
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

the first event

now lady and gentlemen the first event begins

this round will be enchanting

on the empirial nazariths team first year rank 56 mero slava

and on the magic knights fourth year rank 5 kereno notonati

for this round the consistence need to enchant these steel swords the blade that does the most damage to the training dumys you have one hour time begins now

"1 hour passes"

{ system show me meros sword}


name steel sword

durability 300 <+200>


razor edge

enhanced durability

supersonic vibration

auto rapier

enchanted by mero slava ]

{hmm auto repair thats a high level enchantment

sown her opponents}


name steel sword

durability 300 <+400>


greater enhanced durability

sword gods gift

lesser dragons rage

enchanted by kereno notonati]

now then begin the slashing 2 people took the swords took them to the dummys and poured mana into them meros cut the dummy almost in two but kerenos cut in in half

the winner is kereno notonati magic knights academy gains 300 points