted Luffy. "Actually... you are not going to fight this time, captain," said Gohan.

"What? But I want to kick that God's ass," complained Luffy. "No! You have a more important work to do," said Gohan with a mysterious smile. "What kind of important work?" Asked Nami, as she didn't believe that Luffy was able to do anything important other than fighting.

Gohan looked towards Sanji and asked, "Do we have some fruits on the ship?" Sanji looked confused by the question, but he replied, "Yes, we have." "Then give a basket of fruits to Luffy," said Gohan.

This made everyone more confused. "What do you want to do? If you want him to eat while we fight, then a basket of fruits is not enough," said Sanji. "It's not for him to eat. I want to test a theory about Devil fruits," said Gohan.

"What kind of theory?" Asked Robin with intrigue. "I think that this Enel guy is a Devil Fruit user. So when one of you defeats him, I want to check if the Devil Fruit respawns in a random place or in the nearest fruit," said Gohan with a smile.

Everyone got surprised by this theory. "This is too important! If the World Government finds out about this, then..." said Robin but didn't finish her sentence as everyone knew what would happen when the World Government got wind of it.

"That's why I want to try it here, as there's no chance of the news getting out from here," said Gohan. He then turned towards Luffy and said, "You better not eat those fruits, or you will be served the same amount of food as Robin for a whole week," said Gohan with a smile.

The Straw Hats were shocked by this. "But Robin eats the least amount of food compared to everyone else in the crew," said Chopper with a shocked face. "What? No way! I will die!!!" Shouted Luffy in panic.

"But why does it have to be Luffy? Isn't it better if someone else keeps it?" Asked Zoro. "No! It has to be him because he is the luckiest person in the world," said Gohan, while everyone else was taken aback by this.

"How are you so sure that he is the luckiest one?" Asked Vivi, as she felt that what Gohan said was not logical at all. Gohan smiled and said with confidence, "That's because he has me as his crewmate. You cannot get any luckier than that," he said and thought 'Also, his grandfather is a big shot, his father is a big shot, both of his brothers are successors of the big shots, and even his mentor is a big shot.'

Everyone's face started twitching, and they had the urge to beat him down. "Then who's going to fight him?" Asked Usopp. "Zoro will decide that, you, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and...?? Shit!!!" Gohan remembered something when he looked towards Vivi.

"What happened?" Asked Vivi in confusion. Everyone else also looked towards him in confusion. "We forgot to decide a name for her. Her disguise will be useless if we keep calling her by her original name," Gohan said in frustration.

He looked at everyone and asked, "Nobody has called her by her name in public, right?" "I think so," replied Nami. "Ok! Let's decide a name for her. Do you have any suggestions?" He asked looking towards Vivi.

Vivi nodded and said, "How about Lily?" "That's a great name, Lily-san~" said Sanji. Everyone except Zoro and Gohan liked that name. "But is it suitable for a person with an outfit like that?" Asked Zoro. "You are right; we have to add a moniker. How about Sand Phantom Lily?" Suggested Gohan.

"That's such a cool name!" Said Nami. "So cool!! Gohan! Me too. I want a cool name too," said Chopper in excitement. Gohan looked at Chopper and started thinking, "Hm... How about Gentle Beast Tony Tony Chopper?" He asked.

"Ohh! You are quite good at this," commented Sanji, while Chopper was over the moon as he loved Gohan's suggestion. "Don't forget to announce your name with the moniker before Marines if you want it to be on your wanted posters," Gohan reminded them.

"Now, let's continue with the planning. Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, and Lily will do the fighting. Luffy will also go with you guys. Chopper! Lily! I want you two to have a one-on-one battle against the priests. Zoro will choose your opponents," said Gohan, while Chopper and Lily nodded their heads with a serious expression.

"Zoro! You will decide the opponents for everyone, including yourself. But remember one thing, our goal is to defeat that God and his followers. Don't fight the locals; if they attack you, just knock them out," said Gohan. "Wait! Why do we have to follow this moss-head's orders?" Shouted Sanji, feeling indignant.

"Because he is the vice-captain," said Gohan. "Now that you said it, he should be the vice-captain. After all, he is the first-mate," said Nami with the look of realization. Even Sanji stopped protesting after hearing that.

"What are you guys going to do?" Asked Zoro. "Me, Robin, and Cricket-san are going to search for the City of Gold," replied Gohan with a smile. Nami's eyes started to shine after hearing that. "You better find my City of Gold," she said. Everyone sweatdropped and thought 'your City of Gold?'.

"But before we go, we have to take Conis and her father to a safe place or that God might try to hurt them," said Gohan. "You guys don't have to worry about them. I will protect them," said Gan Fall as he came flying towards them on Pierre.

Gan Fall landed on the clouds and asked, "But are you guys confident that you can defeat Enel?" Gohan smiled and replied, "He is just a person with a Devil Fruit ability. My friends can defeat him with no problems."

Gan Fall was shocked by his reply. "In that case, the people of the Sky Island will forever be grateful to you guys,"

he said. But then they felt something and looked up. "Oh? Looks like someone is mad," said Gohan.

Pagaya and Conis dropped to the floor in despair while everyone else looked towards the sky with a serious expression.

A beam of light fell toward them, but Gohan jumped up and swatted the beam away with his hand. "Be a good boy and wait for my friends. They are coming for you and your people. If you are afraid, you can run away too," said Gohan while looking towards the direction where he felt Enel's presence.

"You want to hunt an almighty God! Then come, I will show you guys the real power of a God," said Enel with a confident smile.