
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

the fourth event

hello again peapole the fourth event is here this round will be battel of the mind on the imperial nazariths side first year rank 700 koto enoyo

on the magic knights acadamy side fourth year

rank 13 seno seon

now this mach will be magic mind resistance

both conpetitors shall stand before the mind stick

<a golden staff that attacks with mind magic Lvs

1-9 when actavated> we will start off on Lv 1

the person that lasts longer will gain 500 points

if it ends in a tie the points shall be split now mach start

Lv1 minor headache

no effect

Lv2 great headache

minor effect

Lv5 black out

both fell to knees

Lv7 deadly pain

seno riveing on floor with pain

koto dosent seem efected

Lv8 total shut down

seno half dead

koto riveing on floor with pain

Lv9 coma

seno compleatly out

koto bearly hanging on

well koto somehow managed to go through 9 rounds

the empirial nazarith wins and gains 500P

the magic knight acadamy is in seacond place with 400P

the empiral nazarith in first place with 950P

we have ricived word that her magasty queen ezray of the empire of zalo