

A man named Alex is from work and walking home and when he saw a truck that speeding and he saw a little boy that was about to hit by the truck he rapidly run to the boy when he arrive he pushed the aside the road a he saw the truck already next to him he feels like the whole world slow down and he hit by a truck but did not stop the truck get out the way there and alex saw his soul leaving his body....and instantly he saw darkness only darkness and then some one talk

God: hello young one you died and i will reincarnate you whereever you want with your memories intact and also give you 3 wishes bacause you saved the little boy that his fate is to make the world a better place now make your wish cause im a very busy man.

Alex: ah waiit?!! what? ohh ok sorry theres so many in formation i need to digest.

God:dont worry you dont have a body so you dont need to digest anything.

Alex:ohh ok then then iwant to reincarnate in naruto world and iwant to my face like orochimaru and everything the same but i dont want be reicarnated as him.

Alex:ok my 1st wish is to all affinity or energy's in omniverse.

my 2nd wish is that i can make anything and everything like a time chamber and.

my 3rd wish is to have rapid rapid growth i mean everytime i practice 100x the result when im training

God:ok and ill give you a gift when you see it you will like it.

Alex:can i have a request?

God:ok what is it?

Alex: i want tobe there when naruto is already attending the academy.

God:ok now bye(God said with a lazy voice).

Alex:where should i exit here?(asked alex confused).

God waved his hand a portal apeared

God:go inside and you'll apear in front of konohas entrance gate.


with that said he walked through the portal and get inside it when entered it he saw a very tall gate araound 20m high or so.

Alex:so this is the entrace gate of konoha ohh! right god said that he give me a gift.

when he said that something talk to his head.

(hello alex im the strongest system but you can call me ss for short and god give you a reward just say inventory and you'll see it).

Alex:ok thaks SS inventory he thought.


(infinite chakra x1

sharingan x1

1billion system points

tittle traveller).

SS:system points can buy something in store and the my function are Status,Shop, Inventory).

Alex:alrith lets enter the gate.

and he sneakily enter the gate a run towards the village when he arrive he started to get hungry.

when he is walking he saw naruto walking inside a store and eating ichiraku ramen

Alex:I should eat too

when he ordered his food he's watching naruto eat his food he enjoyed watching


next day he goes to forest of death and he created his own kage bunshin jutsu but the difference is that his kage bunshin dont have a side effects and his clone can explode and dont need 1 hit to disappear alex can make it stay there forever and dont disappear all he need to do is to control it like any other and he practice his chakra control he can now make a jutsu that didn't need hand sign.

Its been 1 year since he apear in naruto world.

Alex:so its time its time orochimaru to kill 3rd hokage.

he walked outside the forest of death and ooh I didn't said alex dont need to go outside to buy his food cause he can make anything with thin air.before he could walked out he created a sword its like ichigo's sword he made it indestructible and very very sharp it can slice even slice a diamond like a hot knife cut a butter.

Alex:SS buy all the stages of sharingan and buy me a eternal mangekyo sharingan.

SS:stimated price 334.mill do you still want to buy it?

Alex:ok buy it ohh and me ten tail and make a fox like kurama but have 10 tails.