
Reincarnated as Lee In Walking Dead Game!

This Story is about a 19 years old boy who died by getting shot because..... Well after his death he goes to hell where is finds...... All Right as first 2 lines you can already decode my message, but those numbskulls who couldn't what i'm trying to say is that read and know about it Synopsis is as follows Lee everett after getting Life Imprisonment for Killing a Senator who slept with his life getting out of the court to get to the jail but died due to heart attack Which wasn't accidental as a devil did a favor for his friend and now this guy is gonna live as a lee everett. He is gonna change his fate of dying and gonna survive till the end. . . . . . I don't Own the Cover Pic for this Novel I don't Own Walking dead series

Asura_7uh · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 2 : Walker's




'Well guess my journey begin from here'

'Man, Looking at this old man, If he didn't have that long chin I wouldn't even believe he Is the same as one In the game'

As soon as I sat In the car I fastened my seatbelts, after looking at the old man, I looked In the mirror Infront and yeah, changes which I wanted are there, I look way young than original lee also got a little more hair on this head, while looking at mirror I noticed that my eyes color Is blue which change i didn't ask for.

Did brother did this change on his own?

But Blue eyes really do look great on Lee

"Well, I reckon you didn't do it then"

While I was looking at the changes In me my soon to be dead old man spoke up

'Well i did expect him to talk but doesn't he looks at lee's sad eyes and comes to that conclusion, maybe he actually studied lee's case . . . . . or just following the script.'

"Y'know, I've driven a buncha' fellas down to this prison, Lord knows how many, Usually is 'bout now I get the 'I didn't do it.'"

My talk with this old man kept on for a while a also talked with to have his attention towards me, I wanted to get out of this car and normally the way for that would be simple but for me I have to get a near death experience for that, I wouldn't have done it if this would've been the only experience of this danger, but this world is filled with danger's so I better get used to it

And after trying my best to keep his attention to me, I can see that walker who is pretty far for anyone to notice, if I were In my old body I couldn't have noticed him, In this body I can see pretty far, Man even if you would've given Ufotable or A-1 Pictures to do this job nothing would make it more horrifying than the one I'm seeing, I started to have second thoughts about these accident Afterall this accident is gonna get me near these things more, No I'm gonna change, I won't get scared of these monsters, Survival is all I'm gonna think about.

We got closer to that walker I prepared myself for this accident

It happened the way It did in the original except I wasn't panicking instead I tried to save myself from any shock which gonna get me unconscious because of the seatbelts I was stationed on my seat perfectly the this old man wasn't , with those shock he got half out of the window and got stuck there

I on the other hand didn't have much damage only a glass got stuck in my palm which I removed right away, old man got out of the car and there was a walker getting towards him

"Hey!, Behind You"

I screamed at him which with my both hands towards the walker as soon as he saw that he panicked even more and turn to his shotgun in the front seat

"Stay where you are or I Will Shoot You, I Mean It!"

Old man with gun pointing towards a walker started threatening him, I removed my seatbelts which got me on right side of the car, I was unsure about what to do about this situation, Originally I was supposed to be fainted for a while, till this old man dies but he is alive right now should I save?, Can I save him?

"Hey old man, throw the keys of these handcuffs towards me, I will help you, quick"

I thought it through in so less time in which old man shoot a walker in front of him but now there are three more getting towards him, after listening to me he didn't even think twice and threw the keys towards me which fell on front seat

I dragged myself the front seat and reached the keys, and started unlocking these handcuffs which I failed once and dropped the keys under the seat

While I was trying to get the keys from underneath of the seat i could hear that officer's scream i uncuffed myself and put it in my pocket, I noticed a Expandable Baton which was quite small i reached it and extended it, which made me notice that it's a stun baton which has triple stun technology i tried reaching the window from which officer found his way out of the car while getting out of the car i saw officer's radio i quickly shoved it in my other pocket and ran towards officer 

He was being eaten by three walkers when i get there i picked up the shotgun which was near the car and there was only 1 bullet which loaded in and looked at the those three walker who were chewing on officer's flesh , I really thought that i could him

Without wasting anymore time started running towards the wooden wall which i spotted and knew who I'm gonna meet soon

While on the way some walker's started noticing me and trailing me 

Suddenly one walker came behind of a tree which was right Infront of me

I felt terrified to see him, It felt even scarier than being on a gun point 

I slowed down and started taking some steps backwards, But I forgot that i was being chased by walker's from the second I saw the walker Infront of me

I looked behind and saw that there were 9 walker's coming towards me 

I stopped taking backward steps and turn towards that single walker

I pulled the shotgun towards him and aimed at his head 

As soon as I pulled the trigger recoil of this gun showed it's effects and my flown behind me and hit a walker In the head who was right behind me

I looked Infront and saw that i shot that walker in the head perfectly as his head was half gone 

I ran towards the wooden wall Infront of me

Strangely as i was running fron the start i felt like i was getting faster and I wasn't breathing hard with all this running anymore as 

I reached the wall and jumped to held the upper edge of it and pulled myself in the backyard of the house and landed perfectly

I didn't hear anything else after that I take peek by hanging on the wooden wall but couldn't see anything except for some walkers who were chasing me

I wanted to know who does firing in the original since I remember when lee get's here walkers who were chasing him get's distracted towards firing somewhere but that didn't happen this time

Maybe because I was supposed to be unconscious in the car and they may've not gotten here

Whatever I started looking around as I felt quite Nostalgic after I saw the Tree House, That's where Clementine is supposed to be hiding right now and inside the House is Her babysitter which is a walker

I didn't get near tree house and went straight get in the House took out the baton and extended it to its maximum limit which extended to the height of a baseball bat 

I prepared myself to take care of this walker 

I would've just called Clementine down from the tree house and took her out of here with me but I want to fight a walker face to face to get used to these creatures, Afterall this whole life of mine is gonna be around them and I might die real soon because of them I plan on fighting to the point that I wouldn't feel terrified by them

I Slid the slide glass door and took my stance with baton in my right hand








(A/N : Alright So here I'm gonna ask you guys a really important question since I'm messing with this story, I plan on making clementine 18+ for obvious reasons if you see the tags I added on this fanfic, so tell me what do you think about clementine being 18+ cutie?)



