
Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

A God and A Devil were about to die, both the strongest beings in their world. And, in a string of fate or perhaps being played by destiny, they reincarnated into the same person- but this time, they are not in control. This is a story about a man chosen to be both God and The Devil, Viel. Please be advised: Tackles about racism, sociopathy, pseudo-religions, and some other mature factors in our society. Please do know that this is a work of fiction, any similarities, if any, is purely coincidental. I have made a patreon page with illustrations on them, please do follow if you want to- patreon.com/Romeru

Romeru · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
252 Chs

Chapter 202: Viel the Playboy


"T… there's a monster!"

"Did a dungeon open nearby!?"


"Where are the guards!? Please, help!"

The night seemed even darker than it should be as people were running in panic in all directions. People were pushing each other down and not even caring that they were already stepping on someone.

There were children crying, asking for help, and yet no one noticed them as the people were busy saving themselves.

But then, as they saw someone with a large axe approaching from the distance, their steps instantly stopped. A smile started to creep on their face as the one holding the axe, a woman with long silver hair, was approaching them.

"Isn't that… Lady Cortana!?"

"We… we're safe!"

"The Hero of Freiden has returned!"

The people started cheering, their previous shouts of despair turning into cheers.

"N… no! Run… the monster… it's her!"


"She's the one killing people!"