

Axel, a man. a thing. a... well, he doesn't know what he is. wakes up inside an egg with a system window in his face asking him to select a pokemon. Not even knowing where to start he is caught off guard when the window changes, and a big red random button appears. thankful, he smashes it like your sister. and ends up as a Gible. Luckily for him he's out of the woods and meet his trainer after hatching. Disclaimer: This is a little side project of of mine and update are irregular! I don't own anything but the oc. cover pic is not mine either so you if you are the creator and wish me to remove it, let me know. thanks.

McTripp · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Training with Cynthia.

It had been a week since I'd hatched and I'd finally grown out of the baby stage of me life so that was good and all that.

Cynthia had "caught" me in a ball of some description and I can't say much about as I'm put into a stasis like state as soon as I enter it, and that parts not cool.

But hey what can I do right? it comes with the job, not that I was hired or payed nuffin, now I don't wanna sound like I'm complaining, I mean the foods great the beds great the cuddles great our interactions also great, but if there's one thing that gets me is the training.

Like I know I just came out of the baby stage and pokemon can't do shit when they are that young but still. Even now, like 3/4 days after we still haven't done no training...

I wanna smash some shit. And I know it's not like how I used to be before I got here. infact I got no clue how I used to be before I got here, but I feel it and I know it in me soul that I was a kind lad.. it musta been all like rainbows an buttafly on the other side.

And now I am just the raging inferno of pride and passion for blood lust I am the dragon! my teeth fuken itch blood.

And now finally, finally the day that I've been waiting for.... I'm in the training yard with Cyn and she is making me use tackle! bloody tackle i tell ya!

"Gible use Tackle!"

I deadpan her.

"huh? what's wrong Gible? you dragged me out of bed and now you don't want to use your move?"

"Gible GibGible!" 'fuk no give me better command then that!'

"oh... so you don't like tackle?" Cyn asks me and i shake my headbody. "well, show me what you got then!"

"Gible!" ' Finally a request I can deal with.'

turning towards the training post I fuken RAGE! I mean Outrage!

I. "Rawr!" As I used the move and my power explodes as a Red Aura enshrouds my body, the surface rippling and twisting as my eyes turn red and I rush forward and beat the training post like it stole my rare candy bar, I continue til I'm out of stamina and am left huffing at the posts base with negligible damage done to it.

Looking at the training post I feel resentment at the fact that after all that I barely put a few scratches on it.

Then a pair of arms embrace me from behind, it's Cynthia ofcause. "Was that the move Outrage? she asks me and I just nod while letting out a grumbling. "Gible."

"And your frustrated because it didn't do as much as hoped?" She continued.

Nodding I replied. "Gible."

"Well if it counts I thought you where very cool." She said smiling at me as she spun me around to face her and gave me a tight hug.

"Gible GibGible." 'Yeah yeah I know I'm cool but that doesn't mean you get to take advantage of me!' I said while wiggling to escape her grasp.

After I succeeded in escaping because there's no way she let me after she was done... nope nahda.

Anyway I charged up my next move which took me a bit but before long the aura began to surround me again and I shot off like a bullet.. a very slow bullet, and smashed into the training post full frontal!


The collision made my head shake but the training post barely moved at all! before I could get to frustrated I heard Cynthia cheering and clapping behind me. "Good job Gible, why don't you try out the next move!"

Nodding my headbody I started to use my last egg move but an idea hit me and I stopped then start to use Sand Tomb, after the move was formed around the post which was basically just a small compact sandstorm, I used Ancient Power and threw the ball of redish white spinning energy at the post making all the surrounding rocks, sand and dirt get suck towards the training post at high speed, soon bits of earth began to be lifted but the energy within the ball ran out making them fall back into place, still the damage with done and Cynthia didn't seem too fussed about it, on the contrary she was quite happy and seized me in another death grip trying to hug the life out of me poor little body.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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