
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

i hate that stupid hero

[DING HOST EMERGANSY] what [ i detected that ren has a systme ] how do you know this [ he tryed analaying you with a systme] so he has a systme great i hate him so much [dont worry host he didnt get eany thing since youre a higher Lv]

[host has been granted 2000 Lv jue to trule hateing someone] wow systme how much for a skill that can curse peapole [well curse magic costs 7000P do you want to buy it] yes buy it

[gaind skill curse magic skill points now at 3000P]

yes venganse (curse magic curse of bad luck) hahaha suffer suffer i say [host youre scaring me calm down] i am calm now (curse magic mana cost double) hmm that should do it [thats crule and i love it] well i hate him now [host would you like me to disrupt his systme so i can analys the hero tital] yes do it please [done displaying now]

[tital hero- a tital given to one destind to kill a deamon lord

this tital grants the holder a overwelming aura of strength disinged to put fear into all that feel it]

well thats a slightly terrifing tital but whats with the effect [well the fear effect halfs all stats and weakens skills] so its a debuff [yes] would it effect

my vitalaty and hp [no] good well systme command sommon genaral moon serpant somewhere a glowing vortex sucked in the moon serpant

now that youre here what has beacome of the forrest

well sir a few goblin tribes moved in hmm oh and that freaky fire guy showed up again but couldent get in thanks to that one time use anti human barriar the elfs had

i see verry well then {system can i give the moon serpant genaral more skills} [yes just say alter skills then touch the one you want to alter the skills for]

verry well then alter skills and then i placed my hand on her arm

[skill alter

moon magic Lv2

posion magic Lv 10 MAX

dimond scales Lv 10 MAX

dimond fangs Lv 10 MAX

human form Lv 1 MAX

add skills

anti magic Lv 6

barriar Lv 7

magic infusion Lv 1 MAX

skill alter end]

now take these skills and set up a anti fire magic barriar for humans

she said yes master and she slitherd off back into the vortex