
Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

A God and A Devil were about to die, both the strongest beings in their world. And, in a string of fate or perhaps being played by destiny, they reincarnated into the same person- but this time, they are not in control. This is a story about a man chosen to be both God and The Devil, Viel. Please be advised: Tackles about racism, sociopathy, pseudo-religions, and some other mature factors in our society. Please do know that this is a work of fiction, any similarities, if any, is purely coincidental. I have made a patreon page with illustrations on them, please do follow if you want to- patreon.com/Romeru

Romeru · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
252 Chs

Chapter 145: Side Story - November Special


"Do you know about the story of the Headless Bearded Man?"

"Eeh… how would you know if he has a beard if he's headless?"

"S-shut up, Viel! The story has not even started yet!"

Emi and the others were currently inside the Adventurer's guild. It was dark, and the candle that Emi was holding was their only source of light.

Numerous adventurers were there, listening to Emi's story. Some of the muscular ones were even holding each other's hand as they listened to one of Emi's scary stories.

"It all started when Burgerstatter was still being built. During the days of our ancestors, they worked day and night just to build walls.

But did you know that at this very building that we are standing in,… a worker died?"

Loud gasps could be heard from the adventurers as they felt something crawling down their spine.