
Reincarnated as Ancestor of a Great Clan

--Note: 4 to 8 chapters/per week will all be released on Sunday at once -- In the vast and mystical realm of the Cultivation World, on the Southern Divine Continent, the Great Li Clan stands as a powerful force, known for its history and lineage of formidable cultivators. At the helm of the clan is one of its ancestors, Li Tian, a stoic and dedicated cultivator who has recently achieved the coveted realm of the Half Immortal stage. Li Tian's ascension, however, brings about unexpected changes; he can now remember his past life as a person born on earth. married to two remarkable women, Lin Hua and Chen Lian. Because of this, his own life dynamically changes as he, a cold person, now comes to understand the value of relationships. He becomes an indomitable force, surpassing all limits and emerging as an overpowering presence within the cultivation world. This enthralling tale unfolds amidst the backdrop of the Cultivation World -overpowered. checked -R18. checked -Cultivation world. checked -Action. checked

Drake_20043257 · Fantasia
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: Start of the Battle


Within the Silent Shadow Sect's negotiation chamber, Elder Zhang, a seasoned cultivator, orchestrated proceedings with a shrewd understanding of strategy. "Our sect faces a challenge that demands unity," he asserted.

"Negotiate with the Silver Mist Sect and the Starlight Sovereign Sect to form a formidable alliance. The terms should reflect our shared goal of safeguarding against the Li Clan's ascent."

Negotiator Li posed questions about concessions and disclosure, to which Elder Zhang responded, "Negotiation is a delicate art. We reveal enough to secure trust without compromising our core strengths. We seek a mutually beneficial agreement that fortifies our collective defenses."


In the Silver Mist Sect's negotiation room, Mistress Lian, a strategic leader, steered discussions that would shape her sect's destiny in turbulent times.

"We must negotiate from a position of strength," she emphasized. "The Silent Shadow Sect proposes an alliance, but we must ensure our interests are protected. Negotiate the terms carefully, and remember, trust is a rare commodity in these realms."

Negotiator Wu raised the idea of sharing techniques or resources, prompting Mistress Lian's caution. "Our strengths are our own, and we must be cautious. Negotiate with a keen understanding of what we stand to gain and what we stand to lose."


Simultaneously, in the Starlight Sovereign Sect's negotiation hall, Grandmaster Sun, a master strategist, led discussions toward a collective understanding. "Negotiation requires foresight," he advised. "We seek a united front, not subjugation. Convey our terms clearly but leave room for cooperation."

In the aftermath of cementing their alliance, the Silent Shadow Sect, Silver Mist Sect, and Starlight Sovereign Sect faced a pressing decision—how to counter the escalating influence of the Li Clan. As the Li Clan's ascent continued, the leaders gathered to discuss a strategy that would demonstrate the strength of their newly formed alliance.

Elder Zhang, a seasoned strategist, took the lead in the Silent Shadow Sect's war room, seated in front of a communication artifact.

"The era of caution has passed," he declared. "The Li Clan's power is on the rise, and it's time we make a statement. I propose a coordinated attack on the Li Clan's stronghold—a decisive move that showcases our alliance's unwavering resolve."

Mistress Lian, in the strategic heart of the Silver Mist Sect, in front of a similar communication artifact, expressed her support for the offensive. "Unchecked, the Li Clan's consolidation of power poses a threat to us all. Our strategies are in place, and a synchronized strike will exploit their vulnerabilities. The success of our alliance depends on our ability to act decisively in the face of this growing threat."

In confirmation, Grandmaster Sun of the Starlight Sovereign Sect added his strategic insight in front of similar artifacts. "The Li Clan needs to understand that our unity is not just symbolic. A coordinated strike sends a clear message that challenges to the balance of power will be met with collective strength. Ready our forces, and let our actions resonate louder than any words."

Unified in purpose, the leaders committed to the audacious plan. The war drums of the three sects reverberated in harmony, signaling their combined might converging on the Li Clan's stronghold. As the cultivation world braced for the impending clash, the resolve of the alliance set the stage for a confrontation that would reverberate across the Southern Divine Continent.

The air crackled with tension as the alliance of the Silent Shadow Sect, Silver Mist Sect, and Starlight Sovereign Sect prepared to unleash their coordinated assault upon the Li Clan's stronghold.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a foreboding glow over the battlefield where destinies would be decided.

Elder Zhang, standing at the forefront, raised his sword high, and the collective breath of the alliance seemed to pause.

Mistress Lian, a beacon of strategic brilliance, commanded her sect with elegant precision, orchestrating maneuvers that would exploit the Li Clan's vulnerabilities.

Grandmaster Sun, the stoic leader of the Starlight Sovereign Sect, surveyed the battleground with a measured gaze, ready to fortify defenses and guide his disciples.

Then, as if prompted by an unspoken signal, the alliance surged forward in unison, with the clash of weapons and the eruption of spells marking the commencement of a battle.

The battlefield, once a serene expanse belonging to the Li Clan, transformed into a chaotic region as the alliance of the Silent Shadow Sect, Silver Mist Sect, and Starlight Sovereign Sect descended upon the Li Clan's stronghold.

The clash unfolded as a display of martial prowess and cultivation energies, with each strike from those cultivators' sending shockwaves through the air in the form of their Qi force.

The confrontation unfolded with a breathtaking display of martial prowess and the unleashed power of cultivation energies. Each strike from these seasoned cultivators reverberated through the air, creating shockwaves that distorted the very fabric of the surroundings. The clash wasn't just a physical exchange but a visceral manifestation of their mastery over the Qi force, as if the elements themselves were bending to the will of these formidable cultivators. The intensity of their confrontation painted a vivid picture of the profound strength and skill present in the cultivation world.


Elder Zhang, his robes billowing in the wind, led the vanguard with a ferocity that matched the unleashed tempest.

Mistress Lian, the strategic maestro, wove through the chaos with a grace that belied the deadly precision of her maneuvers. The Silver Mist Sect's disciples moved like phantoms, their forms disappearing and reappearing within the ethereal mist that cloaked the battlefield. Spells erupted in vibrant bursts of color, painting the sky with an otherworldly display of elemental power.

Grandmaster Sun, the embodiment of steadfast defense, stood at the heart of the Starlight Sovereign Sect's formation. His disciples formed an unyielding barrier; their movements synchronized with the ebb and flow of the battle. Starlight cascaded from their spells, creating an almost celestial aura that clashed with the darkness that emanated from the beleaguered Li Clan defenders.

Amidst the chaos, the Li Clan fought desperately to defend their ancestral grounds. The clash of weapons, the roars of cultivators, and the crackling of spells created a cacophony that reverberated through the mountains.