

After a few minutes after lining up at the end of the long line, it was finally our turn.

"Identification, please." The guard asked as he walked towards the back of our wagon and held his hand out.

Everyone handed their IDs to the guard and checked through them. When he checked the old man's Id, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

"Uh, umm! Are you perhaps the one known as 'The Black Peacemonger?' THE, Peacemonger?" The guard said and the people behind us began making noise.

B-black Peacemonger?

"Oh, I don't go by that anymore. I'm retired." The old man said as he stroked his beard.

"I-it's an honor to meet you!" The guard shouted as he saluted.

I turned towards the old man and he chuckled.

"No need to salute me."

"No sir, it would be disrespectful to not greet one of the seven heroes of Europa."

One of the seven heroes?

"You're a hero?!" I asked the old man and he shrugged with an "I don't know…" face.

While I was bewildered by this fact, the people from the line began to approach us.

"Peacemonger? The Black Peacemonger?"

"Is that true? That wagon up ahead is occupied by The Black Peacemonger?"

"The Black Peacemonger? The one that single-handedly annihilated the seventh demon army which brought the end of the war?"

"Incredible, I want to meet him in person!"

What the hell? Everyone is getting closer and closer.

"Old man, you just had to attract attention, didn't you?"

"It's not really my fault you know."

Damn, why wasn't I told of this? Stupid old man just doesn't want to say anything, huh?

"Anyway, can we go through before this becomes a huge commotion? Or should I say get bigger?" The old man requested.

"Yes, sorry about that. Please, do go through. The rest of you are also allowed. It was an honor to meet you, sir."

We eventually got past the gates. The guards at the entrance waved at us, probably trying to get the old man's attention.

"Black Peacemonger?" I looked at the old man and he scratched his cheek.

"I will tell you more when we get to where we need to be."

Albion had a pretty landscape. It was almost modern too. The buildings and the roads were paved with stone and concrete. It was almost like a European landscape. It was even busy, like any other common street.

Along the way, we had to get off the wagon as the merchants had arrived at where they needed to be. The merchant guild, a place where merchants trade goods, buy goods, all that kind of stuff.

I was helping them get their stuff off the wagon just out of kindness and Abigail from before approached me. This time she was accompanied by two girls. If I recall, they are her sisters, but I haven't really talked with them yet since we were in different wagons.

"Thank you for helping us unload Mr. Pharaoh."

"Please, there is no need for formalities, just call me Yamato."

"Yamato… alright. Let me introduce my sisters. This is Anna and Amelia."

Anna and Amelia had the same orange hair as Abigail. And if you would put it in that term, they would be triplets. Though Anna and Amelia didn't have heterochromia. Amelia had yellow eyes and Anna had blue eyes. From oldest to youngest, it would be Amelia, Abigail, and Anna. Hmm, I just realized they all have names starting with A.

"Mm-hmm, I can see why Abigail was so desperate to sit in the same wagon as you." Amelia said as she inspected me from head to toe. "Don't you think so as well Anna?"

Anna didn't say anything but she nodded. Maybe she's a quiet kind of girl.

"A-Amelia! Don't say that." Abigail said as she lightly punched Amelia on the shoulder.

Eventually, the stuff on the wagon was unloaded. The leader of the group who turns out to be the three sisters' dad, paid me some coins in return. I counted 50 of them but I didn't know what they were worth since money from another world would be different from money in my world. The coins had a jagged cross on one side and I think an eagle on the other.

I waved goodbye to the group as I left the merchant guild. The old man was just across the street, sitting on a bench near a fountain feeding Shikkoku some bread.

"Alright old man, let's get going."

The old man's grandson lives near the middle of the capital since that was where the castle was. He managed to set up his shop in the wealthy district. If I recall, he specializes in making clothes and from what I heard from the old man, he can also make armored clothes as well. A tailor and armor shop, I think I'll have to get myself a battle suit. I can't fight in a tunic and trousers with worn-out boots all day you know.

While we were on our way there, I asked the old man, "So old man, how about you tell me about the seven heroes?"

The old man looked at me and sighed.

"Alright, I'll tell you."

The old man cleared his throat and began.

"It began about 80 years ago."

80 years ago?

"Wait, hold on, how old are you again?"

"Hmm? I'm 87."

"Oh ok. Wait, 87?"

"Mm-hmm. It began when I was 7. Anyway, it began 80 years ago."

I think I'll just sum it up.

It began 80 years ago when the demon land attacked. The demon land has 7 armies, each representing one of the seven deadly sins. Pretty convenient.

The war between the surface and the underworld broke loose, plunging the entire continent into chaos. This went on for 10 years until six heroes rose up to fight the demon army. The six took care of the first six armies. The six first armies being Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, and Envy, leaving Pride as the last army.

However, even with the combined forces of the six heroes, they were unable to take on Pride as it was the strongest and largest army out of the seven. The heroes were only able to hold back the army but weren't able to prevent the destruction of several countries.

That was until the old man interfered and turned the tide.

He was only 17 but his actions in the war were enough to make him the most dangerous hero out of the seven.

"Wait a minute, if you were able to take on such a powerful army, how was it that I defeated you?"

"Hmm, maybe of old age."

"You held back, didn't you?"

"Hmm, maybe."

"By how much?"

"I didn't even draw a percent of my power out."

"That's how strong you are old man?"


He was definitely holding back when he gave me the last test. I struggled against an old man who didn't even bring one percent of his power.

Anyway, at first, people didn't seem to like the old man since he was from a family of peasants. But that family of peasants was actually the bloodline of ancient warriors, which were destined to find the chosen one. Which is what he said but I don't really believe that?

With the help of the old man who took on the alias of Black Peacemonger, he demolished Pride without breaking a sweat. After that, he was praised as one of the seven heroes.

After the war, the damage that the demon army had caused was almost irreplaceable, but luckily with the help of one of the seven heroes, everything was almost replaced within two years. Worried that the demon army will attack again, that hero cast a powerful protection spell and then sealed himself to prevent anyway from breaking it. The protection spell he cast can only be broken if the caster is brought to a weakened state.

The thing is, no one knows where he sealed himself in. That information is only kept to the seven heroes. The old man, being one of them, didn't provide me with the location. Well, it would make sense. If that information got into the wrong hands, then who knows what evil stuff they would do.

We eventually got to the central plaza in the wealthy district. People were walking by us, wearing clothes that definitely made them stand out. So many colors and so formal too. They were giving us weird looks as we walked by. Well, that is expected since I'm wearing old clothes and the old man looks like some old hobo or they were just afraid of Shikkoku.

"We have arrived," The old man said as he stopped in front of a large shop. There was a window display with a mannequin wearing a tuxedo. I looked up at the sign and it read "Monger's Boutique". Yep, this is a tailor alright.

We walked inside the tailor. There was a woman at the counter who seemed to be talking to a tall man dressed in a black suit. I looked around the shop and the whole place was filled with formal clothes. I went to the section of "armored clothes." The armored clothes literally formal clothes. I didn't really believe the sign until I picked one up. Sure enough, it weighed a little bit with my strength it felt like nothing. I did feel something hard in the clothing, though. Maybe it is armored.

"Nero," I heard the old man say behind me and I turned around. Then the man at the counter turned his head around and faced us.

"Grandpa! You made it," Nero walked up to the old man and gave him a hug. The old man returned the hug.

"Nero, I like to introduce you to Yamato," The old man turned towards me and I bowed to Nero. I don't really know how formal greetings work in this world, so a bow is the best I can do.

"Yamato huh? I've heard a lot about you from grandpa, though he described you differently," Nero walked up to me with his hand out.

"Oh, really? Well, I wasn't aware of that," I took his hand and shook it.


"Whoa, what is that?" Nero pointed to Shikkoku who was licking her paw.

"Oh, she's my familiar. Her name is Shikkoku. Don't worry, she won't bite unless instructed. Should I have her outside or?"

"No, no, she can stay. If she was outside, well, my customers would probably be frightened."

"Makes sense."

"Hmm, you two became friends pretty quickly," The old man said as he stroked his beard.

"Now then, grandpa, follow me, I have your room prepared. I also prepared one for you as well." He said, pointing at me.

"Oh really? Is there a bed?"

"Of course."

Finally, this will be the first time I sleep on a proper bed. We would then follow Nero upstairs.




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